Can i have my time back please?

I am grateful, I hope they nerf it even more for PvP. :dracthyr_heart:

But why ? why do you think they should nerf a ring in pvp that anyone can obtain from doing some quests ? Because of the gimmicky proccs rogues and druids have been abusing or ?

Seithan i think thats kinda boring wow has never been about spec vs specc only ever not even now ,Speccs can be played differently and geared differently also.

Me? Well, I personally cant be bothered to go do any pve anymore in this game so I rather not see any legendarys or any other items from pve being bis in pvp. :dracthyr_a1:

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Yeah well now blizzard have sucker punched me like this i can agree with you on that for sure wont be taking any part in their borrowed power content in the future it can burn for all i care

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I remember anytime they put some pvp item bis in pve they also get pretty unhappy about it. There were some bis items from pve in Dragonflight but I opted not take any of them, didnt take legendary weapon nor rings nor nothing. :japanese_goblin:

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So they nerfed it? How hard? I heard it was doing like 20% overall damage?

Im not too sure about how much of a % it was but it was a significant stat increase from the ring in what i wanted.

The nerf is as bad to a point that i could equip dragonflight rings and get a better secondary stat increase now in PVP

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You’re playing a video game. Asking for “your time back” is probably the single stupidest thing you can say. Get over yourself

No i will not ill stay angry thank you

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You mean the 10minutes it takes to get the thing and farm gems? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It wasn’t supposed to work in PvP. The fact that it did for some specs was an oversight.


Took much longer then ten minutes actually and even if it was ten minutes wasted thats still ten minutes! could do much better things in that time

Imagine staying angry at a video game ahahah. I’d suggest taking that “time” you love so much and visiting a therapist

No thanks got much better things to be doing keep your crappy advice to yourself little rogue

Womp womp. Give back my time I spent in a video game womp womp

Back in time and back in the future and time after time :dracthyr_a1:

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Hahaha yes i wish i could go back in time actually im sure many others do who spent time on this useless ring .

Goodbye blizzards mid patch content go develop AI technology to take part in the world content

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They tried to make one ring to rule them all but failed because PvP is immune to its temptation after nerfs :smile:

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Hahaha thats exactly it.

People who invest time in such items are fooling themselves.
After all … theres no pve item that works so well for pvp.
What made your think this will be different ?
Ps. I invested 0 time in that ring, knowingly.

Haha yes their is their has been many PVE items that have been broken in PVP so what you are saying is complete utter garbage.