The blue post is what you should read, and then realize you ask for something we have been promised, at least you could edit your copy-paste!
But … it’s NOT the Normal realms that are underpopulated! They are fine. It’s some of the PvP realms that need help.
Why are you dragging RP and PvE realms into this mess? STOP IT!!!
Do something for the screaming people on the PvP realms, but keep away from the RP and Normal servers!’
My sub will soon be up for renewal.
If you do not some days before my sub ends either call back the closure of the RP realms or tell us that we get a new RP realm for all RPers in EU, that’s when my sub ends.
Sadly and tearfully after 16+ years uninterrupted subscription. But enought is enough.
Since launch of Classic I have been clamouring for MORE EU English PvE realms. Now you’re even closing down what small outlet we had.
So you’ll do this for Tbc but stil ignore a 4 year old thread for tons of retail servers?
They close ALL RP server.
Blizzard: We do not allow Race or Faction Changes because of RP.
Also Blizzard: We close all RP Servers to stabilize Population and do not allow Racials in PvP.
Great decision. RIP Hydraxian Waterlords, you will be missed.
I went onto my old realm (Hydraxian) the other day to test out a characer’s looks in-game because I’m full on character slots on my main realm, and out of curiosity I checked ‘who’ and saw 20+ guildless bots farming, so at least after the dead realms close down, bots can’t farm there.
I play on Celebras (mostly Horde), AND I HAVE FUN!
I bought a clone service a few days ago because I want to play my character on Celebras Classic AND Burning Crusade (and actually, I would prefer a Burning Crusade-era server for Celebras as well).
It is NOT up to you to decide if there are too few players FOR ME.
Anyone who wants to leave can transfer. Those who are still playing on the RP realms have done so CONSCIOUSLY.
You don’t even offer a way to switch back to Classic.
I will transfer my characters NOWHERE.
I am playing Classic and BC, because, and that`s actually the ONLY REASON, because THERE IS A RP REALM!
I’ve been playing WoW since the first EU demo.
I had considered buying DragonFlight for retail, but now I won’t.
If you dare destroy my FUN experience, I’m gone.
“We will not close any realms as long as at least one person plays on them”.
That doesn’t apply to the BC era, that doesn’t apply at all to ALL Burning Crusade RP REALMS.
You are erasing the gaming experience of an entire player type
Edit: Yes i know, CLASSIC Celebras does still exist. But i don`t trust this company any more to not delete my last refuge, too.
Not gonna waste my money on Blizzard products anymore.
They offered these transfers only to empty the servers. They have thus created the reason for themselves to shut down our RP servers. A diabolical plan that worked out for them.
If Celebras is shut down, I will cancel my account. That was then the last time that Blizzard lied to me.
Not only you, Malou …
I’m sorry but as a fellow player who plays on RP realms (retail) they can’t leave dead servers open for a tiny portion of RPers. It’s costing them a lot of money too.
So in other words, you’re RPing as a solipsist? because there’s absolutely NO reason why Blizzard should keep a realm open for you or any other player who is too stubborn to change realm.
Please don’t be ridiculous.
Please excuse me, but this is utter nonsense.
Or maybe they should fix the problem they created by letting everyone transfer off the place to megaaservers
I agree with this too. We don’t need 3-4 RP servers with 50 players on each. Better have one with 150.
And also: RP can be done on every single server in a little friend bubble. The stormwind cathedral is always empty for example. What matters in rp isn’t your server, it’s your friends you are rping with
You’re excused, but you still haven’t elaborated on why you think it’s “ridiculous” and “utter nonsense.”
Als damals die Fanfaren erklangen, ein Raunen durch die Menge ging und Stimmen davon berichteten, dass World of Warcraft Classic zurückkommt war das eine Überraschung.
Nachdem ich vor vielen Jahren Retail den Rücken gekehrt hatte, überkam mich doch der Wunsch, nach alten Abenteuern. Nennen wir es Nostalgie und Neugier. “Ob die olle Hexe es noch kann?” Mit einigen Freunden begann ich auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit zu wandeln.
Nun, wir fanden alte Gefährten, die genau so dachten und das „Hallo“ war groß. Auch neue Kameraden folgten uns auf unserem Weg. Wir schlossen uns erneut zusammen, um Dungeons zu erstürmen und die WoW-Welt zu retten. Da nimmt man sogar den minimalen Support sowie die nicht behobenen Bugs und Fehler in Kauf. Selbst Letzteres vermittelt ja ein wenig Nostalgie. Nun, ich schweife ab.
Ich frage mich, warum kann man die Server nicht wie seinerzeit in Retail einfach zusammenlegen? Die Technologie ist doch vorhanden, wie die Vergangenheit beweist! Denn auch wir sind zahlende Kunden, die es sehr, sehr traurig finden, einfach kompromisslos vor vollendete Tatsachen gestellt zu werden.
Unsere „Heimat“ ist Celebras. Ein deutscher RP - Realm. Ein winziger Punkt im WoW- Classic - Universum. Eigentlich nur noch ein winziges Örtchen, einer friedlichen Co- Existenz zwischen Allianz und Horde. Ein von Farmbots heimgesuchtes Areal. Farmbots, die unsere Ressourcen, Erze und Pflanzen meistbringend und vor allem kostenlos auf die großen Realms transferieren um sie dort zu verschachern. Damit haben wir uns bereits abgefunden. Auch das unsere Meldungen diesbezüglich ins Leere laufen. Wir sind eh mittlerweile Selbstversorger, so gut es geht.
Jetzt werden wir umziehen müssen. Viele Namen, die wir kennen, vermutlich sogar unsere eigenen, werden wir nicht behalten können. Namen, die uns ausgemacht haben, damals 2004 zu Wow Release und auch heute. Ich hätte gerade von Blizzard ach nein, Microsoft irgendwie mehr erwartet. Fühlt euch gegrüßt und wo es euch auch hin verschlägt … denkt an die schöne Zeit auf Celebras!
Asmo, the Evil Witch with Pumpkin
Ps. Vielleicht gibt es ja doch Hoffnung und einen Zusammenschluss der europäischen RP Server, meinetwegen auch mit einem PvE Realm. Ich hoffe, dass dieses Posting den Verfasser oder Überbringer der Nachricht erreicht und er unser Anliegen weitergibt.
Because it is
Realms are all cloud based nowadays, and storage is really, really cheap.
Processing power is more expensive, but if Blizzard was smart, they made it scalable.
They can just leave all transfers open, and everyone who wants to leave, can do so. Whats the problem? An empty realm wouldn
t cost much, if no one played on it
I chose an RP realm on purpose. I do not want to play with people on normal PVE/PVP realms.
There are one, two things i want to do with a friend how is on Firemew, and i am looking forward when I can get back to my realm.
I do not want to play with people named “toiletbrush”, who are jumping all the time.
I do NOT WANT to play on a full server.
A friend asked if i play with him on firemew, and it is AWFULL.
I am so looking forward when i can play again 100% of my time on Celebras.