16 years of domination with little to no effort this comp has had, now its beyond broken in 2s and 3s with unkillable, infinite mobility mages. and rogues with clean restealth from phial. Utter trash players!
Problem is that rogue mage players Still think that it is the pinnacle of skill when it just isn’t anymore. rogues can restelath way too easily nowadays creating toxic game play, and mage legendary is but a joke. not even talking about combust and its reset mechanic
Still much more skillbased than 100% of the melee comps and I never ever played RMX.
Yeah, really, quite a lot of skill required to press 2 buttons while your enemies don’t have time to react or can’t react cause are in endless CC. And then even if you fail, like a lot of them, just reset, wait and repeat, when your opponent doesn’t already have all devensives to live through the broken burst.
Actually, it requires now much more skill to live through that broken comp instead of winning as it.
I see I see but the question still unanswered. Tell one comp the req more skill.
The given state of classes and their power level varies, but not so much the idea or principle of the strategy. You can argue anything is “toxic” if it’s too powerful, not just things related to RMX. For example, is the idea of playing defensive and running in order to wait for better moment to deal damage in essence a “toxic” strategy or is “toxic” because with stealth conduit it’s easier now?
In general, I think it’s common to undermine alot of the things your opponents do right and focus on things they did wrong, all this while doing the exact opposite on yourself. It’s not easy to pin point things you do wrong but it’s easy to see mistakes of others. That’s where bias emerges. This is not just the feature of “rogue mage players”, it’s much wider range of players.
Barrier legendary and cloaked in shadows conduit + crit legy is actually something that made the comb so easy for bad players to get resets.
But still, the comb requires way more then most other combs. idk but id count jungle to that aswell just with less possibilities to reset and less strong defensives.
I’ve mained mage since mop so I m not exactly biased against mage rogue
i am aware that players aren’t at fault how their class is best played and it’s not who I blamed. I just find it incredibly boring to try hard whole game to keep rogues in combat when they can just restelath anyway while the mage does nothing but reset combust.
and then mage rogue players come into the forums and tell everyone how superior they are by winning as rmp like come on. fire mage and sub rogue respectively haven’t been easier to play ever
RMX used to require a lot of coordination and ultimately skill. The game however got easier and easier over the course of time which resulted in RMX not being so skill-based anymore.
There are however still a lot of RMX at low ratings not being able to climb because they are bad. If RMX was so easy every rogue and every mage would be glad by now.
Every setup comps is a nightmare to play against but very punitive if you mess up a single setup.
You need to pre wall stuff or insta cut the cc chain coming if you want to survive vs this.
does it actually matter?
Even if all classes got 1 button and that 1 button is the same across all classes, we would still see people play on 3k and people play on 1k.
it is just annoying to play against rogue mage
All of them? Turbo, thundercleave, etc, no comp will carry you freely to any rating.
Nobody is saying that RMP doesn’t require any skill- But it has been the inherent arrogance of Rogue Mage X players that if their comp isn’t an S tier, then something is wrong with the game- Because somehow RMP is a more skill based comp than any other game, because…Reasons? Apparently casting poly is hard and having a go every 20 seconds is hard?
The argument wasn’t started by the non-RMP playerbase, but the other way around. The reason why so many people loathe RMX is because the arrogance Mage and rogue players have that just because they play those classes they should be entitled to an S-tier spot every single season. Meanwhile specs like enha shamans, demo locks, fury warriors and hunters can go entire expansions without ever rising above B tier.
This is only rogue setup that works. And 1 mistake can cost u the game. Unlike 95% of healer/dps setups in 2s. Usualy they smash head to keyboard and its a win. I dare you go make rogue and see how easy it is. U will be back on ur palas/mages/wars in no time
The holy trinity of bad arguments.
…Except that it’s not true. Mage works in several, several other comps, as AWC alone clearly shows. Rogue also functions with other specs like Spriest, feral and boomkin. The reason why they are (unsurprisingly) less played than RMP because RMP is so strong. In 2’s, rogues or mages can equally que very successfully with the said classes, but the answer is the same.
