Can I kill lowbies without being harassed?

Warmode is not free xp mode

I just ignore anyone whining to me if I killed or ganked them.

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Just because something is legitimate it doesn’t make you not a scumbag, though.
Best way to stop getting called a scumbag is by not being a scumbag.

Very… ethical :+1:

You are in a minority of WM players that care about ethics in WPvP. That minority also seem to be the majority in chat or forum abuse. Funny how people’s ethics can be flexible depending on situation :slight_smile:

Never faced with such situation Oo
Just ignore them, that’s their choice to turn on wm
Personally I’m not really like an idea of wm on/off on pvp servers and always surprised when some Ally went next to me and don’t try to kill me

Eh, I’m not really a Warmode player. You also don’t know anything at all about me, so don’t pretend to.
I’m just saying, killing low level players, and especially camping them, is a fairly scummy thing to do, and you don’t even get anything out of it - the only thing it accomplishes is making somebodies experience worse. You can’t expect to intentionally annoy people and waste their time, and then be surprised when they call you out for it.

While, yes, you aren’t breaking any rules, you are being a dick. People react badly to people being a dick. If this somehow surprises you, then I don’t know what to tell ya. Simple solution is don’t be a dick.

its all about the rage whispers just send :slight_smile: back to everything they send

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The scum are the ones that spew vile filth in chat just because they were ganked… in a ganking game mode.

They volunteer for it by turning on WM, then complain with chat abuse when pvp happens. Who’s at fault there? The person playing the pvp game mode as intended? Or the person breaking ToS in chat?

By your deluded logic, people that attack lower levels in a bg are scum. That is stupid. WM is just another pvp game mode, except open world.

I don’t kill lowbies except rarely when in my path. Not much reason to visit old zones. But I’d defend anyone’s right to play the game as designed.

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