Can a Blizzard GM please confirm on where SoM characters get transferred to?

Seeing as Blizzard does not know either what to do with Season of Mastery currently, I want to propose something that could boost the players.
I’ve missed the train on original classic launch, and with Wrath on sight in Classic WoW, I see a lot of collectibles going to be removed. The most obvious one is the corrupted ashbringer, or Tier 3 for all classes.

Perhaps Season of Mastery could give players a second chance to recollect all these collectibles, and if preferred, we could run through The Burning Crusade to collect stuff like Hand of A’dal.

Would any of you object to this, and if so, I would like to hear out your explanation, unless you want your characters to end up on era classic, which is not so populated as of now?

By the way, the reason I want Blizzard to upgrade as soon as possible, is because classic is a huge time investment for me, and I really don’t know if I should stick to my classic characters, or if it’s possible to reroll and restart fresh.

Look at the thread “SoM Transfers”, and you can see the pointed out message, for multiple reasons, why we should be able to move during Pre-Patch, as it’d not only make the most sense, but also economy wise for one’s own self, aswell as gear and leveling/professions, check it out. :slight_smile:

We have had confirmation from a Blue about where SoM Characters go. They get to move to either an Era or a TBCC realm of their own choice once SoM ends. (even though the TBCC servers will be Wrath Classic by then).
And recently we got the confirmation you cite as to when SoM ends.
This means that both where and when are known. No need to ask any more; discuss, suggest, complain, be gleeful … all this is still in its place, but asking is obsolete.

Here’s the WHERE post:

Aggrend even updated to Wrath Classic server.


It has already winded down.

It migth have wound down, but please read the first post in this thread. We know when and where.

When can be changed, where could also, but unlikely. - I hope Kaivax will speak to their team, about changing the WHEN part, to VERY-VERY soon.

Where was changed already :wink: When can maybe … but I doubt it will be soon with all the mess from Clones and 'consolidations still going on.

Well, here’s hoping dude. - I almost have an expectation on Blizzard’s end about this, that we should be able to transfer during Pre-Patch, everything else would be stupid and illogical.

well the 90 days moratorium of transfer to the fresh servers will be up around when SoM closes down … this could be the plan. Boost the fresh servers with SoM characters.

Please don’t give them any stupid ideas.

I saw it somewhere :wink: Hope I did not hex it.
Edit: I think I saw it in the US forums - which they read far more than here.

I don’t think we know which named realm people will get to choose or if it’s chosen for them, we only know they can go to Era or Wrath, can they go to any realm for instance, and that’s what it will be Wrath, not TBC. This has been stated, I think there is zero chance to go during the pre-patch, it is one month either side of the one year anniversary of the start of SoM.

There may be a slim chance though, and i hope Kaivax has taken it with his team about this sorta thing. - It’d be neat to see it during Pre-Patch, so we can get all our things in order. :slight_smile:

Why would the Community Support team deal with game decisions?

I like the optimism but I think you need to face the truth, it won’t happen. I think the CS team have been told about it from higher up, they probably even raised it with the right people.

I’m not against it happening though, and there could be more information about what will happen when you can move, I don’t think there will be a date until much nearer the time.

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