Not to mention that there are several non-rmp (and RM) classes and specs that are also forced into very “strict” comps, namely ferals, survival hunters, enha shamans and warlocks, but conveniently nobody ever mentions these things.
Equally one mistake vs RMP (or RM)can (will) cost you a game, so I don’t know why RMP deserves any special attention in that regard- Though as we see, rogues and mages at the moment have more disengaging tools than ever before, so they are not that easy to punish anyway.
Healer/dps should by default be more tankier than dps/dps, so that’s intentional. Despite this, R/M is S tier every single expansion.
The age old “my class/comp takes more skill” because reasons you are not even able to say, but just because you play one of these magical classes that alone tells that anybody who disagrees with you is just automatically wrong.
And you wonder why threads like these exist.
mage rogue dosn’t require effort? You must be new to this game… you are talking about the two most skilledbased classes in the game… and this is not my words. This is the words of rank1 players.
You have never been above 2.2k rating in any bracket. What would you know about anything in arena? You have no insight or knowledge on this subject. I am sorry to break it down to you.
Lets not put mage and rogue as the same thing. The only reason why RMX is good is because fire mages is incredibly strong right now.
They don’t really need the rogue at the moment either, but most mages finds it easier to play with a rogue because they get stuns to land their cc and damage easier.
However playing with a WW / arms warrior or a caster cleave might be better.
while this is true to some extent, there are always been combs that are easier to play up to 1.8 or 2k, basically mongoloid melee or wizzards are usually easier to get to mid range ratings with than with a setup based comp. getting 1800 as turbo or as mage/ele is probably 300 times more forgiving than getting 1800 as rmp, im playing mage ele as disc with some irl friends around 1700 and rmps are so easy to predict and counter while any double melee gives us much more trouble. i’d say that overall melee/caster/healer comps are harder to get average results with than just melee/wizzard cleaves that will just train a target and throw a focus cc every now and then. yes at some point to reach higher ratings you have to play well and some comps are more forgiving than others but at low/mid ratings the dumbest the easiest.
I think they won’t break what is working, and tho not everyone want braindead DH gameplay for disabled 10 y old kids, where u can push random buttons by a leg and still do a great job. Complex gameplay specs what this game needed to improve or make this game more arcade-style idk. Do something one. One spec need 10 iq and he TOP the charts - other 125 and he is bottom.
Like a clockwork.
True, but I think whenever people bring this argument up it’s paradoxic. On one hand, Rogue Mage X is the most skill based comp (supposedly), but on the second hand it is also an S-tier comp and popular to boot literally every single arena season. Meanwhile from the top of my head I can think of several way weaker comps at the moment that you don’t even see on the ladder at the moment.
From this you can derive two conclusions: Either:
a) Mage and rogue is truly a pure skillcomp and the reason its in S tier is because, in the hands of exceptional players, the comp can beat anything.
A problem with this assumption is a bit self-evident: If it is truly so skillful comp, how come it is also so common and successful? As we know, the higher skill a comp requires to perform well, then the number of said comps at high ratings should equally be small: And this is not the case. Equally, rogues and mages choose this comp over most others, despite them being on paper just as viable.
b) Mage and rogue isn’t a skill based comp because the synergy is just brokenly good.
This seems way more plausible, because RMP stays viable in S tier season to season, expansion to expansion, while several other comps like turbo, TWD and/or turtlecleave or w/e you want to call it come and go.
if Turbocleave had been meta for the past 8 years people would be malding on the forums- But when it’s RMP it’s somehow ok, despite the numbers showing the exact same result. This really concludes what I said in the start. Many RMX players are so entrenched in their entitlement that their comp is somehow the epitomy of high skill to the point where it is the status and norm, and any time that balance is upset, lo and behold, there’s a nerf.
I’m not saying that rogue or mage don’t take skill to play. They obviously do, but that goes for every single other class too. Yet somehow cheesing people with combustion is more acceptable than cheesing them by tunneling them down is.
Why is it inherently more skilful to set up a cross-cc on the whole team and burst somebody down in the span of 2 globals, than surviving said goes and wearing down the opponent till you get an opportunity to kill them?