Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 10

Oh Vanillataur, i am sorry… i sounded mean, and i didn´t intented to.
Yesterday evening i went enrage, i hope no one read the first version :see_no_evil:

This was the most polite version i was able to come up with…

This green post just made me upset.
How long did we say, that for many of us an english realm is out of question, because they never learned it…? sigh

And i know, that the language barrier is causing issues right now…

Many of us do NOT have a choice. This was the main reason we always asked back then for a german rp realm.

I know, the devs would have wished (for us) that we would stay together. :hearts:
But we knew, this would be impossible with an english RP realm…

I guess, the roleplay for germans was negativley impacted for a very long time, maybe for ever.
Some might choose Hydraxian waterlords.
Some not.
Those, who do not speak english, will have to choose between 2-3 realms - further division.
Some of this is caused by Celes history - most of us moved to Cele from another realm, and left behind friends/people they knew

I think this is one of the main reasons why the community wasn´t able to chose only one german realm now sigh


My chars will die with Celebras and won´t move… :smiling_face:

Edit: and if Trelw or someone else who has read the unchanged post:

I would like to ask for your forgiveness. :frowning:

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Allow to an RP_PVP server stay alive Blizzard, please. RPers are not only PVEers. Many had to migrate to the megaservers that occured from your choices on migrations so far. You are little-by-little destroying the fun of the game and the communities. Please stop that and allow us to enjoy the game. Keep ZT alive or make a new rp-pvp server, but PLEASE dont kill RP like that, PVP was and is a great part of it.


I read the un-censored yesterday. :heart: I felt and understod your frustration. And I answered to Trelw’s post, not yours, on purpose.
Not everybody’s able to speak English. Many from my generation and even more of the older than me would not be able to play WoW at all due to lacking English skills.

I just hope that the Role playing community will survive; all three and possibly 4 parts - I think a lot of PvP happened on Celebras.

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@Malou: No need for apology as far as I am concerned. I read (and copied to my offline file) the original. Reading it made it very clear that several ideas I tried to convey were either lost in translation or just misunderstood (or possibly misrepresented, you have to keep in mind that though I am relatively skilled, English is not my native language). Operating in a non-native language can lead to very severe misunderstandings. One of my ex-girlfriends thought I had poisoned myself even though I was actually discussing a sexual activity. In hindsight it seems a bit funny, but at the time it certainly was not. And all that just because the German dictionary I was using was rather old and used a misleading word from the past.

@Vanillataur: Thank you again. :slight_smile: Indeed, and even among those who can, the skill levels can vary wildly. Same applies to German, too. While I was living in Germany, I found out very quickly that many of the local “Platte” (dialects) are actually entirely incomprehensible. Some of my ex’s relatives did not really speak “Hochdeutsch”, which I had learned in schools in my youth. It is very, very difficult to say something, if one only understands the word “und” (and) in a couple of places in a long speech. That meant that at times my ex had “translate” her relatives from local German to a form of German I could understand. And sometimes things remained unclear even after that, which was challenging as despite my ex being a highly intelligent young lady, her foreign language skills were, to be blunt, bad. If I had not been able to speak German, we would have never become a pair.

Additionally, regarding your seven point list. I do not fully agree with some of them and due to those differences in thoughts I drew different conclusions, many of which are already parts of my previous posts.

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I laughed so hard at this. I lived in Salzgitter for a year. Every day driving mine and neighbour’s children to Kindergarten I listened to “Dit und Dat op Plat” After some months I understood :wink:


I’m curious as to which of the points you agree and disagree with.

@Vanillataur: Points 1-3 I can agree with. Or at least could, based on what I have read, points 2 and 3 are in grave danger (, which is undeniably Blizzard’s fault).

Point 4 is a bit of a question mark especially after the announced changes. In my view, it is much less split and much more simply not there at all any more. Very sad. :frowning:

Point 5 depends on how one interprets things, as strange as it may seem I can both fully agree and disagree with this one.

Point 6 I disagree with, I have not marked any German specific animosity towards a non-English language on English realms. Have you?

And then point 7 (which is listed as second 6th on the list I am using as reference)… Granted, I have not done extensive testing, but my general impression is that using any other language than French on French realms tends to lead to a strong, almost hostile at times, reaction. I would rather say that English tends to be the Lingua Franca in WoW for those people, who do not default to German, French, Spanish or Russian.

I tried to keep this fairly brief. I hope that is ok. :slight_smile:

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Fine with being short. Sorry about 6 bis :wink:
as for 4. you say what I dared not: It’s not there very much if at all.
6. It’s not German specific. It’s non-English in general. Try speaking any other language but English on an English server and be met with “Speak English or be reported” “Stop that gibberish” and even worse. Strangely this is worse Horde side.
7. I have never met direct animosity on French, German or Spanish servers (I have only very little experience on Spanish servers). I have met confusion. Long response time. Silence. People not understanding, using google translate to understand and answer :wink: It seems kind of accepted to speak English everywhere.

