Can people stop complaining about Mythic+ drop chance on loot?

I got replied to by 4-5 peps at the time. Pardon that yours “slipped through the cracks”

Anyways. What cap? Nobody is stopping you from doing m7-9 for ilevel 200 stuff and m10 for 203 stuff. I also had enough descent gear from just doing some casual m+s in the evening with guildies and friends.

We way never know though. Maybe Blizz won’t make loot changes as 1 hotfix with Thorgy. Maybe its 50/50 and they are looking for feedback to tip the scales?

Like I said. We can disagree to a lot of stuff. But at least we can both agree that we dont have access to their data so we can only speculate…right?

Yes, And I am a casual person.

I got 12 hours per week max.

YHou’re evading the context.

You mentionm BIS.

I barely had anything bis on BFA.

My items where ilvl based. Heck, I didnt even have many ‘tf’ gear.

What I did have was an enjoyable time while able to not just get pubstomped and one shot. It was content I genuinely liked. If I had my bis I would farm bentthric gear for certain stats. I never did that.

Do you even know what a soft cap is?

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It’s no speculation that people don’t want to do 10 hours of m+ daily for weeks or months just to have a bit of gear progress , people who like that ARE a minority

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There can be also an outside factor? Like the difficulty it self? Once again I can speculate of course. But Blizz may adjust the difficulty of end-game(raids,m+) to take into consideration that people don’t have the most optimized gear and lot less pieces as well. So you can still be viable for what ever raid boss or m+ with less gear.

People asked for meaningful loot, not less loot, that was just blizzards solution and I think blizz themselves have proven, just because they went with a certain option doesn’t mean it’s the right one for the game. WF/TF, Garrisons, islands, etc

People want their time/effort spent to mean something. Doing xx amount of runs with no rewards and getting 35 anima thrown in your face, isn’t what people were expecting.

No, Not at all, because everyone’s asking in pugs for curves.

And I dont obligate time for a guild to raid on set dates due to kids,. If I wanted to raid in BFA, I generally found a pug I could do it with.

Ofc its only speculative.

I do like what? 3-4 m+ clears every 2nd evening and 1 raid clear. Got descent gear and I wont say that I was at the gaming PC from 8-24 or something.
Not sure where you got the idea about 10 hours daily? Just extend it to the week. Less burn out.

You are right. 10 hours per day is nightmare and only very very few people will sign up for that.

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72 posts crying in this thread, you could have done some content…

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I am unhappy wit hthe game.

]I havee allrights to post here.

Your post is just rude.

Yes, this is another blizzard thing… I hate torghast, but they could have shot it in foot before blowing it’s head off

Adjusting the difficulty will do nothing.

We have scarce loot. Let’s say someone is running M+5. They are pissed they get so little loot and it is hard to progress to M+6. Suppose Blizzard come and decrease the difficulty. Fine, the person can now do M+8. But they are again pissed that they get so little loot and it is hard to progress to M+9.

Nothing changed.

The issue is in the loot being rare. This breaks the reward chain. You do the content, you spend time, and you get too little to show for it. This just makes you stop doing the content. You are not feeling rewarded beyond doing just one run per week, so you will do just that one run per week. And this is pretty terrible, because this then reduces the number of runs overall and then these runs that remain become much less pleasant than they were before. Because it’s all serious business now, etc.

Of course you do. But I think you’re lying about how much time you have to spend on stuff like this if you’re posting this much here.

12 hours a week and 2 max level chars, one at 190. Are you by any chance exaggerating a bit to push your narrative?


How much time have IJ spend according to you on this subject without intermissions?

You act like leveling from 50/60 took more then 6 hours per char for alts…

But I understand you’re just looking to namecall, cause thats all you are adoing.

Then we come down to the next question. What do you need gear for? Simply for the sake “of getting something in the end” then Blizz could might as well just give cosmetics? You manage to clear the current m+ level or kill the boss. Once you reach the next difficulty(normal->heroic->mythic) or higher m+. You should have enough gear ticked in to take them on?

I think if one thing this forum has proved is that anyone seems to be allowed to complain about anything :). Whether or not anyone listens is another matter.

Loot rate currently is poor, hope it changes to inspire me to run dungeons again.

For progress. Play → get reward → play higher-level content. This is what the game is built on and decreased loot weakens the links. For some, the links will remain strong enough to continue playing. But this doesn’t matter because for others, they will become weak enough to reduce play to one instance per week, and this then will have repercussions for everyone, as I say. Do you know what is the current speed of gearing with one run per week? 1.5 ilvls per week optimistically, with all events. That’s good to go one level up in M+ in two weeks. That’s way too slow. It was very different before.

But then we return to the previous question. Difficulty in general. You won’t feel the desperate need for gear if you are sure you can progress farther in the end-game. The game difficulty spikes could be adjusted to it?

It only conflicts with the mentality: “I can’t do mythic raids unless I am catastrophically outgearing it that in essence mythic raids can’t offer me loot upgrades anyway”

How do you propose to adjust the difficulty? You mean decreasing the differences between individual M+ levels? This can help, yes, because that will speed things up. But if you just decrease the overall difficulty uniformly, this won’t help, because this won’t speed things up, it will just jump you once.

But if you are going to decrease differences between individual M+ / raid levels to speed things up, why not just return loot back to what it was? This will have a similar effect, easier.

The thing is, decreasing speed is their goal here. It’s just a bad goal. Unless they are planning to decrease ilvl differences between raid tiers, as I said.