Can people stop complaining about Mythic+ drop chance on loot?

At least someone gets it but supposedly I’m trash even tho I came to the expansion late and only have been enjoying it for 2 weeks so far.

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Sry, but didn’t wanted to type it again.

Shame you’re incapable of doing the raid on normal then, I’m guessing you got carried in M+

Being one myself, lol

Here, have a popcorn :popcorn: :smiley:

It literally takes 30 seconds to open up any “try hard” site to know that I have cleaned and re-cleaned 8/10 normal and done HC as well. Yet i spend most of the last 2 weeks playing Cyberpunk, working and fate go, exactly due to lack of point to even remotely care about the current progression systems.

Keep on barking, you may find something decent.

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“cleaned” is referring to that you’ve completed it 8/10 is not cleaned.

Try again yes you have some content similar to me but being you’ve had over a month to do it while I’ve had 2 weeks I think you’re trying to flex the little bragging rights you have.

Also its nice to see you instantly respond because your sitting on your wee potato pc fuming

Over a month?

The raid, m+ and pvp season is 10 days old, are you an idiot?


You must hate catch up mechanics go do torgast you’ve still not completed it bro

Yeah but the problem was mythic + invalidating raiding but if raiding also gives s hit loot doesnt that just mean we need at least more lewt from raids?

Mythic+ and raiding is separate content this has been well established for years.

I know people who push mythic+22 but don’t raid.

Yeah but I was responding to a point Teann made

anyway im gonna go do some mythic + and raid

The point still stands its separate content I know people who can’t do Mythic + but can raid and vice versa its what you enjoy more that matters, people depend on gear gratification because they like a quick fat loot which was apparent as a problem.

And you keep on speaking out of the straw.

You literally came and told people that they should shut up about progression systems, even though you have done “a lot more content” than me and you are stuck at 2 item levels above (or null if I did not do 3 legos, and upgraded one). You also assume some BS around Thorgast, even though I did layer 8 the day It came out.

If i wanted to “flex on you”, i would just point out the fact that you have literally no idea what you are talking about 9/10 of the times, and that for someone that accuses people of being carried you parse grey and greens mostly (including the one for m+ :Ðraçul?zone=25&new=true )

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Are you still going on? crying because you can’t do mythics and get ez loot.

Keep chomping at the stick bro just accept this game aint for you anymore.

Sad day when you can’t surpass someone you consider bad.

FYI thats not updated LOL and using it as a way to try and shut me down when I only started doing Keys properly last night makes you more of a joke, Enjoy chomping at your stick you’re on ignore you trogg.

You have no idea how warcraft logs work either, do you?

Oh no by all means “I did not surpass” you. I just don’t tell people to shut up, even if I disagree with them, which was the exact point from the very start. You wanted to bring up flexing and you simply can’t take the L.

You do not have higher progression, you do not play “better” and the only thing you have is an ego trip. Have a lovely evening and I hope your good that your guild never starts benching people on how much the talk/work ratio is not in your favor.

Well I was never making the point that some people dont exclusively do one type of end game content

LFR if dropping just drops 187.

Not worth the +3 ilvl statwise on one item thats guarenteed. Incase you dont know what I am talking about its a weapon you purchase from vendor…

LFR should be used by peokple whom are 175 or less.

Man aren’t you a miserable person.
Also nice whining thread about whiners :clown_face:


Lmao Boreghast ruined itself for being so crap.


Grind 8+ Hours for a Weapon…
Your Class getting a “5% bUfF!!1!”
Torghast being dogsheit

but guess what

3 5 A N I M A P O W E R

Holy sh1t i hope people quit this sheit