Buying AotC boost, is it safe?


Been watching the sales listings of all those “WTS…” And most of them wants you to visit another site or go on some voice app with them.

I personally haven’t had any interactions with them, but since i would like to get the mount from this achievement, i want to know how “safe” it is…
Afaik, if they are only offering services for gold, Will blizzard take action if they scam me?


Go to RCU, Oblivion, or any of the well known boosting communities. The communities will NOT ask you to go on voice com with them for a mere Curve boost. They will however assume that you will appear on their discord as to make certain that no one is being scammed (as to have a way to communicate with you since discord is also text)

Also as a personal advice: Avoid the nova boosting community. They are blacklisted by all other communities because of the way how they behave in general. Edit: Afaik this could have changed due to pressure through the other communities but i wouldnt count on it.

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So long as it’s only gold to gold it’s within the ToS and it’s at your own risk. They will not help if you get scammed.

I bought AoTC as well. 75K gold, great price. I showed up, I died and went to have dinner with the wife and kids. Came back after half an hour to find my new achievement.

I’d say its quite safe.

Just keep in mind that it IS possible to get scammed.


Which is why i advocate to only ever go to the communities that have their reputation at this point.

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That certainly eliminates most of the risk yes.

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Don’t bother boosting, just get the fake achievement thing and just link it into a carapace group, by killing the first 3 and carapace, you can now attempt nzoth all week long using raider io to get 12/12 hc people.

I recommend you do him on normal a couple of times (even inside lockout) in order to know nzoths mechanics as he is effectively the same on heroic as he is on normal.

carapace will take atiny bit more with the eyes you don’t interrupt and the big black aoe that starts to form in the last phase (usually not an issue if the tanks are on top form.)

Wonderful that WoW has basically become a pay-to-win game, and people aren’t even ashamed to admit they’re paying for it.


I believe what needs to happen is we need a mass trolling syndicate to simply frustrate the boosters all day long every day via dumb/obvious queries and purposeful misunderstandings.

Or hell turn that into the trade chat spam like the old thunderfury thing coz spamming chat will ruin their spamming of chat.

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Can I ask WHY you want to pay for AOTC? is it because you want to trick others into thinking you actually deserved it?


simple fact is, if you go 3rd party then blizzard are more likely to assume that you are selling gold to them and then ban you if you complain about them scamming you out of your gold.

Emphasis mine:

Boosting services are not supported by Blizzard but if you are the victim of a scam, contact us. Game Masters cannot restore any of your losses, but will take action against confirmed scammers whenever possible so they won’t scam other players.

this person has never boosted or bought a boost before. Communities never ask you to join their server.

Let’s say I have plenty of gold and I want the mount from the raid or gear or whatever, but I can’t be bothered to join a guild or pug the raid. Why wouldn’t I buy the boost?

The mount exists as a prestigious item to show others you managed to bear heroic N’zoth. Not that you used a credit card and paid for it.

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Try again


use common sense…
if they want your wow data or offer services for irl on these sites thats not safe
if its just a means to show you reviews from other customers and they sell it for gold in accordance with TOS - most likely safe

But as others pointed out - better find a reliable, reputable traders for your dirty little wow secrets :slight_smile:

Its the safer bet tho since you can establish contact with the person and see their rank on their discord. Trade over your gold without checking that on your own risk. Dont assume i havent boosted before if you know precisely zero about me.

Don’t know about others but if I bought boost for something I would feel incredibly ashamed of it, at least would not brag about it.
Like, I can imagine it doesn’t feel at all like any sort of accomplishment if you bought instead of earned it.

As for AOTC, OP could just use fake achievement like mentioned here and get it for free in less than an hour if he finds even a semi decent raid.


I have been thinking of buying a boost for the Jaina mount. Was unsure how the entire boosting scenario worked, this thread has helped a little. Good luck in what you decide to do OP. :grinning:

Only works until the leader uses Raider IO or someone checks his characters achivs.