Can Alliance at least recognize Horde deserve something?

I for one would be pissed big time. There’s a huge difference between a friggin cosmetic mount and actual mechanical changes to classes and races. Not even close.

Just LoL.
Try to create an Arena team in Nagrand, just try.
Try to quest in Netherstrom when Area 52 was buggy
Try to go in a raid without dying…

You have no idea

you deserve nothing!

You Horde players deserve to play as a sole faction on blizztrash servers. Laters.

At this point it’s only more beneficial to sell your account and enjoy a vacation as an Alliance player.

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“Horde deserve something”? Yeah you deserve to be camped 24/7 to see what Phase 2 was like for us. How dare you think you deserve something lmao.


I got a compromise suggestion.

I would if there was any logic to it. We’re 5 weeks into TBC, anyone who’s going to play semi-seriously is already in the game. New people who turn up are not going to research queue times, they’ll just either a) pick the race they want to play or b) check google to best race/class combos. Alliance and Horde will both decline in numbers until WotLK arrives. People are not going to reroll for better racials because the racials are equal for serious play, and anyone not serious isn’t going to reroll.

Reached r10 when ranking was still “hot”, about 3-4 weeks after the 1st wave of r14s to be exact. Was facing pres in at least 8 out of 10 games. So horde need to cut the crap of “No WaY hOrDe Do PrEs AnD wAiT sO lOnG”

A couple days ago i played 4 games in about 1 hour just to get my daily done. I got a bit less than 1.2k honor (including the win, EXCLUDING the daily). Alliance tend to lose more than 70% of their games. Some say cause of the low que times so they don’t rly care but that leads to worse honor gain ratio cause there are always those that will tryhard or that just don’t want to stay afk and play just for the “action/combat fun” (if you can say that).

What i’m trying to say here is that these are struggles of both hordes and alliance.
Want to talk about deserve smt? Ok, lets see. I (as alliance priest) deserve to have some fun too, right? Well, if there is smt i have almost 2 years now is unclear if it can be described as fun when almost every rogue/mage/priest/lock is undead or just warr (so fear is useless again). And all that is getting even more frustrating now in arenas that literally 50% of my matches are vs undead mage+rogue. So are we going to do smt for what i deserve or the topic is only on your side?

I mean, most pservers are extremely buggy, way more so than Classic or TBC Classic - you just have to compare their changelogs to Blizzard’s ones to realize how huge the difference is. So yeah, if that’s the kind of future that should make us hopefuly, I’m not. No matter how faction-balanced a server may be, the fact I can’t even rely on the knowledge that my character skills will work as intended kinda puts a heavy dent in my gameplay experience.

Again, this is quite subjective. Putting aside Vanilla and WotLK pservers, which generally tend to be more faction-balanced by default, TBC pservers have to rely on drastic changes (racials etc.) or incentive (double exp rates, double rep rates, free mounts etc.) just to get people to play Alliance, and while I could at least tolerate some of the latter, the former is a big nono. I’d rather see Alliance disappear than accept actual, mechanical changes to classes/races - I mean, changes more drastic than just “add SoB to Alliance”.

It’s not much that Blizzard was “fortunate enough that game integrity was tied to their bottom line”, but rather that the game was built up from the ground for a certain gaming environment - and in that environment it thrived as well as it could be expected. But many of WoW’s mechanisms and quirks are largely anachronistic today, and I’m 100% confident that, if WoW had been created in 2021, nobody in their right minds would create anything like PvP servers (at least not without some massive changes to ward against runaway faction imbalance).

One thing that I guess Activision could be blamed for is “cash cow-ing” the franchise, instead of just revamping it as they should. But then again, the fault is partly also with the playerbase. Imagine trying to explain to some of the ppl on the forums here that unrestrained WPvP between factions is an outdated concept and that some constraints need to be introduced into the game to ensure that one faction cannot dominate the other while still allowing players freedom in choosing what they want to play and where. Good luck with that.

Frankly, some of the “anti-retail” solutions proposed here and elsewhere sound even more terrible to me - either because they’re ineffective or because they have a great impact on other aspects of the game. Which incidentally is a large part of what drove TBC to become Retail in the first place.

Ok well we see thing’s totally differently then. Theres no way TBCC classic is less buggy than lightshope for example.

Change logs as a metric only shows one changes more things that the other does. I’ve had 0 threat produced off consecrate, /pvp on to get totem buffs and get tossed off my flying gryphon pretty much every other day on tbbc. Then there’s bosses, i like how nightbane just randomly resets and flys off on occcasion.

