Can we address tank imbalance?

I’m specifically talking Alliance side here where, let’s be real, there is zero reason to bring anything but paladin MT if you are minmaxing.

Every. Single. Phase. Paladin tanks have continually had their toolkits buffed and improved far beyond any of the other tanks in SOD, be it locks, rogues, warriors or bears.

Paladins are chunky enough to EASILY survive all of the toughest content whilst pumping mind boggling levels of threat out from the first global.

Classic tanking is all about generating enough threat quickly enough that your DPS never have to wait an extra global. As it currently stands and how it has always stood so far in SOD (Alliance), paladins are the only tanks that can pretty much guarantee this.

Not only that, but right now duo tanking alongside a paladin is downright miserable. You may as well not be there. Want to trade MT between bosses and try to be fair? “Sure, you can tank this one- oh crap I’m 30k threat ahead of you 4 seconds into the fight. Whoops sorry, guess I’ll take this one again.”

Zero reason to bring another MT. Other classes can work well as OTs in most cases but why would any progress orientated raid leader pushing speed, execution or parses with their raid team would choose any other class over a paladin? It’s so incredibly inefficient to do so.

Like, paladins right now even in single target builds are just so. Far. Ahead. I’ve tanked with other classes along side some of the biggest paladin tank pumpers on WCL, talking the top percentile here with a few 100s thrown in, and my god it’s staggering just how far ahead in threat output the class is when played at its peak.

Other tanks need some serious work, especially in the snap threat department (but some classes need a whole lot more than that), not everyone who wants to tank also wants to play paladin. The gap needs to be closed but every phase it seems to get so much wider.


I usually like tanking while leveling and end-game content, for some reason the majority dont like tanking, so i get insta invite whenever i tank. Its a win-win for me, so when i read that rogues (the class i play) could tank, i was overjoyed. Not to mention combined with dual specc, an ABSOLUTE F’ING WIN! No joke, loved it.

But man, tanking as rogue is painful. Why does it matter that tanks have retail-level threat? NOBODY(!) likes it when tanks dont have threat, then why is it point to have tanks struggle with threat?

Yes, i understand its a slippery slope, but threat? Why can they just boost the threat level? Is there something im not understanding? Is to much threat as a tank a problem? (obviously if 1 tank has WAY more threat than the OT ofc, thats a problem)

Just a little vent there, but yeah, fix the threat for tanks.

Sadly the Devs refuse to fix this issue, there have been post for like 5-6 months about it.

were at a point for speed cleres on ally, show a clere pic of how bad the balance is.
40% is paladins
22-23% are druid and warlock
6-7% are Rogues and warrior.

All the fan of SoD were joining for more balance, not the old classic with 30 warriors.
atm it feels like the only reason people keep playing there under performing classes, it the huge time investment people have in it.
if all reputation and runs were account wide, you would see even more paladins!

its at a point the US servers are 64% paladins and druids, so there stopped posting sbout it, and Devs allmost never look at the Eu forums.


You’re not allowed to say Paladins are OP, you’ll summon Wave.


But shamans tho



As a leveling tank it’s somewhat disheartening they have put so little thought and effort into some tanks and seem to just favor and focus on certain class’s.

I’m a fairly simple person and my thoughts are, why can’t a company who have been tinkering with this game for two decades now…not be able to identify and address issues like this.

Give hunters misdirection too, I take aggro off tanks too easy, let me help tanks on my hunter too!

inb4 Wavé shows up and derails this thread by somehow making this about ret paladin pvp problems and asking for shaman nerfs.


It’s even crazier when you consider the absolutely insane amount of threat that SOD paladins were gifted was making it almost impossible to tank against rets as another class at one point too.

So did they flat reduce all paladin threat? Did they buff the other tanks so that they could hold threat over rets, and to a lesser extent hunters?

