Can we buff healing in bg now that everyone has 12k hp?

It’s horrible as a healer to top people at the cost of half your mana , let’s not even talk about hybrid classes who can’t even heal 30% of their life without getting oom.

also why is there still more magical dmg reduction in bg while physical damage is clearly on top atm especially hunters ?

put back magical damage reduction/healing reduction to 30% already

I guess you have no gear

thx for your lowiq take , next ,

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Lmao, clueless troll

said the braindamaged brainlet , oh the irony.

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Lmao, so bad at this game i sugest you go play zelda

To be more serious, bis healers are wrecking it in bgs never going oom and it takes 3 guys to kill one. Its crazy


sad mage healer noises

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The exception is mages, those guys need serious help. How the devs let this sorry state of mages fly while buffing hunters and shamans is mindblowing


Idk priests and druids I can mostly kill solo in pvp on any of the classes I play, even in warlord gear - priests sometimes live with dispersion, shamans are the exception nobody is killing them solo, idk if paladin healers are the same as shamans since every paladin I see is a dps.

So much aoe dmg in bgs and holy pala is pretty bad at that so nobody plays it. Most holy paladins ive seen are shockadins and dont really heal anyone

dw every heal get destroyed by warriors/rogues , bulka is just a braindamaged troll don’t mind him :dracthyr_lulmao:

Gratz with 13 post on your new troll poster :clown_face: how about you learn to play your healer? Seems like you are that type to whine instead :sweat_smile::rofl:

said the coward trash on his dk because he’s too pathetic to admit he play paladin , grow some balls for once in your life :dracthyr_lulmao:

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I never said i dident play one? I even got a 60 shaman. Why dont you go play with the kids and let the grown ups alone?

Don’t whait to heal when your 20%hp and get your gear back on, there is no way a warrior can 1v1 any disent geared healer.

Warrior are still poo in pvp

Atm, i 100% agree that it mages of all classes need buffs for pvp.
But beside that i think it just nerfs of ele/tank shaman, balance druids, tank warlocks

healing is in fact super down bad in pvp atm.
even specialized healers are finding difficulty performing the one thing they are qualified to do.

non-healer-dedicated specs have no chance when it comes to healing.

currently, only resto druid, resto shaman, holy paladin and disc/holy priest can heal in pvp.
every other spec of any of the classes that have healing simply cannot perform the task (note: i am not saying they should be as efficient at it as a dedicated healer specced class).

people have too much health, and the healing debuff pvp aura is too harsh.

healers are already being punished by virtue of being healers in all realms of pvp, and this aura is putting extra punishment on them.

for example, i get less honor than everyone else in pvp, on my priest, because i am not doing any dps.
every kill, i am lucky to get 30% of the honor for it, because i didn’t do damage to the target.

this is particularly obvious in BRM when the event is ongoing.

the only healer that can survive a war with MS is priest because of the shields , others get destroyed.

FYI balance druids just took a crowbar to the nuts. Hunters are still death machines and the most reliable damage out there thanks to the range and not having to cast to chunk people.

Tank warlocks? what…?

From your selection of classes that deserve nerfs we can deduce you play a hunter and paladin or you do not play at all and just repeat what is thrown around ad nauseaum.

In fact, as a healer that has 1200 +healing almost and 12k hp I can tell you warriors are a major issue. The mortal strike 50% penalty to healing on top of 30% from the PvP aura makes it so that you do just about nothing in terms of healing once mortal strike is applied.

You can survive for a while a single warrior like this but if you are playing a premade warriors are usually shot callers and it means others focus the same mortal strike target.

Right now mortal strike is a death sentence to the focus of a couple other extra dps even if you allow healers to free cast. Very nice.

Keeping people up with normal spells are very hard. However if you use runed abilities they are very OP. But overall, I go oom in the first BG battle if it lasts more than 2 mins.
Maybe they can increase the mana regen rather than removing the healing debuff.
However, tank self-healing is crazy.

for priest/pal heal they’re indeed strong , for the rest ? meh.
shamn heal/mage heal are especially garbo tier but at last shaman got some mana regen i guess