Can people stop complaining about Mythic+ drop chance on loot?

So we’re done. My point still stands, and thats at the lowst of caps, 46-50 under max.

So how woudl you think how motivated I am if I am gonna waste all that time while some pvp kiddo like sea gets instant 200 on week 7?

While I have to spend 20+ mins per dungean, he can take two epic bgs of less then 15 minutes (Cause everyone just rushes AV last two towers and docks) and max out gear for honor)

It’s hardly instant, you can see hes done pve as well. You still haven’t answered his question, is it because you know it will show you up as an entitled whiner without a case?

Before you budge into a convorsation, how about quite speciufics what sea has ‘asked’ me.

Sea didnt ask me jack. It was Dangrar that asked me.

The point is you were asked, you’ve not answered, the point wasn’t “who asked”

Keep evading you disingenuous cretin.

Blizzard apologists literally want this game in a state when someone with bad luck will need to buy catch-up gear at vendor next tier while doing few M+ each day lol.

“yOu ShOuLD JuST pLAy MoRE YoU eNTiTlEd bRat”

Then quote me where Sea asked me stuff.

Do so.

Cause he didnt. If he did, I may of read over it, but you didnt bring that up.

You’re no different then him.

I bring discussion points to table. You dont discuss.

yOu So MaD iZ hILaRIouS

You know I said the truth. That’s literally what you want, and you also devalue other’s people effort when they are unlucky. Luck = effort. Just like for Blizzard waiting = content.

If you just go play the game you get your loot.

Were not done because I’ve asked how many m+ have you done and how many drops you looted.

You threw in loads of other bits, maybe because I brought them up, my bad.

Just give me the two above pieces of info. How many m+ run and how many items looted (not worn)

Not true at all, your efforts should mean something. I mean look at you, can’t even time a 7, laughable raid progress and 191. You’re getting enough loot.

The problem is you’ve been treated like the fat kid at the all you can eat buffet in past expansions and now that you’re on normal rations you’re screeching like a baby.

Grow up a little?

Which I have siad: 16 runs 2 drops.


That’s not how RNG works. RNG works so you play the game and can never see what you want anyway until you farm yourself to death. You people have no clue about probability, go do some maths about your precious loot system and calculate your chances for given loot and how much time you would have to invest to be sure you will get it. If you have at least half of a brain you will see that these numbers look terrible.

You know M+ and raiding is a team effort? Am I supposed to time +7 solo lol? Or maybe I should solo raids with some PUGs when I don’t even actually care about raiding? You even know how much tank does in a raid? I’m basically standing and not dying while switching target with other tank after we have stacks. 99% of fails are not even my fault.

You should not go for specifics in M+. Everyone knows that. It took me also like 20 runs of mechagon junkyard to get the ‘hit from behind’ ring. That is not changed from BFA into SL. And i even had a full friends group who would have given it to me when it would drop.

That is a specific target farm and unrelated to softcaps…

It was about specific.

But you’re wondering why most people complain about less loot is not because of specific target ffarms its because people are stuck at 184-195

I cant help it someone came up with me not being able to calculate about the chances to get a specific item. It was not me. :man_shrugging:

And where should I go for specifics? Should I become PVP cannon fodder when I don’t want to do PVP but Ion tries to force me to it because it’s next to impossible to fill some of my slots other way?