Can we get 1.13.7 patch to classic already?

Why’s it taking so long to push this patch to live? The changes in it are great so the faster we get it on live the better experience it is for classic players.


++ i support.

If 1.13.7 ships in it’s current state… Rets will be the flat out best raiding spec for Classic and BC Karazhan with current vanilla gear. Look up on YouTube “1.13.7 Seal of Command twisting” and observe the 1200 solo dps. It’s a broken PTR built that I am sure you Warriors would be quite against.

If you ask me tho… a Ret… ship that bad boi RIGHT THIS INSTANT.

Blizzard have somewhat left PTR for a reason unknown.

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Very interesting.

I got the feeling that rank stacking will be hotfixed as soon as a good bunch of us realizes of its existence.

Not fun for Rets allowed in Classic.

Any news on this patch?

1.13.7 is the patch that is likely not to be applied on Live servers.

The reason is that they reduced batching window and they wanted to maintain certain interactions possible due to wide batching window. As you may conclude to do so they actually have to write some code. And as mentioned above they failed.

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