Can we buff Arms

Ok the prank is not fun anymore. Can we revert the changes on arms and revert back to DF? Like DF version of Blademaster’s Torment, Strength of Arms talent DF version , tactician procs chance and DF rage generation?


Buff arms > nerf fury


double it, and send it to the next person

I think it’s better for everyone to be arms in meta than fury.

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lol yeah, fury is just the lost brother of demo and bm hunters nobody likes them, even the warriors itself


Can sign that.


well we got just nerfed with no proper recompensation kek df too stronk but no buff to mortal is sad

Fury got nerfed , sad news Thunderous Roar nerfed.

It’s bad that thunderous roar got nerfed for all warriors. However i hope that if there are any arms buffs it will be direct dmg instead of bleeds since the big bleed is beeing nerfed and going back to big MS/Execute and overpower


Im most mad by the fact they nerfed arms for the sake of pve . I don’t know if they really want to push us to play with Spear lol.

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buuf our single target damage its a joke rn

Seeing no buffs on the upcoming patch clearly states they hate the spec while nearly everyone else gets buff

There is still hope

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would rather ice bucket challenge with battery acid than play spear tbh. hope it never becomes meta


hm, isnt the biggest problem on arms the low stat value currently, low haste which leads to rage issues, and getting better with more gear/stats?

Good question. Tested on beta with around 20 %haste. I was dreaded to press execute or damp any excessive rage on ignore pain. However in the beginning of DF with the nearly the same stat values, arms rotation seemed smooth.

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I hope they remove this trash ability and replacing it with something else .


Yeah, where is my big mad NecroBanner

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so we just got nerfed XDDDDD **

  • Colossus : Mountain of Muscle and Scars increases damage dealt by 5% (was 4%).

  • Colossus : Damage dealt by Demolish’s two initial strikes increased by 20%.

  • Mountain Thane: Thunder Blast, Lightning Strikes, and Ground Current damage increased by 6%.

  • Arms

    • Bladestorm damage reduced by 10%.

??? collosus is not even playable in pvp and they nerf bs by 10% without making it not affect pvp i swear

no frost nerfs btw XDDDD

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They nerfed our aoe dmg without any compensation. Oh wait, Colossus buffed but it’s trash. Meanwhile frost mages running rampant. Every failed caster player rerolled