Can rogue mage just for once be not viable?

You don’t even understand what that argument was about. It’s not coms vs no coms, it’s how far you can reach if you don’t use any coms.
Since you need to land some cc at the same time then no, you won’t get as far as a set up comp as a cleave comp. Or when doing swaps.

All I see is a lot of theories from someone that dabbled in rps and found it too difficult.

No I understood it perfectly. I just disagree with the notion that somehow requiring coms (you don’t), makes a comp more skill based, when coms, addons etc are just tools to help you play better.

The cc landing goes just as much for cleaves- but the cc in those comps plays much more of a role of peeling and saving somebody, not just securing skills. In this meta for example it is not uncommom for me to have to use my silence the mage just so I can get the combust off of them before they are dispelled.

That, or you actually don’t have any good arguments to bring up but I guess we’ll never know.

RMX has slowly had more and more training wheels added to it with every expansion.

It started in Cataclysm with Recuperate and it’s only been going downhill from there.


That is not really how it works. It is different in the way that it requires less. As a rogue in RPS you will have to stun multiple targets, you will have to sap out of mind bomb or fears and you have to keep your kill target in a stun rotation without any gaps, all while also maximizing your damage. If you fail to do so, the go is over. Meaning you have to follow up the cc properly and it takes a lot more coordination. It is not just “Hey, I have my cds, lets pump” and then kill with pure pressure like a warrior.

I play other classes too, for example both arms warrior and ww monk. I could never main those classes. Simply because I find them to straight forward and easy, and they do not keep me engaged and challenged in the long run.

That being said the discussing was about RMX, and as a rogue I would not consider that comp hard to play if Assassination is the meta to be honest.

Now you are comparing worst specs of some classes to the best spec of antother. If you compare sub rogue to arms warrior or afflication lock it is not ahead. Same as if you compare outlaw rogue to demonology warlock or fury warrior.

But yeah, I do not think this discussion will go anywhere. So l agree to disagree.

WOTLK RMP was very weak

so its not 16 years :confused:

I also play shadow priest as a main since a while and to be honest, the spec has always been in the middle range in terms of complexity. What makes the difference between an average spriest and a good spriest is not really about the class itself but more about game micromanagement (dealing damage and keeping good positioning while being trained, dodging CC and using the few tools you have efficiently - nothing really tied to the spec itself). With the loss of snapshotting expansions ago and talents like UD/Misery/Damnation it has never been so easy to deal correct damage while it was harder before (and you also had to manage your mana with SWD).

Well, yes warrior is indeed a skillful class. Doesn’t make it hard to be successful with up to mid-range ratings, for the same reasons RMP is. Also it doesn’t matter if a skillful class is played in a “dumb” comb, warrior has turbo, mage has plenty of low effort wizzards to get easy ratings with.

We don’t see monks because they don’t fit the meta. It is an entire issue in itself, if they would fit the meta they would probably be brought in meleecleaves.

i dont think they can make it not viable but they need to make it not there best choice for a change

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Ive been saying this for years. Blizzard’s favorite boys.

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The Crit legendary from Rogue also still is problematic.

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U have problems with reading?
RMP in wotlk was dead comp.

he is right. RMP in wotlk was not very common, only in s5-s6 we saw a fraction. In s7-s8 it was nearly dead due to caster cleave destroying assasin rogues.

Skilled capped released a video only 3 month ago stating the two most skilled classes were rogue and mage. I would rather listning to rank1 players than some random DH who have never been above 2.2k+ rating in any bracket.

Stop acting like it takes 3 degrees to play a caster that has instant cast burst on a 45-50s cd,dps spells that buff mastery(?) off gcd, different ccs on all spellschools, instant cast burst, ton of shields and heals, best reset potential and cheat death. Rogue might be more complicated, but it isn’t as hard as you want people to see it.
SC also says that in the video that they’re talking about high-end arena, not casual joe’s 1500-2200 bracket and I’ve missed the part where they say playing mage-rog requires the most skill.

I still don’t understand where this misconception that melee cleave doesn’t require CC and coordination come from.

Back when melee’s didn’t have the same mobility as a Mage and didn’t have the ability to disrupt casts so much, yeah… then.

Now? melees have close to 100% uptime and many ways to disrupt casts, so yes… of course they have to give other classes ways to deal with this.

Can you imagine a modern melee cleave vs a Wotlk RMP? the Mage due to their lack of mobility and squishiness would die within a minute every game vs a modern melee cleave. So they had to add to the classes so they can compete with the increased uptime and disruption… what do you expect?

2 blinks nova stupid shield endless cc ? Wtf ur talking about no meele has spamable cc.

If a meele has 100% uptime on u its fine mage is literally a tank


Mage or casters in general have to be a tanks because melee have that much uptime you? guess you don’t like to think before you speak.

Back in Wrath they didn’t have that uptime so casters could be far squishier.

No they should not.

Mage and shadows only die when there healers are oom.

I mean i agree wynter meeles have uptime.

But all casters are overtuned 2.

P.s nerf affli dmg