Likewise, just because you like it doesn’t mean everyone else does.
People can like different things, and there is no reason to call them stupid because of that.
I don’t genuinely believe that Blizzard would ever remove permanent stealth abilities, but that is something that I would like.
When I suggest this, all you see is “the end of the world” but not realizing that this opens up for new possibilities. There would still be stealth, only it would be temporary on short durations.
Instead of stealth, the toolkit would be expanded to compensate.
Or maybe you would like one of the original iconic Rogue designs?
Moving at 70% speed while stealthed
Not having the Subterfuge talent
Having low range on Sap so that you can’t actually hit it without going inside a Hunter Flare
Having to be behind your enemy to actually deal any damage
Blizzard tried limited mobility in stealth, I recall they started with needing talent points to gain extra movement. Maybe you haven’t considered how bad a quality of life that is for outside of your little balancing dream on this .
1- Imagine a M+ team on a timer waiting for the rogue to land CC or open then ask your self how unlikely it is that would appeal to having one in your party ?
2- blizzard DID have rogue have to be behind target in fact one ability now still has a reference to that = backstab does less damage unless you are behind target . Again though this didn’t work out well because pve even if it offered the most damage reward it made the dagger rogue inferior to a sword rogue because a sword rogue could just fight, right now its imho okay- back stab does more damage and can only apply find weakness from a crit BEHIND the target which gives an incentive to try be in pve when you can be
3- sap worked VERY different in the past and again it changed due to how bad it was even for a good rogue to work with
@gekko well I’m happy you ain’t a game designer then because you basically just argue your case for disliking someone else’s like in a game, in short you dont deserve a say in somethin your bias about on a personal level
Every suggestion you have just made is not evolving the game its argument for reestablishing something that was changed because it didn’t work, and the game was slower then so now it would only be even worse .
Ps if you stand in centre of flair you are in fact unable to be sapped fyi , the reason you get sapped is because you stand off centre and the rogue can walk around to the side you are standing on and reach
Maybe you misunderstood my post a little. I was referring to how bad stealth / Rogue was in different aspects before, and that the game has evolved since.
I have actually played Rogue a lot (as my main), including WoW beta, Classic, and TBC.
Imagine instead of Stealth, you had Vanish x 10 (or maybe a little less).
During these “Vanish windows” you could in theory get access to new abilities, or simply enhance the current ones.
I am just against the permanent safety that Stealth provides and the possibility to exactly dictate when to make a go. If you have a 5 second duration to decide, it would require more timing and judgement.
if you were better at the game you would understand why rm is a non issue, especially for a warrior healer team, or at least, not as bad as you make it out to be.
It’s not just too powerful. It is toxic because of how the gameplay looks. That conduit allows rogues to simply pop out only when they have cds, and aside from that it’s a game against an invisible opponent. It’s not the same as class x doing too much damage with ability y, that’s simply imbalanced. That conduit has no reason to exist, it’s ridiculous. That being said, rogues need some sort of survivability buff. The sad truth is that rogues would be unplayable rn without that thing, especially when there’s a warrior every second game.
I don’t see why people talk about their CC so much, RMX is a setup based comp. They would be worthless without CC. The biggest problem is their damage burst windows are too strong.
If only Fire Mage damage is tuned down during Combust and Rogue resets gets sorted out it would be fine, also would like to see rogue stealth break when they actually have dots on them in stealth tbh.
I somewhat agree with that. Can’t speak for others but I personally don’t really enjoy subtlety gameplay right now. It’s like 80 % running, 20 % performance with hardly any damage or peels in between.
1860 rating despite using it for renown catchup and conquest cap, doesn’t sound bad. Having 50℅+ winrate as renown 13-14 for example against max renown players ain’t bad too .
I’ve started to use 2s for boosting people now, Gladiator Gekko incoming dw It is time for me to play 3v3 seriously…
So true. I swap alot between spriest and rogue. Rogue is nothing but running and stunning and running and stunning meanwhile your mage is doing incredible damage. When they nerf mages - they nerf rogues. Because mages are pretty much our damage.