yeah, youre right^^
ShUt uP eNtItLeD ScRub!
I will have you know that OP is 1/10 hc and 194 and everything is fine!
I’m tired of seeing the same excuse over and over again.
It is not a grind when the reward is almost non-existent for players unlucky enough to get nothing in 10+ runs.
A grind is investing a substantial amount of time to recieve something you want, something you work hard for and put the time in to acquire. Current m+ eliminates the rewarding feeling of grinding dungeon after dungeon. Right now if i spend a decent amount of time in battlegrounds or running ranked arena, i will eventually be able to buy some gear and upgrade it. If i do a full day of m+ i could potentially come out of it with nothing but a few hundred anima and maybe some conduits for an offspec, which feels absolutely terrible. I personally have experienced this and let me tell you, it didn’t feel like a grind, it felt like a complete waste of time and effort.
So yea, people are understandably upset that they spend 3-4 hours a day running dungeons and get nothing out of it, while Kenny the Havoc DH gets ilvl 200 in a single day. Stop catering to extremes, loot drops need balance like most things in this game and this my guy is definitely not it.
No one is asking to be fully geared in a single day or even in a week.
Rant over.
If you are lucky, sure nothing to complain. But a lot of us have experienced the so called “bad” luck enough for last few weeks. I stopped the sub renew a few days ago for the exact reason. SL is already repetitive enough with the chores, the reduced loot and 35 anima certainly does not help
lol - thats from the same guy
I was being sarcastic hence the format.
What do you mean stop complaining about this?
This forum is likely the only medium any player has a chance to show the devs (and yes they do have people here) the he/she is displeased with the game, and it is bad, I already stopped my sub and will stop playing in a week or so when it expires.
I don’t think it makes sense that when can grid for around 5 hours (that’s around 10 mythic) and not get a single item, I’m not enjoing the game thus I complain, and soon enough you wont see me here anymore (yay good for you)
facepalm Softcap come week 7 (You know you’re gonna get easely 197 across your character):
M2-M10 gives respectively 206-236 loot.
LFR gives 215 loot
Normall gives 230 loot
Heroic gives 245 loot and
Mythic obviously give 260 loot.
Keep loot as pre SL.
Hardcore raiders still have 45 lloot level average = everyone happy.
How would a casual player be geared within a week like that when the highest they can get is one item from chest/gv is not higher then heroic?
Its up to blizzard to provide enough content to be deemed worthwhile which is why this is a really bad way of treating costumers, and especially the casual kind. I got nothing much to do but run boring keys or take my time in trying to find a pug thats just my fitting and not full of people that are entitled for theyr clean run of the week.
The whol;e frigging point is so that people dont have problems withj soft caps and soft caps have a natural rise in power. Just not common sources.
Week 7 I predict LFR be death. LFR’s gear drops… well… -3 for the last wing and that it…
Is that when the last wing releases, and is that not supposed to get people in raiding foor a first place and let that be the known source that usuhally you actually do get some gear out of it thoats relevant and not a secondairy stat change.
And you act like boohoo everything was killed off in BFA, BFA alot of people quit not because of loot but lack of new content. Typical welfare prokblems and gaming headquarters that cant produce, such is the case with sl allready. What week are we in? 4? And I am being timegated wit hthe only option to feel progressive because I dont wanna fall to far behind in gear aspect. I am allready super far behind as it is as a 190 ilvl, overall. I still run two peaces from heroic dungeans for pete’s sake.
I may as well buy BOE at this point?
Heck, I dont know why I write this to you but uhm…
Can you pllease stop thinking that its loot only that need fixing if ‘blizzard’ thinks everyone will be ‘end game gear’ within a week then blizzard screwed up somewhere and its garanteed the problem that you dont corrolate enough.
You’ve done 16 m+, most +2 and you’re ilvl 196. Come back when you do 20 more m+ without any loot Many people have done 50/60 m+, most without getting loot at all or if they get loot it’s in the same spot they already have the same ilvl of gear. That’s why people are complaining.
Yeah, they feed people with overilvled welfare gear they barely worked for (hello? GV, mythic chest and other things?) and then when they have this gear they start complaining that there is nothing more to do. When GV gear will sit in like half of the slots for everybody it will be exactly the same in Shadowlands. Loot will be worth less than that 35 anima because you already have +10 ilvl more from GV for these 4 mythics you did last week.
Great Vault is a mistake, free giveaways are a mistake. There should be no nearly free “food” you receive as your weekly welfare for doing barely anything mostly. Reasonable drop rates and tokens as bad luck protection, NO overilvled gear for nearly free. And suddenly everybody has quite a lot to do.
Blizzard pretty broke the game for people who want to gear through effort, replaced effort with blind and bad RNG and made welfare a main source of gearing. And the funniest thing is that people sucking this welfare tit with great joy are telling people wanting to gear through effort …that they have not enough effort, AND THEY WANT THINGS FOR FREE xD
You get it? Dude doing like 4 m+ a week, dropped high ilvl weapon from mythic chest and high ilvl chest from GV and has nearly 200 ilvl thanks to that effortless blind luck that you should do more content because yours xx M+ a week is apparently not as much as his 4 super effort heavy M+4 xD
There is scientific research showing that people having advantage in game think that they are better than people that don’t have such advantage. And they think the same way even when someone actually tells them the game was cheating in their favour against other players. I can’t find this research right now (maybe somebody will help), but I remember results pretty well.
These low loot and high RNG apologists, telling everyone to LTP, “have more effort” are exactly these people. Luck gave them unfair advantage and even when they are aware of that they think their effort is high because they were highly rewarded and your effort is low because you wasn’t highly rewarded. They literally perceive their luck as skill and effort to feel better.
Sorry but what last time i checked we are all allowed to have an opinion, if you do not like it you can just ignore those opinions.
So basically you are crying about ppl crying, but your crying is supposed to be the correct crying? I always wonder why ppl make such topics. Like do you actually believe your spam will change anything, make ppl act differently or you just couldnt resist joining the crying bandwagon during one of the super boring watching npc to RP afk moments in SL?
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