Calendar broken in 8.3.7

Currently experiencing ruined guild raid calendar events. Multiple events with different people in charge and also missing a lot of people. Not solved by a UI reload, reload our checking for updates.
Disabled all add-ons to check if it’s a conflict and it hasn’t resolved the issue. Anyone else?

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As far as I know the issue affects anyone.

The calendar event only lists the people that are currently online.

There’s another topic in General Discussion with some more info:

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Yes, effects everyone in my guild. Interesting to know that only people online show as it seemed random.

There is however another issue with it, if you try and invite someone to an event or reinvite someone that isn’t showing on the list it tells you that character has already been invited but puts them on a different server.

All my guild members in our private raid events say they are on Gnomeragan server when we’re on Draenor.

E.g. “Necroaxe - Gnomeragan has already been invited”.

Should say Draenor.

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Well we have encountered the same issue and it’s obvious that it has to do with the current server consolidation. Hopefully this is going to be fixed very soon!

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Same problem here, EU-Ravencrest alliance. I Do hope for a fix soon since we have no idea who have signed for tonights raid…

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My guild has same issue, for 3rd day now.

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Everyone does, it’s not limited, it’s everyone… we are sadly still waiting on a fix.

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Its a big problem for us since, we had no idea who we have or not. :confused:

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Guess there is no fix yet. Looks like I’ll have to cancel a community raid, since I only have visibility of people on my realm :frowning:

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In-Game Callendar is broken for 5 days and there still is no fix? It’s very hard to organise guild raids like this not to mention community events.

Srsly Blizzard get your poo-poo together. No fix and no updates from you for 5 days on such a major issue is really disturbing. Or is it because it is EU problem only (there is no mention of this bug on US forums)? I kinda feel tired of being treated like second grade customer…

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I posted a link to the issue on the US Bug forum earlier in this thread.

It is very irritating not being able to use the calendar properly. We have cancelled tomorrow’s raid over it too. Lets hope they get it done soon.

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Any news? My guildies are a good bunch and understanding- we have even had a laugh at some of the dates- one guildie signed up from 2024, another on March 54th! Unfortunately, though I had to cancel a mythic raid last night as I had no idea who had signed up! Would be great to have it fixed :slight_smile:

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What’t funnier is the date people see differ. I saw guildie A as one date, another officer looked at the same guildie and got a totally different date. RNG has come to our calendar! :slight_smile:


Hi there,

i am looking for a tool or a way to invite all of my guildmembers to an event.
I cant invite anyone or mass invite.
if there is something like this that would help save alot of time

Thank you

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Having same problem.

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The US has had their hotfixes and overnight maintenance but the issue still exists according to their bug report forum :frowning:

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Urghhh hope this gets fixed soon

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Unfortunately I’m starting to suspect that anything to do with helping guilds sits on a back burner. At best.

At worst … they “update” stuff to make it worse.

Ever since they introduced communities and tied the guild interface with that, and “updated” the settings we could use for guild permissions, things have slowly been going downhill.

The calendar itself, even when it used to work, wasn’t really fit for purpose … most people that I know either struggled with it, or had to use an addon to help.

The new guild interface doesn’t work properly, forcing people to have to occasionally use the old one which, no doubt in the future, will be removed, forcing us to limp along with another interface that isn’t fit for purpose.

On a fairly regular basis, guild chat just disappears - if we’re lucky. If we’re unlucky, our guild members get messages telling them we’ve disbanded the guild. When we haven’t.

The guild perks got given to us, and then pared down. The revenue stream we had from our guild members virtually dried up as they changed the way our income worked.

The only thing they’ve gotten right recently, has been the guild finder … and honestly I suspect that that was more because it was part of the communities update rather than a specific intent to improve the lot of guilds. And even then, it doesn’t really go far enough.

Occasionally I complain, in the vague hope someone might say “oh, we’re getting to guild improvements next” … but it never happens. Or if it does, it’s an unimprovement.

I get the feeling that someone decided communities was a great idea, superceding guilds, and is desperate to prove that right. To the detriment of guilds.


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I think there’s some glitch with the code somewhere. I did a screenshot of the date for someone, and only moments later did another screenshot, of the same character, same signup, and the date had changed. It’s almost like it’s pulling the date from the wrong data string.

First time I took the screenshot, it showed Thursday, May 45 2009; second time it showed Thursday July 61 2016. The time remained static.

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You can create an event in the calendar for all your guild members to see. And they can still sign up to events. Unfortunately, because of this bug, you cannot see who has signed up when they’re offline (or on a different character). However, if you’ve set an event for a particular date and time, any of those people who have signed up, who turn up at the right time and day, should then show up on the calendar and be able to be mass invited. Unfortunately the bug makes it exceptionally difficult to work out who has actually signed up, prior to event time.

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