Can we Get a Blue Response to TBCC WOW Token :)

there is already mounts and boosts and all those things introduced and noone cares about it why would i complain about smthing blizz wants to introduce that i like?
Nah man
All above nothing done, its just one more thing and i can buy the items i want

And you’re asking me if I have lived under a rock? Jesus… Well sorry to break it to you but a lot of ppl in the classic community cares about this, very much. I’m amazed you havn’t noticed. Or are you just trolling?

You are just plain sad tbh. Well, go throw your dollars at ppl so you can get your character boost, gear, mounts, carries in raids and to arena-titles etc. Meanwhile the rest of us play the game. To each his own I guess.

nah i only care about gear

i want to buy token because im almost lvl 30 and dont have gold for mount,i really appreciated if they make token fast!!!

I can’t stop laughing, please stop, or you will kill me mate

YEA? I mean it’s already a P2W “feature” in Retail ( the Tokens ). In TBCC it will be far, far… (let me draw it to you) FAR worst than on Retail, if they add Tokens.

Exactly this.

Why do you people think they lost 30% ( !!! ) from their 40ish million player-base? Is because of “features” and bad management of their games? Hm?

Are you serious?!? How in the earth is “completely” normal to lose 10+ million players across all their games, in 3 years?! I mean, I see you are a fan, but a blind one?!

Almost every other Gaming Company out there, has GAINED players in 2020/2021 “thanks” to the pandemic, but losing them? And you still defend Blizzard? Well … no wonder they will go down hill so fast, that in few/several years all you will hear is Activision this, Activision that, rather then Blizzard.

PS: I re-read your comment just now. Seems you believe WoW lost 10+ million players in the last 3 years! LOL. Long are the days WoW had close to 10 million players. We are talking about 10+ million players lost across all their games.


I was talking about gaming as a whole, I really don´t know how many subscribers are lost in which games, I just know decline is absolutely normal in gaming. 95% games have top population on release and then its just decline all over again. Look at steamcharts for instance. You saw Valheim? Insanely good game. Lost 90% of its playerbase, why? Because people finished a content and stopped playing it even tho its really good game. It just takes more time in MMORPGs to chew through content than in single players games.

Maybe you should reread it once more so you figure out im talking about decline in players being totally normal in gaming as a whole, including WoW ofc.

Edit: Btw. I stopped playing during Covid too and you know why? Because I played WoW so much I actually burned out. So I played other games. And thats exactly what I am talking about. If you play any game, WoW included, for a long amount of time you simply get bored because you run out of content very quickly. So ye, they lost me during Covid too but it wasn´t because WoW being bad but because I simply played it too much and had nothing to do.

Did you just wait 2 months just to necro this thread on the same day that it was supposed to be closed?

Like… just why?

Is it agains any rules?

No way. Blizzard should crackdown on the gold farming. This is Classic. You want to change a time capsuled version of a game in ways that are detrimental to the classic experience.

We DONT want LFG tools, we DONT want a cash shop, we DONT want character boosts. This is not what Nostalrius stood for AT ALL.

Go play retail if you’re into that kind of stuff. This is Classic.


You should always pay month by month… for what would you ever give them 6 months sub at a time? A fugly cash shop mount? A few dimes of discount? So you can be suckered into subscribing and they don’t have to do any development on the game because everyone just gave them a blank slate for 6 months.

Just see those guys with the 6month sub who wanted to quit over the whole lawsuit. Now they have still months of running sub and all they can do is ingame protests until their wasted money stops running out.

Well I hate to inform you that I purchased many wow tokens trough trading classic gold for retail gold… it’s been an available option for a long time now

Within World of Warcraft, we have WoW Tokens that can be purchased with gold. These tokens are able to be claimed to your Account as $15.00 each. What you can aim to do is get enough tokens to load up your Balance, and then buy the character service you desire with the Balance.

Official response to my ticket where I asked free realm transfers for players on dead realms.

They’re going to implement the token, that’s why you’re not getting a response.
Why do it? Because money. Money, money, money. It’s like going to a club, they don’t want you to buy your stuff from an outside dealer, they want you to buy from their dealer.

I don’t think even Blizzard are stupid enough to kill TBC with WoW token.

Yes it is. It’s exchanging money for character power => P2W.

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Who is this ‘we’ you claim to represent? Not me, that’s for sure.

Adding in modern conveniences to a modern audience makes perfect sense… Classic is over there, go play it. What are you even doing in TBC? It’s not classic, it’s an expansion and has many changes from classic, so by your own ranting you shouldn’t be playing it at all…

Explain to me exactly how bringing in the wow token will kill TBC. I just don’t see it.

Token would absorb some of the money currently going to third party websites. That’s about it. Having a stack of money only gets you so far in the game- sooner or later you need to go out and do some stuff yourself. If someone wants to spend $1000 on tokens to buy numerous boosts to make themselves feel better, I could care less. Doesn’t affect my gameplay at all- they might even get top end gear runs, etc but they won’t be as good in that gear as people who have grinded it out and it becomes obvious fairly fast.

58 boost is not p2w. It doesn’t even get you to max level. It gives you rubbish set and a tiny amount of gold with no professions- all it does is put you roughly behind anyone who played classic and transferred into TBC, thereby enabling new players to experience TBC without having to level up from scratch on one toon.

I’d bring in more 58 boosts if players wanted more than one per account to enable more people to play alts if they wanted to without spending weeks grinding through old content to reach Outlands.

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Haha it’s already dying. And the wow-token will just be the final nail in the coffin for many that already thinking about to quit.

Btw - it’s fine you like the modern conveniences. But realize that a lot players dislike them and that’s why Classic was so popular and all the private servers before that made classic happening in the first place. Blizzard can at least provide these players one server (probably fresh later) that they can just sit on meanwhile others enjoy the “modern conveniences” in the modern wow retail/tbcc. Win-win for all!

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