Can i have my time back please?

Ok so with the PVP nerf that has been applied to cyrcye’s circlet you also had to gut the stat gems aswell ? Can you please reimburse me for my time that i have spent doing all of the content for this ring please blizzard?

And to top it off i just opened my pvp loot box to find an enormous grain of salt you guys are trolling right now arent you.




Nah you can have a taste of this popcorn though


Thanks what flavour is it may i ask salty?

Never trust a gimmick mechanic like the circlet
I am glad I invested 0 time in it


Yes i wish i had not have done any of the content wont be fooled in to doing content like this in the future they have lost my trust 100% If they would have said oh we are gonna nerf this ring completley in pvp even the secondary stats i would have spent my time doing other things in the game never again!

Time is money friend .but you willingly spent time on it so no


Yes indeed time is money and i want my money !

Wtf? This “grind” is literally running from siren isle event mobs back to back and wait for some people to just tag and smack them for a bit and voilá, there is your citrine. You even unlock it for your alts. Furthermore, PvE gear mustn’t be able to compete with PvP gear in PvP combat.

You state PVE gear must not be able to compete with PVP gear please state why that is? Im not talking about trinkets here im talking about a gear item that uses stats yes it should be able to be used in PVP 100% .

Also some PVE Gear that is 639 is actually BIS for certain classes but obtaining single items right now at the right item level is quite impossible thanks to blizzard splitting the player base and giving gear on a plate

In case you played back in BFA you’d understand why. I never experienced more complaints from the playerbase, especially in Season 3 and 4.

Ill tell you why titan forged gear that no longer exsists also corruption pre vendor ! that is why also tank trinkets ! nothing to do with actual armor pieces and weps

Yeah and bis essences which you could only obtain in certain content (had a guild buddy who had to run arenas for his essence but he hated PvP) and stuff like gushing wounds. The whole expansion was riddled with external systems and in many cases you had to grind content which you may not enjoy.

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Yes that is totally right the expansion was riddled with many problems etc.

Personally i preffered the way gearing was back then i hated most of the things you stated above though, Corruptions like the stat ones were good but not other like infinity stars gushing etc The corruption vendor should have been added from the start aswell.

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lol… pve items will always be nerfed in pvp

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i didnt use that ring at all.
not even in one combat/.
in my opinion stats on the gems that you put in it is very low.
it should give atleast 8000 for something to be worthy of use.
something like 8000 Crit/ or 8000 or 10k mastery

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The ring was nerfed because a bunch of obsessed people warped information to make it look like the ring is game braking , because these people hate anything that is not bland stats .
Then a bunch of morons who can’t read numbers are like WTF 20 % damage OMG , start crying and blizzard nerfs it to shut them up .
I looked from the pics these people post and not in one thread did I see extensive testing .
They all equip the on proc damage citrines . Than go into a single AOE fight . Record 5-10 seconds of when the ring procs and then go LOOK 25% damage done .
All of the screenshots show 5 million damage , from damage like bladefurry , or ignite , or fists of fury and the other abilities doing sub 1 mill for a total of about 20mil damage .
That’s 5 sec or less aoe with CDS on . (depending on target count > which they also do not show ever)
Now consider that on proc items proc at the start of a chain and than not proc for a long time and you get the OMG 25% damage .
Go equip a random on proc trinket that does 300k damage to 10 targets . Do 3 hits and than post a screen of how it did 50% of your damage .
That’s what these people are doing .

But who cares about the ring anyway . With or without it the same people always wine about something not being balanced . For all I care they can delete the ring . There are too many on proc things in game already we don’t need more .

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its a ring not just a pve item the stats on it were better then any other ring when it landed with the stat gems. Hence my gripe now that they have nerfed it.

Yes i agree with you on that Aprix but i was using the ring for the stats not the proccs like some cheesers have been doing that is where the nerfs should have been done only on the procc gems.

If it were up to me, gear would play no factor at all in PVP. It should be just Spec VS Spec .

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