Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 10

YES you can. I just transferred one of my “Test-persons” OFF HW .
Do it instead of talking rubbish here.

Where are you trying to go? FCT was and is only open to the PvE realms.

Firstly, I think you need to calm down.

Secondly, after you have just said this, I have just attempted to do the transfer. I have encountered the same issue. When transferring any character (all guildless, no mail, no arena team) from Hydraxian Waterlords, the error pops up saying “An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later”

This is the purpose for me raising a ticket to Blizzard support and the response from them is what I quoted below.

Before you snap at people, perhaps ask questions or understand the problem before you accuse me of saying things that are untrue.



I have attempted every server that is available, I will list them here: Auberdine, Everlook, Lakeshire, Mirage Raceway, Nethergarde Keep, Pyrewood Village, Razorfen, Razorgore & a russian server I cannot type.

My friends are on Pyrewood V, but i tried to move level 10-20 characters to any of the others just incase and it is the same error.

As I told you between my first and second post, I transferred Robini, Level 2 HUman Paladin totally free and with no problems OFF HW to I think MIrage Raceways.

Try disabling all addons - there has been some problems with addons hiding in-game mail. This might be your problem too.

And sorry if I snapped at you. My patience is stretched by Blizz not opening the free transfer TO HW even if they promised to do so.

PS: Russian is Хроми (Chromie)

I’ll give it a shot more from HW to Pyrewood,

Who are you in-game, then I can come and say bye - and you can roll a level one on PV and greet me there if I succeed.

Wilbadin (Human) for Ally - and Vanillahorn (Tauren) for Horde.

Robini has arrived at MR so at least for me the transfer is still open and free.

Ahaa I was found out - I think Blizz migth be reading Forums after all Now I get that same error message. Sorry indeed.

EDIT It works for me still to MR, but not to PV Strange things indeed.

I’m truly sorry I snapped at you. I have a headache, Blizz has been more thaan inane in their handling of HW (which is my home server) I even paid for transfer back there afher having left whith my giuld when the free transfer opened. Blizz have been non-communicating, sluggish and so on ever since that fatal “Consolidation” announcement.
And then you told me that what I had just done was not possible. I became rather “uncalm”
Once again sorry.

Would your friends move back, as soon as the free transfers back are available?
In that case, i would just wait…

When did you try to transfer the first time?

An “unexpected error” does not sound for me as it is intented. Usually you try to display something like “sorry, this transfer is not available” (or hide the whole transfer button).


And even stranger, that for Iloanil no realm worked, for you at least Mirage Raceway. :thinking:

Tried it, too - i was able to send a character to Mirage Raceways, but not Pyrewood Village.

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Posting again, any news on Ashbringer transfers yet?

Anything you can tell us is better than the information you have provided so far, which is exactly 0.

As they will open free transfer from all realms to HW - and should already have done this weeks ago - the free transfer off can’t remain, as ths would give anybody free transfer from wherever to any PvE realm. THis -I think - is not going to happen.

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the total lack of communication from blizzard in the eu forums is outrageous. as well as blizzard’s way of handling transfers regarding guilds and guild banks.


Mended this sentence for you :wink: The US forum is just as left in the dark.


Yes, but it becomes worse and worse…

I get the impression, the german realm consolidation thread was “hidden” some weeks after the announcement. Since then, i can not see it attached to the forum (unlike the “new realms are coming” (this hurts so much :tired_face:) thread, which is still there. if a new answer was posted, it is not in the thread list, too… ( I think i understand why ( :sweat_smile:) but, really?

And none of Kaivax updates made it in our (in the meanwhile 820 posts :flushed:) thread.

It’s worsening everywhere. US Forums too are livid with frustration over the lack of info coming from Blizz.
And yes, some of the blue posts are not pinned. You can use the “Blizz tracker” on top of the page to see them easier.

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In “our” case it is not only unpinned.
The unpinned threads nevertheless are visible in the threadlist e.g. in the TBCC board overview (newest answers, etc.).

But the german realm consolidation, i can´t find - even if a new answer was posted.

And the frustration is understandable. Almost all CM/CS gone, GM reduced AFAIK.
it is simply no longer feasible in terms of time to be as “visible” as it used to be.

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This one?: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/de/wow/t/realmzusammenlegung-für-burning-crusade-classic-am-10-august/191428
Found via Blizz Tracker - you have to be in the correct forum (The Burning Crusade Classic - Allgemeines) to see it in the tracker.

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Yes this one :slight_smile:

Yes, it is visible in the tracker… but this thread should be more visible.

There are STILL people coming back and wondering, what is going on (recently: "forced char transfers? Did i miss something??)

E.g. this one:

If you select the TBCC board, it is visible (if you scroll down) in the list

That means, you need to know there is a realm consolidation thread to find it (or use one of our links we distributed everywhere… most of us probably didn´t even notice, that the thread was unpinned :thinking: )

It´s just annoying, that the thread is “gone”/not good visible, and no updates there.

I am frustrated currently, you know… :see_no_evil:

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Hi, some of my characters are stuck on a 99:1 server (Mograine) as the minority faction - impossible to do any group activities apart from getting griefed all the time.

Any plans on providing a free transfer from onesided faction servers only for the faction in trouble?

Giving the characters that once played there when it was possible a little Dunkirk evacuation or will they be forced to rot there alone forever?

Hello Kaivax,

When can we expect a response from you or your colleagues regarding the fate of Zandalar Tribe? Will RPPvP complete cease to exist after August 10th? Please keep our server. We are happy to be on that server. Please open transfers to both factions on that server and close transfers from ZT. Thanks.


Yes Blizzard’s communication skills can only be described as atrocious.
And now the XP buff seems to have dropped, I won’t be playing TBCC until pre-patch, where Behsten and his Horde counterpart Slahtz hopefully will appear once again.

As this buff can actually be removed, I’ll play!

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please do something about other dead realms like patchwerk horde / alliance _ mandokir horde / alliance… we really need free transfers. AH is almost dead and people are just waiting for a transfer. you gave lucifron with more than 2k raid logs a free transfer. do something for us too please

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While I have largely given up at this point, I can’t believe there has not yet been another blue post (and none whatsoever in the German thread - they didn’t even translate the HW update there) about this. Just tell people from Celebras and Zandalar Tribe to give up and get moving. Just tell people from empty PVP realms whether or not they can hope to be added to the list. Just communicate, please! Is that really too much to ask? Really? After hundreds of posts?