I don’t care what you want. I just want to play PvP on 2-4 chars like I did pre BFA. Now everything like Torghast or Maw is must have because of Legendary, Gem slots etc. I don’t want to spend 8 hours a week doing this crap because then I can finally play my content. If you have such need to spend 2 hours on your char on both wings of Torghast then go twisted corridors.
Dont worrie, Gingi has grinded 30+ hours on mythic spires10+ with two extra hunters to get a weapon for his WF race.
Or wait a month and get 197 gear from questing content.
What? you mean one peace rest = ipgrade thropugh anima.
Great, that cosmetic tag on that gear btw.
I guess it isnt men t to be cosmetic at all?
Yes, and the end result is a full armor set of 197 gear for a couple thousand anime. You get anime from wotld quests. Hence, quest content.
The cosmetic tag is only on recolors you get from the sanctum activities. The stuff you get as quest rewards and upgrade is fully functional gear. Even comes with a set bonus so depending on what content you are doing wearing it you could make an argument it’s better than normal raid loot even though it is technically 3ilvls lower.
Contrary, I dont want to do wq’s that dont progress me. I do WQ’s for the anima for my covenant upgrades. Prior #1 as a casual, I make maybe 700 a day on 1 char
“boohoo casuals can get the same gear as i’m getting whatever shall i do i cant feel unique anymore they all have epiczzzzz”
“I’m not going to read any responses hurr durr, look at me, hurr durr, herp derp look at me I need attention”. Proceeds to respond to every reply ^^
Getting boring and old if you’re incapable of grinding gear then choose a different MMORPG.
If you genuinely can’t walk away from it? Then do Rated PVP and normal PVP for honour, Gear up to 184 ILVL buy a darkmoon trinket at a iLVL of 200 “their actually decent” do LFR and que for Normal raid as “185” will get you in most groups.
If you don’t want to do this then go back the Mythic+ and grind, You don’t deserve anything if you don’t want to put time and effort into it.
You’ve ruined Torgustaaaaaaahhh
You’ve ruined Item drops in the past
Don’t ruin Mythic+ its fine where its at.rant over.
Cool story bro
Entilted casuals not casuals. Real mmorpg casual players accept and actualy enyoj having gear more rare and exclusive.
i love how desperate pvp crowd is about promoting pvp that nbody wants to do in game
people would rather quit then do pvp - thats the truth
Want to know what’s even funnier? I’ve caught the some of the same people on the forums who were whining for nerfs to Torghast are the same people who’ve come back to complain they now hate Torghast because it’s too easy now.
This is your average forum poster. Sometimes I’m still baffled by how some peoples brains work, or rather… don’t work
You mean you? - that’s the truth.
Yes sir. People use the word casual to try and offend people. I used to play decently hardcore, but over the course of years I’ve enjoyed chilling and taking the laid back approach. Being casual doesn’t automatically mean you’re bad… however these forums would change that theory sometimes. Thankfully it’s the vocal minority
I get 48hours of game time left…
Go take your guess why I quit? I dont pvp.
And you’ll still be on the forums in a week with your “48hours of gametime left”
The mentioning gametime thing and saying you quit is essentially the adult version of throwing your toys out of the pram.
Oh right?
Got a feeling they will up M+ loot when tier sets come back which they confirmed, which will make raiding very lucrative to M+ in comparison
But I’ll say there should be some sort of bad luck protection, atleast doing PvP I am guaranteed 1-2 pieces of hard upgrades per week
What’s linking me your gametime gonna do? I have 7hours left to buy more. I’m not quitting though. it means nothing. Save yourself the headwork and just stop.
Why are you continuing to play if you really hate the game that much? Are you really struggling to put the game down?
I am certain they will stop
When we get more loot