Can people stop complaining about Mythic+ drop chance on loot?

And there you go being more narrow minded yet again. Poeple complain because they have reasons to complain.

Many of us casuals coined for extra loot during legion and BFA or a chance of loot when we played. We cant even do that right now. They lowered drop rate to 3 for raids. We effectively where able to get 5+1 chance on loot previously.

We cant even smog farm properly.

+3 ilvl doesnt really change your main stats, It only changes secundairys.

YHeah, good motivationial stuff!

We will keep complaining. Once 9.1 comes in may/june I may pick it up for a month again and that it.

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What exactly is your reasoning for wanting gear? For the sake of it? so you can do your dailies faster? I’m genuinly curious. All I’m seeing is “I want, I get”.

Blizzard has literally handed you adequate gear AND giving you pity epics from weekly rewards (like the HC cache from completing 4 mythic dungeons).

What you’re asking for is bare minimum effort required to gear cap your character. And don’t give me the whole “I don’t have time to grind all day” nonesense.

I don’t either, I have a life too. But you’re also playing an MMORPG, where the main factors include character progression.

Yeah, gear is overrated anyway, you vendor it for gold the next patch or expansion. The gameplay, story, class design, zones are way more important reason for me to play. Only items that matter are the challenge mode models , especially from WoD expansion which are insane.

Who the frig cares?

If I run 3 chars, and I have 12 hours a week I have 4-6 hours to do other stuff then progressing campaign.

You think I will run 8 mythic + in that time? I litterally told you before. I want to do normall raids. Thats always been my mindset. I dont care about heroic raiding or higher.

You think ijts fun to have my GV drop a chest, thats lower then the HC chest that I may gotten for event??

Hench I made a statement how Xur was executed on destiny.

Same. And I am doing normal mode too, and you don’t need 233ilevel gear to drop for you to complete the raid either.

That’s RNG for you, you’re not going to get what you want whenever you want it. Like I said, it’s an MMORPG. You’re not magically going to stop getting gear forever unless you decide to stop playing.

I think what BFA has done is conditioned you into needing the constant dopamine rush of getting loot thrown at you. And GV is much better than the iteration that was BFA which was complete random.

The more of the content you play the more you’ll be rewarded. It’s as simple as that really.

However, I will agree that giving 35 anima for not getting any loot in M+ can be quite disheartening. Maybe they should implement badges or something, so you can farm mythic dungeons and buy certain items from the vendor with the currency, but somehow I still think you’ll find ways to poke holes in it.

Oh shut up.

BFA didnt ddope me in there. I got more gear in cata, mop and wod.

This has been an thing in wow since 2012 or so…

Great debate. Have a lovely day

Nah, Its a great debate calling me brainwashed.

Quote me on this one.

Spoiler: You won’t be able to. Now you’re just making up random stuff, which just makes me realize I’m having a discussion with a not-so bright person.

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I think what BFA has done is conditioned you into needing the constant dopamine rush of getting loot thrown at you

Litterally translation…

But you do you okay?

I will keeep ccomplaining, within my terms while I have time left. I am a costumer, so I can.

You also make statements like this:

Same. And I am doing normal mode too, and you don’t need 233ilevel gear to drop for you to complete the raid either.

I am stuck around 190 ilvl. I barely if anything I never see loot.

No where is that near the 233 cap that should of been higher.

I used to see at least a couple of fun epic bg’s that where back aand forth. The last time I saw that was during the anniversaty.

first all all the perception of “bad” player is completly distorted in any kind of wow forums - as general idea of any poster is

anyone even 1 rank below " lol total scrub - just unsub bro"

anyone even 1 rank above " lol total nolife playing 24/7"

when reality is realy bad players never post on forums - they never even do anything more then hc dungeons/lfr. and there are milions of them

no game ever should even listen to what top 1% is saying and tailor game for top 10%

How many mythic+ dungeon have you run since it was released and how many loot (any loot, excluding conduits and leggo power) have you had drop from them? I can’t see all of them but only your best 6, which means you’ve run at least 6, possibly more (worse runs of the listed dungeons) and you currently have 3 mythic+ loot equipped (their ilevel does not indicate they’re GV drops tho but I don’t know, one possibly is) even if you’ve run twice as many listed, having 2-3 drops with 12 runs is not outside of the currently given loot chances at all. This is assuming you haven’t looted anything you’ve replaced or sold as well which may be likely.

So you’d have had to run say 15-20 keys at this point before the drops you’ve got starts to calculate as below blizzards given odds (assuming what you’ve had is only that you have equipped). So how many have you run?

Mythic+ can be spammed over and over.

Now if people want to argue about the raid loot chance, I’m fine with it. But an endlessly grindable content to drop more? NOPE.

He’s barely ran any, and still complaining about loot. I think I’m gonna start complaining I’m not a millionaire, even though I’m sat on my behind doing nothing about. :slight_smile:

Edit: He’s ran 7 mythic+ and 2 of which were overtime by 16 minutes. Yeaaa.

Hence why I asked. If indeed the 6 listed is the entirety of it, having even 2 drops is better than the average odds by quite a bit.

Trying to work out whether this is a case of “I’ve run my backside off and so little loot” or “I’ve run a few dungeons and no loot, feels bad man”.

I mean, that’s luck. I ran 20 or so m+ On my tank DH within a 3 week window inf BFA and got not one weapon drop. 75% of those dungeons I targeted for weapons. That’s the nature of luck.

Consequently my unholy DK got the sword in their first 15 mythic KR run. That’s how it works.

We only complain when we’re not enjoying the rider however.

He’s been on the forums for 2 consecutive days posting, and he claims he hasn’t got any time on his hands to “grind” for gear, even though he hasn’t even attempted.

This is WoW forums in a nutshell

Edit: I’m done even humoring him with replies, as the old saying goes, stupid people will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience

Ah well time is a different matter.

If one Alts I’m happy for the game to not make accessing core systems convoluted sure but regarding gearing , that always has been and always should be based upon time spent. If you don’t play a char a lot, their gear will slow down. That is just the nature of it and it shouldn’t be changed to make altoholics gear up quicker as otherwise those who play one char will very quickly hit a wall.

Besides catch up gear exists to allow entry into M0 and raidfinder so there’s that. Then through GV and a single m0 run a week ago or even the weekly you can gear Alts slowly through playing them for half an hour a week.

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No, people won’t stop voicing their opinion.


And how many peaces do you think I have got from mythic most outside of GV, WB, Leggo, and Darkmoon trinked that are worth noting?

Not to mention the guaranteed LFR weapon… of 187…?

My gawd.

Litteralyly 2 GV m+ gear peaces on this char.

I got 1 non guaranteed loot from a +2 and 1 from a +5 after 16 m+ runs.

So its 1 per 8 for dungeans for me.

Go figure?

So, to keep it simple, in 16 runs, you yourself have looted 2 items, that is what you’re saying? That’s all I was asking.

How many m+ how many drops.