If you think it’s that simple to play mage you’re delusional. Btw SC says DH is the easiest melee to play.
SC says that the rogue and the mage class are the most difficult classes to play, im not talking about the setup.
I wouldn’t know anything about ur scrub challenger league, but mage is not an easy class to play. Again, this is not my words. No one is going to listning to your words, they are meaningless. You’re a random challenger.
Rogue/Mage comp will always be viable due to how their toolkits are and how well they work together. They’re a perfectly syncronized comp, have a lot of crowd controls, and they’re both setup-based classes.
I don’t think anything short of a complete rework of one or both of them would make this comp unviable.
And they can heal too now. Thats what needed them… selfheal.
U can prot doesnt count as healer so u lied here.
Also There is a double owl mage team on 2672
What is the alternative? when Meta is dominated by Warriors Pals Shams and Monks? Rogue mage is certainly easier to play, but lets not discredit the fact that at higher MMRs 2.1+ its not seen as often as other comps? Its also easily countered if you know how to play against them and not trinkets saps like it happens with most whiners out there…
Wow I mean this dh just got leveled to 60 to craft lw legendaries and I didn’t even touch arenas on it for like a year now or more but whatever checking profiles before insulting is hard and takes some effort, not like rogue or mage, aight?
If mage wasn’t easy mode it wasn’t the most played dps class/fire as spec in rated arenas.
So that’s why every top rmp team got rekt on the tournament? coz they require no skill and are too good atm?
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Mage rogue take a lot of coordination. You can’t just 123 to win like most melee cleaves.
yeeee your opinion means more than rank1 opinions. I see. You’re lost dude.
You see alot of mages because the class is really strong now, not because its easy.
Wanting specific classes to not be viable is a toxic and awful mindset. The fotm players will reroll to the next broken thing anyways and you’ll only punish the people who play these classes because they enjoy them. I understand that rogue mage can be frustrating to deal with (more so mage, rogue alone not so much imo) but that doesn’t justify to make them mistweaver tier…
I never said that. Also I still would like to see the source from SC where they say “rogue and mage require the most skill”. Your self-claimed facts might have hurt your sanity, sir.
I see a lot of mages because the class is easy AND strong not because its hard in any way.
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https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=cpoSe1Kz-Uk&t=811s
remove the spaces
These videos are made by multi rank1 players since forever.
Now eat your own words and please, get above 2.2 before you ever talk to me again. You have no knowledge about pvp.
It was also made AND posted DURING THE BETA at 2020. okt. 19., one month before the expansion was released, 4.5months ago.
Almost half year has passed and if you watched the video they clearly say it at rogue and mage as well that the specs are easy to pick up and hard to play at top levels. So for like the top 1000 characters, including alts mages are hard to play to be competitive.
I guess you aren’t in the top 1000 either so who cares what you saw in a video that was supposed to be true IF the game was launched in october and no tuning happened since?
Sadly for you lots of changes happened, the expansion was delayed and now arena is full of mages doing 50% hp crits out of their bum like there’s no tomorrow.
So idk? If you wanna play the ignorant I-rating-bash-you-on-me-vanilla-maeg game go for it, otherwise bring proper source for your claims.
You you think mage became easier to play since beta? The playstyle is still the same so your point is invalid, furthermore I dont know about the rat league that you play in but when you play on 2.2+ mage/rogue is not easy to play. They actually also state that DH is the easiest melee to play ROFL. Again, you know nothing about arena and pvp and I just proved you wrong. Tuning dosn’t matter when the playstyle is 100% the same. Yes a class can actually be hard to play and be very strong at the same time. Same goes with DH, strong burst and easy class to play.
They should not allow rival players like you to post on this forum. You just spread fake news for people who have no clue.
I see you have some trouble with comprehensive reading: I’ve said it before, but I leveled this toon to craft for AH…
Point me where you proved anything mate. SC says it in their own video that mage is easy to pick up. Now if we take the link you provided as a resource we need to take this into account as well so I guess you’re wrong, unless you play on the very top mage is just as easy as any other class.
And this is from the rank1 players’ mouth who you admire so much, from the same video you misunderstood.
The playstyle has changed, have you seen pyroclasm for example?
Tuning also matters, fire has arguably the best burst in the game at the moment.
You realise that you wouldn’t be able to post here either then as there was no rated arena in Vanilla?
Have you even seen the video? They say mage is the hardest caster to play, something being easy to pick up is not the same as something being easy to play. Stop twisting the words they literally say mage is not easy to play. Of course I would rather admire a rank1 than something from your rival mouth ROFL.
HAHAHA pyroclasm?? Its a meme spec, mages dont play that talent on high rating besides for trolling, but what would you know, you have never been above 2.2. So, again, nothing has really changed since beta. Same playstyle = mages hardest caster to play.
tunning does NOT matter to a certain degree ofcourse, when the playstyle is still the same. Obviously, if fireblast deal 1 million dmg it would be easy, but fire got a huge dmg nerf so thats not the case.
Okay, its pointless trying to talk with a brickwall so cheers, bud.
I mean, the video literally says “mages are without a doubt one of the hardest specs to pick up and perform well on”. Even AWC shows this where most teams are built around certain classes and mage is definitely one of them.