No, they instead gave a threat reduction specifically for rets, leaving prot paladins still leagues above other tank classes making it mechanically impossible to keep up. And also leaving all other tanks’ jobs difficult, using every available global and resource just to miserably, just barely keep threat above the DPS in dungeons and subject their raids to the dreaded potential “please wait for threat on pull”

Devs, non-paladin tanks (and non-shaman tanks on horde) are SCREAMING for some kind of attention here - there are just so many TPS improvements that can be made even outside of a flat threat modifier increase to the vast majority of tanking classes that wouldn’t result in a DPS imbalance - or heck even a tank imbalance. Paladins (and shamans from what I have heard) are just so far ahead it makes the game miserable for other classes trying to keep up, and honestly a flat 30-50% additional threat modifier across the board for all other tanks might not even be a bad suggestion. Mechanically though there are way better options to make the various classes more intuitive to tank with just by applying individual threat mods to various tanking abilities within the standard rotations.

It’s clear that the devs that are tanking almost exclusively play Paladins + Shamans, like painfully clear. It’s not like the other classes want to get ahead of you, just give us something to work with here. At the moment the gap is so mechanically unfair we can’t even get a look-in. What’s the point of bringing any of us?

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Edit: Did a few dungeons recently

Not sure what tanking is like at 60 with warriors is like yet but,

I just tanked BRD at lvl 52 all the way to the Emperor

We were originally trying for an XP run and lower lvl boss’s but some 60’s got invited and I was expecting this to be me running about like a headless chicken trying to keep aggro.

Four man team, 60 healer, 60 rogue dps and a 55ish mage

Managed to keep aggro majority of the time using vigilance on the rogue

I had to taunt a fair bit at time’s and was missing attacks later on but wasn’t as traumatic as expected

Healer had their work cut out at times too due to my lvl but no wipes

WARRIORS! /flex over :smiley_cat:

It’s funny a warrior complaints about something like this when ERA was 100% warriors in speed clears both tanking and what 70-80% warriors dpsing? And they complaint about a mere 40%? :smiley:

Don’t worry though from what everything is showing you are back to being top dps with rogues doing 1,5k dps more than the majority of other classes.

Kindly explain to us, what does ERA have to do with SoD, otherwise your comment is completely irrelevant.

Point is, it’s other classes turn. If you want warrior dominated everything era is still there for you.

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you completely missing the point, we what a balance game, were ALL the classes that have a spec for a specific role, is equal!

we what a balance? assuming you meant to type want and not what I disagree, I think that SoD should put the classes that were ahead in original vanilla slightly below the rest this time around.

I mean if you want to spin it that way, we’ve just finished Wrath Classic where paladins were at their absolute Classic peak and by far the best tanks in the expansion for a multitude of reasons, why do we now get the exact same treatment in SoD? As you said it’s other classes time to shine!

Wrath =/= SoD
Era =/= SoD

100% agree, this topic is to address tank imbalance and discuss how to balance things and idk maybe get the fact that the majority of tank classes are chores to play right now (because the focus has been one one specific class per faction since release) across to the devs.

As a tank druid, I wouldn’t say I suffer much in the tank role. Feral has a different problem, and it hasn’t changed since the start of SoD - no one needs a bear with SotF rune, but everyone needs a cat with WS.

Yep, it was a big mistake to give Windfury to druids. It should have been Aura of Command for Retribution Paladins instead.

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I would agree that feral tanks right now are a solid choice, easily second best overall but still quite a bit behind especially on fight openers.

And every other tank seems to be way behind even ferals. If we could bring the #1 tanks back a bit and buff everyone else to around the same as ferals then I think tanking in general on SoD would be a lot more enjoyable and diverse.

so warrior stil below dps on agro.
this is a F joke.
that buff dit close to nothing for oure chance to tank, gess we stok with 3 sunders befor dps can do.
and still paladin do 2 spells and go afk.

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Don’t forget all the paladin tanks get Thunderfury prio this phase too ofc for yet another massive threat boost

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