Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 10

I don´t know the english term - “Edeltwinks”
They max out their chars, with enchants, best equip, and so one.
These chars can one hit you, if you do not do the same.

During the “original” Wrath, these chars were separated (if you had xp lock activated, a diffferent bg) from the “normal” bg.
Because those chars had usually xp lock activated, so that they would not outlevel their equip (which could cost A LOT of gold).

I would have been stuck with them in the same bgs…

actually that´s ok on Lakeshire.

Lakeshire is, for a PVE realm, really nice.
The names are ok (most of them).
With REAL words!!
It´s unbelivable :smiley:

From that point of view, Lakeshire is really ok.

And i think, the devs knew, which realm they chose for the FCT at the moment from Hydraxian Waterlords.

This was not a coincidence.

For many roleplayers, Lakeshire was the second best choice after Cele (though recently someone who left Cele last year (!) said, Lakehire is ok… but he would have preferred to be able to stay on Cele…)

No, Lakeshire would be ok, but they are just SO MANY, especially on Alliance.
so, so os os so so so so so so so so many
That´s fine, the more, the less likely that Blizzard just continues their server murder with lakeshire, it would be a pitty with this realm.
but… so many… :see_no_evil:

Yes, many enchants look nice - with few players at one spot.
If there are suddenly 32342342, it´s just a big, sparkling, glowing mess.

Big Problem on Firemaw.
I actually boosted a char there for a friend, but it´s just a mess.
Even now, there are EVERYWHERE chars. On Hellfire peninsula!
Start zone!
Chars, everywhere

I just want some peace, please… :sweat_smile:

If i am still around for wrath, i´d buy another boost and just level with bgs.
This amount of player is managable, even on firemaw :joy:


I placed the same order for both my Classic character, and the TBC Character on the same day, and the Classic version went through within the hour. I can’t be sure on the date exactly, but I believe it was towards the end of July? I think that they probably had enough time, but just didn’t do it.

As for my missing chars, those Alliance scum showed up a PVP realm recently. Not that I will likely ever play them again.

Incidentally, Free transfer is currently active on some realms again, although take care if you go this route, as some are to different regions.

@Chronocide: Thank you for the reply! That is most definitively very, very odd. To my knowledge, transfers should generally take less than 72 hours to complete even in worst cases and for me, most have gone through in less than 2 hours in the past. End of July would indicate your’s would have been in a limbo for over a week. :frowning: The nine Zandalar Tribe → Hydraxian Waterlords moves I executed on 7.7.22 all went through in mere minutes as did the single move from Dragonfang to Earthshaker on the same date.

nods Mexi made a separate thread on this as Blizzard (again :frowning: ) did not… deep sigh

Still nothing, 2 days left…

I don’t know the term either, but I know what you mean … separate BGs I did not know. As I said, I DO NOT PvP!
But sometimes I stopped my XP because levelling was too fast in Wrath for me :wink:

The too many players is my greatest problem too. In Retail it was not this bad, because there’s more places to be in - the world is bigger. And originally not everybody started at the same time, so not one zone was ever so filled at one time. Only at Wrath launch it became bad with DKs descending as grasshoppers in Zangarmarch. But in Classic with the same - or for most reamls an even higher - population squished into only the old world, it becomes unsufferable.

I fervently hope all this mess we’re going through now means that no more servers will be killed.

Firemaw … not going there, not even thinking of it! The English PvE realms are more than full enough for me to not play.

Hehe, opposite of me, I’m not buying boost, I’m not doing BGs. I’ll just wait like 14 days to even start looking into Wrath. Maybe I’ll try out SoM aas I suppose it will be deserted when Wrath launches - I’d like to try out the Soul of Iron buff :smiley:

This morning my 3 characters arrived at Mograine.

And all of them needs a name change, finding names that isn’t taken is the hardest part in creating chars :expressionless:


August 21. No new characters arrived.


Ashbringer? Still no news? Please do something Blizzard. You left us to rot, the least you can do is put it right.

Please? It’s been 12 weeks. A quarter of a year. Yes, a quarter of a year with 0 responses to Ashbringer.

It isn’t good enough.

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Any news on Zandalar Tribe transfers? still waiting mine

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No characters from Dreadmist made it to Mograine yet…

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No chars.

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I had one over from ZT - August 11. One still missing.

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I had one arrival, but a level 1 char i didn’t know existed, searched for the char in my WTF folder, possible from Bloodfang.


lvl 1 throwaway I made a week before Amnennars shutdown made it to Mograine today.

edit: just checked number of Alliance online on Mograine, 116 online as of this post (20:35 ST). Was 20-25 just a couple of weeks ago. Auction House postings also highest I’ve seen them for a while.

second edit: checked hordeside, 18K items on AH 411 characters online 20:40 ST. At 70 every class has ~10 online except for Druid which has 40 lol.


August 22. No new characters arrived.

August 23. One character arrived - more to come.

Any news on Zandalar Tribe transfers? still waiting mine

Nothing new, still waiting, they have 1 more day

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Ashbringer Update - It has been 12 weeks and 1 day.

Not acceptable. Blizzard?

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At this point I don’t think they will manage to fix this mess in one day.

No characters arrived for me either.

Someone wrote in the US thread, that according to a GM they will need an additonal week.

I wouldn´t be surprised, if it turns out to be weeks…