But Why Tho? Interview with Morgan Day and Katrina Yepiz - Valorstone Problems and Changes in Season 2

But Why Tho? interviewed Associate Game Director Morgan Day and Associate Encounter Designer Katrina Yepiz discussing the current problems with Valorstones and some changes coming in Patch 11.1.

You can check out the full interview on their Website.

But Why Tho? 11.1 Interview

Here is a brief summary on some points, but check out the full interview for more topics such as D.R.I.V.E., general 11.1 content and more!


  • There’s a behind-the-scenes video coming for the sound creation of the Undermine.

  • They’re listening to player feedback on D.R.I.V.E., and if it’s something that players are excited for, they’re open to recommendations for the future.


  • They know that Valorstones are a hot topic right now, but their focus has been on Crests.

  • Valorstones are in a weird space where they matter a lot in the early season, then you have too many late in the season when crests are limited.

  • It’s not the healthiest place, and they can do some things in Season 2

  • Raids will drop “quite a bit more” Valorstones.

I’m glad to see they are adding more valorstones but it would be so good if they increased the cap as well. It’s not addressing how many valorstones we just waste because we are capped that we need later.


Why not just remove the valorstones?
Just collect crests.

Am I missing something?


That too ofc.

I don’t think they’ll remove them though but it would be nice!

Valorstones are used for upgrading items of a slot you have already upgraded an item for.
I do not understand why there’s a cap though.

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‘Quantativly and qualatatively this patch has more than ever…’

Then they talk about an event scheduler.

If this patch was chock full of stuff we wouldnt have spent half the article blathering on about valorstones.

This isnt even a fluff piece, its gruel in written form.

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I don’t like to agree with content creators but Like many have said why do we need valorstones in the first place ?

Just let us have crests only. It’s infuriating form of gatekeeping player power. Which makes no sense overall. Who cares if you’re running a +12 two weeks earlier than everyone else because you had more times to farm crests everyday.

Genuinely who actually cares ?

I’m not going to roll into bed crying and losing sleep over it.

For upgrading items of slots you have already upgraded an item for.

just remove them completely .

So you want us to farm more crests? Like how do you see the upgrading system should work? I can hardly care about valor since i am capped anyway always. The limiting factor is crests. I am happy i can upgrade a 2nd piece of a slot i have already done the upgrades for with just valor, instead of crests again.

no , we just dont’ need two currencies.

Imagine going to the shops and having to buy a loaf of bread in Euros and Pounds.

This baguette will be 50 cents and 50p , can’t I just give you a 1 euro or 1 Pound ?

Shopkeeper : No

I think i gave quite a good reason why we got valor :thinking:
Your comparison is of course not comparable at all.

I don’t see the point of them either.

Either there are plenty of them and players are happy but they’re kind of pointless.
Or they’re scarce and players are unhappy but they are serving some purpose (slowing down progression).

The valorstones “adjustent” I’ll call it cause it aint a fix, is temporary. It’s on their radar which is the important part.

They will be monitoring them and see if it’s actually changed or not, if not they might either come up with another solution or think of swapping it all together.

Now we need to voice our feedback, personally I dont mind, it’s just kinda anti alt friendly but eh, this is an mmo and I’d rather the mmo mechanics that incentavize grinds are still in then we abandon the formula entirely.

Let’s use only 15 crests per upgrade and remove valorstones entirely.
There is literally ZERO reason to have another currency for upgrading.
You already have four types of crests to upgrade different tracks of items.
To make it easier for everyone, from top-tier players to complete newcomers, just use two types of crests: one for low-ilvl gear and one for high-ilvl gear.

There is no argument against this.
If you want people to spend more time grinding, make it worthwhile instead of forcing this idiotic currency grind.

So you want us to farm more crests?

I’m not in favour of having to farm more crests.

If valorstones were removed they would just need to let you reupgrade for free rather than incurring some other cost.

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Don’t. Do. It. Again.

Hope they take my feedback to heart. :sweat_smile:

Maybe just a small gold cost?

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No? just the same amount we do now?
i want 2 types of crest with no downsides
If they gonna take valorstone and then change the crest to be obnoxious to get i’m not in favor of that
i only want the positive side of getting rid of valor stone and having 2 types of crest and that is very easy to upgrade items.

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