Getting boring and old if you’re incapable of grinding gear then choose a different MMORPG.
If you genuinely can’t walk away from it? Then do Rated PVP and normal PVP for honour, Gear up to 184 ILVL buy a darkmoon trinket at a iLVL of 200 “their actually decent” do LFR and que for Normal raid as “185” will get you in most groups.
If you don’t want to do this then go back the Mythic+ and grind, You don’t deserve anything if you don’t want to put time and effort into it.
You’ve ruined Torgustaaaaaaahhh
You’ve ruined Item drops in the past
Don’t ruin Mythic+ its fine where its at.
rant over.
Can people stop assuming they can tell anyone to shut up about issues they have?
I would but you guys overflow the forum with your salt, keep posting on your alt.
EDIT: Also you can type whatever you want I’ll not be reading it because you sound like you want everything handed to you so your views are moot.
I would point out that most people posting on “alts” post on TL3 profiles, but you are too busy on your high horse to even fathom such notion.
Or the fact that my “main” and “alt” are connected in any of the sweaty try hard sites.
Or that regardless of what my character is, you have absolutely no grounds to tell anyone to zip it.
You did exactly the same now, but from different side of barricade, hypocrisy much?
Nah bro just making it clear that not all the player base want everything handed to us on a silver platter because you can’t get good at a game that is almost 20 years old.
Edit: Yet again not looking at your responses so your typing to nobody but your own ego at this point.
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People are just spoiled by Legion and BfA quantities of m+ drop.
Sooner or later they’ll get accustomed to it.
Or not. Crying on forums is easier then running keys after all.
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Tell me about it bro not like their getting handed epics in a thing called the great vault for just attempting to do the keys without doing it timed lmao.
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So you made a thread and now you are telling people that you will not read their responses? You treated forum thread as your diary then? even better
This drop rate would’ve been ok, but the fact that u will get probably hc nathria level gear from world quests next patch kinda takes the motivation right out of you. In classic gear was rare but at least it didnt get invalidated so quickly.
He made a topic to brag he is 194, even though he has done full 2 normal clears decent amount of pvp (did not climb rank though) and m5.
So… grats to him?
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Whole purpose of doing mythic+ is to get gear that outplays most gear in the patch its designed in.
Thats not a flaw thats a bragging right to show people you’ve completed high end mythic+ keys and have the gear to show for it a lot of people strive for that and its commendable and enjoyable, You don’t complain that you need to re gear each expansion when you’ve been doing it for xyz time same applies to the same logic.
This man defending playing all day everyday for no loot lmao
Na because expansions kinda happen a lot further apart than patches
It’s always like that, people who had luck to drop items are looking at bad luckers as they are total noobs and idiots, while odds if they’ll get item or not are independant of them
Considering I started playing 2 weeks ago including levelling that is decent in the margin I’ve been able to get where I am while people who have played since launch are still crying.
Also I can see you haven’t been doing torgast guessing it was too hard for you in the pre nerf, I broke my no response because you’re clutching at straws to try and offend me and its genuinely laughable when you don’t even have basic stuff done on your entire account.
We’re bassicly back at titanforging, never able to achieve our gear goal before the season ends, been spamming keys for 8 days now, not a single freaking loot piece and i’ve done every single dungeon in some sort of keystone
They won’t. But the loot chance won’t be changed anyway, so it’s fine. One of the biggest criticizm for 4 years was that m+ gives a ridiculous amount of loot and it makes even heroic raid unnecessary, which is true, because it was easier and faster to gear up in a +15.
People just forget that they don’t have to speedrun the game, get max ilvl in a week and then just do nothing. Btw, same people would create the “now there is nothing to do, game was to easy” threads if there was more loot.
But raid loot is nerfed too now? Or have my guild just been very unlucky getting like 1 piece of gear per boss.
You are talking so much out of the srawman, that it is borderline criminal activity.
Especially since most of the people you told to shut up know that I am against the thorgast nerf x0x0.
Besides… you are 194 try hard, i am 192 with near the exact same amount of content done? Keep it up, I am having such a joy ride with this.
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