Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 10

You are not even trying at this point, are you? Celebras and ZT to HW makes sense (kind of), but even if Morgraine was a liable destination realm, why send all the Germans there? There are German speaking PVP servers left, even beside Venoxis.


I want to quote myself. Not to gloat, but because Blizzard’s (weeks late) list is utterly ridiculous:


Up until the very end we had people logging in on Zandalar Tribe completely oblivious to the fact that the server was going to die. This information didn’t really pop-up in your face in the launcher. No information when logging in. It existed on these forums and on Discords.

You can’t defend Blizzard and put the blame on the players in this regard. They did an absolutely awful job with the merges. Imagine inactive players wanting to play Wrath of the Lich King but not wanting to go to one of the destination servers. What do you do? Pay subscription in order to log in and move your character then log out and wait for WLK to hit? Or just bite the bullet and hope things work out? The inactive alliance players are going to have a rude awakening on Morgraine.

The way Blizzard handled these merges cannot be described as anything other than extremely poorly.


I could think of a few additional adjectives, but I don’t want to be banned…


You can have 50 characters on a single server by now.


I’m pretty sure you made more than one mistake, but i don’t expect you to understand that. What Blizzard has done here is the most terrible form of customer service i have ever seen in an MMORPG


Merging German, French and even Russian servers onto Mograine???

That can’t be right, Russians wouldn’t even be able to play in their native language after this move and both German and French players got more suitable servers that remain in their respective languages.


there are no words to describe how blizzard is handling all this except utterly poor and with a big middle finger towards the community. thank you for nothing, blizzard, you greedy pile of …


Anyone cant find their characters today? I had alliance chars on Razorgore, said they should be moved to mograin but I had some lvl 1 hordes there.
Are they gone now because I could get alliance on same server as horde?

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First you don’t tell us the destination realm until… it’s too late. Second, Finkle was a French realm, how complicated was it to move characters to Sulfuron or Amnennar…?

MEANWHILE you replace ‘enslave’ by ‘subjugate’ demon. Seems critical.


No. They just take a while (up to two weeks). You can have both Alliance and Horde on PVP servers now and up to 50 characters.

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there is no prepatch yet, why did you do it?
I don’t want to play on the server where you transferred the character. Why should I wait 2 weeks?
Where are my characters, they are not on the realm where you transferred it. Why should I wait until the transfer is completed? What will happen to my mail that I forwarded to my twinks…
Why do I have to go to the forum to understand what is happening and that you are planning a self-transfer in a short time. Why is there no information in the battle client that I go to every day …
I have a war in the country, and I still have to spend my time on you. When I just want to play on my day off…


Many people believed Kaivax when he said the list of destination realms was coming “soon” and then thought that even if it was absurdly late the list would be posted before the consolidation actually happened. That’s not unreasonable, and it’s not unreasonable to want to see what’s happening and make a choice between that and a free transfer elsewhere.


Also if you have in-game friends having left until Wrath, you might wish to go to same realm as they are force moved to without locking yourself out of the game for up to two weeks.
But as the US had the list after server shut down, we could expect nothing better.


Will you open Firemaw for transfers again? It is so weird it is still locked, and we have receive 0 information regarding this.


Dottie with all due respect you are talking out of your nether regions. It was not as simple as just transferring while we had the chance. Our guild on Razorgore had a full guild bank so naturally we waited for this elusive list we were promised by Blizzard so we could all have a discussion about our destination. The list was a lie, Blizzard did not produce a list so last night we all transferred one high level alt to a decent realm and just hoped Blizz would send the main guild to a decent server, looks like that never happened. We had no choice as we would have lost our guild and as it was down to 4 people + alts we would not be able to recreate it easy and no way could we carry all our guild bank contents . We assumed Blizzard were slightly competent but now I see they are utterly clueless. If this new server sucks we are cancelling our 2nd accounts and just rolling fresh for a few months.


They did the absolute minimum on this one. Chose one server where every other server was merged. Not even considering merging for example german PvP server to another german PvP server

Also to all: Free transfers from HW to anywhere is now closed. So please don’t try server hopping through HW anymore


Your guild bank has been deleted now, as I understand it. They are not transfering guilds or guild banks, just characters.

I got merged from razorgore last night… is it actually going to be 2 weeks until I can play again? :’(

Maybe, but it is likely to take less time. Two weeks is worst case.