Can we Get a Blue Response to TBCC WOW Token :)

You can literally replace that whole 58 gear in 2 days max. Stop spewing lies and misinformation, and shove your argument up your “that part of your body which the sun does not shine”. Boost is P2W, period. You go to every topic defending MTX and blizzard’s over the top greediness. Are they paying you? Don’t you tire being a whale non stop? Do you even have a life? I find you everywhere, on every god damn topic.

People like you are literally embarrassing. Simping for a girl/boy, I would understand. But simping for a greedy company, that’s peak whaling. You are so pathetic.


No one is using the definition that p2w means you get an advantage that nobody can ever get unless they pay. You might be using that definition, but no one else does.

If you get power by paying money. You are paying to win. Simple, no?
Now go away before i get your droll on my shoes.


You can bet Blizzard will introduce the token at some point. It just makes economical sense. I bet they have more peoplw working on figuring out exactly at what point in time the loss of subs from token outrage will be outweighted by the token sales than they have removinNbugs and polishing up game systems of TBCC. I wish I was exaggerating.
I’m not 100% sure that point will arrive during TBCC, but it is more likely that it will than it not arriving by the end of Wrath Classic.

No, not no one. Most people understand correctly that “pay to win” means paying for an advantage that is better than what free users can possibly ever get, or getting it would take completely silly amount of time (as in years).
There is this vocal minority on the wow forum and subreddits that keeps erroneously claiming that mild pay to skip that blizzard introduced is somehow P2W. But they are wrong.


No to milk the last fanboys. They’re not maximizing anything. They’re losing players by the millions currently. They have no talent and they know they have to milk everything till their mobile games hit off.


No. Pay2win is Pay2win regardless of scale. The thing pay2win will always mean for mmos in reality is that not playing the game(spendmore hours at work instead of playing) becomes the most optimal way to play the game. Which is objectively terrible game design.

You are wrong.

Not that i would expect a literal Neonazi to have any good takes on anything


No, you are wrong. Pay to win has a common definition, and you are not applying it correctly. A simple Google search of the phrase shows how most people understand it and proves you wrong. Boost is a microtransaction and a very mild pay to skip that I would prefer not being in the game, but calling it pay to win just completely undermines your side of the argument.
I will not even address the ad hom.


A boost is by defintion a pay2win sale. The token as well. Retail is pay2win trash on top of it being trash.


No, it is not. Just Google “pay to win”.


I don’t need to google, you just need to use your big brain.


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You can’t be serious. Of course a retail player who asks, i’m not even going to bother.


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I’d love a blue response too.

You take it however you please. Ugh. Let me regurgitate it;

I bought Shadowlands at launch,
2 of my friends did as well,
We ALL refunded it and the game time within 2 hours,
^ because it was trash and clear from the get go to me.

I’ve never seen anyone play SL in my friends list, matter fact not TBC classic either. It’s just a ghost town. Clearly most people left Mobile Games Studio Blizzard alone.

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The response is; you retail andies liked our boost and store mount so much, so… how about a token or two!

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It’s a clash of brainwashed consumers / kids and older classic players. Tale is old as hell. Explaining yourself to these people is a waste of your time to be frank. You’re not going to convince them, they’ll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

What a nice box you got there. Put a person in, and you don’t have to ever consider the verboten opinions they dared to voice. How convenient. Good luck and have fun with that.

Good old activision.