Buying AotC boost, is it safe?

Don’t get this whole prestigious crud. Mine is the mindset of: Oh that’s pretty, I want it. No care about other people looking at me.


This late in the patch on heroic raids nobody really checks anything. If you list into 10 raids I’m positive you will get invited to at least 3 out of 10 lacking raider io and using fake achiev.

Fair enough. I find this curve requirement stupid to begin with given how popular boosting is now and the achiv meaning literally nothing. Or even if not boosted nothing says you were useful in that encounter or not

Not to mention Corruptions having nerfed the fight to oblivion.

Or you know… people don’t really care about that nonsense and only want a cool looking dragon mount?
Just a crazy idea I know…


I thought that “war” ended with Gallywix’s fall. Or is it still on?

Its mostly always safe

Just never use a group that wants you to do anything off wow. No websites. No discord. Nothing.

All you need to do is be summoned there and die during the first 5 seconds of the fight.

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Nova is hated by literally every single boosting community

If they want off wow, website, discord, even for a btag friend request, avoid them like hell
Just pay, be summened, go home after loot/achi
No flowers, no chocolate, no kissing, avoid eye contact and never give your number to working girls…

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As ino said, nova is looked down upon by all communities. Gallywix’s fall wont change that. But as ive put it in my edit, this might have changed due to pressure (as in them changing their behavior) but i still wouldnt go anywhere near them.

Yep when I did it I paid the gold (not to the same person that I spoke to, he relogged to an alt on the correct realm to trade. Doing that is fine and normal)

I waited in orgrimmar with a group of other people waiting to be summoned.

10 minutes later I got summoned to the raid.

They pulled without any conversation.

I died very early on.

They won. I resurrected.

Got my loot.

Said thanks and left


Take a screenshot before you make the deal of boosters words and you trading the gold and i promise you that if you get scammed blizzard will seriously decimate them but as far as i know, you wont get your gold back.

As safe as any other trade you can do. There is % to get scammed but it is pretty low as long as you don’t trust shady places.

It must have been so exciting!!

Oh wow. None of these white knights showed up to tell you that it’s not pay to win, because you can earn it by yourself. Gold just makes it easier, nonsense.

But yea. It’s been pay to win for a while now. In BFA however, It got much worse. I think last time i checked, 50% of profiles had ahead of the curve for N’zoth and its mount.

I’m quite sure that 50% of the players aren’t heroic raiders.


Got a mount for 60k
Not a bad deal

The main point being is that while you can purchase boosts that its ultimately meaningless if you do it with a “win” Point of View because you would remain bad and any progress guild would smell it and remove you during trial.

And i sincerely doubt that people that buy the boosts for mounts etc because they want it before its nerfed/removed would count it as pay to win.

You’re missing two things.

First, those who buy it, now have an achievement which is basically a free ticket to new groups. And it makes things easier for them.

And second, It doesn’t matter if you’re not getting better. Doesn’t change the pay to win part. I’ve seen people who boosted other people’s ranks in csgo and dota 2 and other similar games for real money. Just because buying that didn’t make them better, didn’t mean they aren’t paying to win.

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Ye sure. But you can also blame the groups that require curve under any means necessary despite it always having been an meaningless achiv. If you want a 100% first try kill then take people with multikills (and these groups exists)

As i said sure, nobody cares tho. At least not guild wise

Go to a reputable boosting community or use a reputable guild. They have price lists available to see and will not rip you off. The transaction should be for in game currency only.

For example - Oblivion are currently charging 60k for a personal loot Nzoth only kill (no loot share, just personal loot). You can also verify that your seller is actually a member of the community. Other boosting communities run similar discords and services. Shop around and see what you can do :slight_smile:


While it matters little now. But players themselves are to blame for it.
Want to join a first 3 bosses HC kill pug? Curve or get lost. The community drives the people into the booster’s hands and then we show our “surprised pikachu face” when they buy that Curve cause we forced to do it.