It is what it is. You and i disagree.

Edit. Oh that reminds me of my favorite pserver vs activison moment. When they finally banned multiboxing after the economy was well and truly busted, simply unable to recover from such abuse.

Psevers? Perma ban instantly for multiboxing.

its game fixing…

Vanilla is a bit of a special case. I did play on Light’s Hope, and yeah the game did feel functional. But I also played on multiple TBC/WotLK pservers, and none of them could ensure an overall bug-free experience. Event-heavy quest chains like the Horde one in Nagrand, or the Wrathgate one in Dragonblight, were almost invariably broken. You’d be lucky if early raids were fully functional - to say nothing of the ones from previous expansions. I’m sorry, but as a PvE player these things hurt my gameplay WAY more than faction balance or WPvP.

What I mean is - look at what is mentioned there. It’s sometimes appalling that some of those things were broken in the first place, let alone for weeks or months. Multiple quests, dungeon/raid bosses, sometimes even class abilities. Like, what the hell.

I play a tankadin main and I actually didn’t even notice the Consecration bug - either it was fixed extremely quickly or it only happened under certain conditions. The biggest “bug” I can think of is that some mobs, especially in Netherstorm, sometimes fall underground and evade. But that still happens WAAAY less than it did on pservers. And not once did I ever found myself falling under the world after blinking near a slope - something that was, again, extremely common on most TBC/WotLK pservers.

This one did happen to us a couple times on first week, though I haven’t seen it happening again on the last few lockouts. We also had a similar problem on first week with Big Bad Wolf if the maintank was turned the red riding hood. On the other hand, though, every boss has their intended abilities and are scripted correctly - whereas, on pservers, bosses like Netherspite tended to be buggy or outright nonfunctional, even on TBC servers (let alone on WotLK servers) - and, even when a bug was found, the fix could take weeks if not months.

Again, I’m not saying that everything TBCC did was fine (I still can’t wrap my head around why we still don’t have guildbanks in the game, for example). But the difference in quality with TBC (and even WotLK) pservers is, like, night and day. Only Vanilla pservers mostly work because of how damn simple the game is.

Why is it ‘disgusting’?

Yes. Horde should get faction transfer service. It will solve queue times and faction imbalance without wrecking the game, unlike the retail-like game-breaking novelty HvH.

It’s probably the same people that have been farming free wins with Alliance premades since Horde CBA to sit in queue all day and replace people after one pop. But its not like Blizzard needs the blessing of prot paladins that pve all day which is apparently the majority of Alliance since they literally don’t queue.

We are facing Many Vs Few in Open World while questing, gathering, etc, because of the Faction imbalance.

We face many lvl 70s while we are in our 60s , aka ganking us, because of the Faction imbalance.

We are struggling to proper leveling up, gathering, farming, enter dungeons.

Most of the times we don’t even have a chance to fight back. Most of the times the “fights” are 2-3-4-5 vs 1-2. Most of the times we DO want to fight because we got … bullied MANY times, but … we can’t due to the Faction Imbalance.

Phase 1 TBCC would like to have a word with you!

I would fully support this if it wasn’t entirely based on emotion, but data instead. Test it, show the the apparent “alliance drop of in numbers” in the data and I will fully support you.

Horde’s PvP issue is rooted in data evidence, we can all see it. Emotion based feedback takes a back seat unless the data supports it.

No emotion at all. I was emotionally invested for 16 years into my retail account. Here I am fully aware that this show is done after Wotlk. Blizzard does not care to make it better.

You want evidence ? Have a look at retail, see what happens when you give one faction better racials, reduce the BG que by allowing mercenary mode and a ton of other stuff that mainly favored the Horde. The game originally started as Alliance being ahead pop wise as far as I remember (In general). How did we go from that to what we have now if “Alliance dont drop in numbers”.

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Horde doesn’t need your examples or logic. Or even raid log numbers from Ironforge. Pro or Arena stats from
drustvar. com/tbc-leaderboard/stats/eu/2v2

All they need is HvH for fastest queues and Faction balance is too long solution for them. Besides they enjoy current state of the game where all joining players are not evenly split, but go for the Horde by default.

There is no way to encourage more people to play alliance, not until wotlk at least (but that will be the pvp metaslave population of the horde, which is around 10% at most). The alliance attracts pve-oriented playerbase mostly, people who are usually not in the slightest interested in pvp. It has to do with the lore, the aesthetics and your own fantasy. There was a reason for draenei males in TBC - unique looks (that differ from differently sized and shaped humans) and orc-like muscles.