This would be self evident as its in rules somewhere that you have to speak English in General chat on English Realms etc.

My experience is - to repeat - that non-English people tend to be more generous toward players using English in their realm than English speakers against non-English on the English realms. The French not surprisingly in my experience being somewhat less tolerant :wink:
The intolerant ones are strangely not necessarily English of nationality - or rather most are certainly NOT of English nationality judged from the errors in their English.

Thank you very much for your kindness :smiling_face:

But my post (all versions of it) were really rude, and undeserved.
Towards you, and Blizzard :neutral_face:

I do not even know, what happened, myself.
I think, my feeling is currently really divided:
My rational part does exactly know, what happened, and why it happened.
And i know, that no one at Blizzard intented this or would wish it.

My Celebras/frustrated part has a completely contrary opinion on that :sweat_smile:

Usually I try to suppress my Celebras part at least as good as possible, but sometimes…
If i notice, that i become unfair or judging i try to edit or delete the post, but this time it was too late.
And I regret it :neutral_face:

Maybe we will meet one day in game. would be nice to meet you :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you :hearts:

Yes, we have had some RP - PVP events. It is possible to have PVP on a PVE realm - though it is not the same (i always preferred RP-PVP during retail classic, but I agreed with Blizzard 2019, that no one would have played on a german RP-PVP :sweat_smile:)

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If you two feel better:
I am native speaker, but some dialects… ugh :see_no_evil:

But i can blame my deafness/hearing impairment… at least i try :smiley:

(do not understand me wrong, i love dialects, all of them. but some are really diffictul to understand. not to mention that some words have different meanings in different parts of germany. :smiley: )

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Didn’t change much for me really, but I still appreciated the info. And it was a lot to write and I’m sure you spent quite some time on it. So yes, thank you for all your work!

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I love dialecsts as well. We have some here too (also some where I have trouble), but German dialects are tough. I was in Bayern for a three week language course many years ago! UGH! I asked an elderly man for directions, did not understand one word and had to ask a young one :wink: At the end of the course we saw the Bayerish play “Der Goggolori” by Michael Ende. When they suddenly said some lines in Latin the older among us were happy :smiley:

Corrected that last smiley. I don’t know how that “censored” one came through!

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I removed this part again… :sweat_smile:
Just in case someone is confused

Yes, i did expect that, but i hope at least some feel at least a bit better. now. :slight_smile:

[Edit was just talking about the infos i had left here for vanilataur already… wasn’t translated yet]

Bayern! :scream:

Understandable that a non native speaker has issues there :see_no_evil:


As i said, we need a latin realm… :rofl:

Edit: Corrected the smiley too. :wink:

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Germans oftentimes don’t understand each other really. They’ve just learned to deal with it somehow.

I remember well having a true Suabian family, mother, father, son in a Guild in TBCC. While their behaviour as good Suabians was absolutely within acceptable bounds, sometimes they were driving the other guild members right up the wall.

With the right amount of tolerance, we could integrate language barriers in roleplay. It might shift some of the strain every now and then and maybe help integrate those better, who are not at ease with their skills in English.

My main is Horde and will move with the guild to a PvE server. But I’m looking forward to transfer my Alliance characters to HW, should transfers become available. Obviously I’ll only be online every now and then, but we’ll see what happens.


Could we please have an update on what your intentions are for Ashbringer? There are 150 Horde players trapped there, and we would like to be able to make an informed decision based on

a/ are we getting free transfers away from Ashbringer?

b/ are we getting all the inactive players dumped on us and Razorgore?

c/ if the answer to ‘a’ is yes, when will this happen?

The complete lack of any kind of response is incredibly worrying. I know you are all very busy, but really the server transfers and making sure your shrinking player base is comfortable in new homes/existing homes really should be your primary consideration now. Once you have made choices and told us, listened to feedback, and acted on it if relevant, then you should worry about dungeon finder and all the other things.

Your customer service used to be amazing. Give us hope that can return by giving us clear informed and detailed information on exactly what the plans are for every server, not just Ashbringer.


Will the transfers to Hydraxian Waterlords open any time soon for all the other realms? I have a character I moved off to Pyrewood that I’d now like to move back with the realm sticking around but I cannot do it yet.


Yes, I know many other players with the same problem. Our Raid tank was missing this weekend because he had moved when the closing announcement came and still can’t move back.


Yeah…still waiting on this as well. It’s coming up to nearly a month since this was decided and still no news on it?


Yeah still free Character transfer OFF HW is available, but not TO HW from the PvE servers …
Please Blizz open up the free transfer TO HW - everybody that wanted off has done so by now!