Can we get a Realm Squish?

90% of realms are low pop aka dead.
Even my medium pop one feels dead, I hardly see any players, only 2 guilds actively recruiting, 1-2 players afk in Orgrimmar, can’t sell anything on the auction house.

Even with the dwindling playerbase the servers still can’t handle 40 players doing world PvP in Vol’dun etc.


Very Squishy OwO

Can I have your go…

Sorry, wrong thread.

I’d like to see selective free server transfers. Same purpose, different method.


Or they could hold out for your server transfer $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Or lose that $$$$ in the long run because people are more likely to quit than transfer multiple characters.

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That would be admitting to investors the game is declining. No can do.


the only thing needed is more connected realms.


EvErYtHiNg Is DeAd

id rather they removed connected realms entirely and reduced the number they have, specifically since there isnt any specific pvp realms now.

Half the problem in WoW these days is noone actually knows anyone due to connected realms, one of the best things about older wow was realm pride and recognising players on both sides of the divide

Connected realms is here to bring life to dead servers. They simply cant merge them because of shared names. And realm pride? It ceased being a thing when LFD and LFR came in, neither works without being able to pull from all servers.

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They could easily implement ‘family name’ to avoid name clashes. Also less servers saves them money in long run.

Agree that the lfd finder has a large impact but for open world stuff it would be a big change and a step forward imo. I’ll be watching how classics community goes and hope it gives blizzard food for thought


Can you please delete this ?

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1000 auctions posted with TSM4, 5 sold, I made less than the deposit cost on all those auctions

I have the same problem. I sold more items in a week back in Legion, than I could all through BfA. Constantly got around 400 auction posted and did not sold a single one in like 5 days.

should just keep the 10 biggest realms, 10 should be enough for EU english pop.
2 RP and 8 normal realms and no sharding/connected etc etc. One realm is one realm and thats it.

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Because all they need is one mega server but typical blizzard haven’t got the balls to do it because people will cry about there name becoming unavailable when the clearly obvious answer is to allow ‘surnames’ or still have at the end of your name the original server you came from, this doesn’t even need to be visable until you inspect somone if they so wish to.

But like i said it won’t happen because 95% of the population doesn’t know what’s good for the game and would rather stay in a dead world because they might have to alter their name slightly…

Did this just spurt forth from one of your udders or something? If not, where the hell did you pull that from? Everyone I’ve ever spoken to about names wants the option of a surname.

NINETY FIVE PERCENT! You just made that up.

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It’s the number 1 response every time:
“i like my name”
“i will miss my server name”


Snapshot of population on EU taken at 11.33 the 13.01:
7 Full
16 High
67 Medium
18 Low
2 New Player

Total number of servers: 110

OP’s claim: “90% of realms are low pop aka dead.”
Fact: Only 16,36% of the servers are low populated

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Depends on your definition of the High…

I’m fairly certain Blizzard have shifted that goal post a long time ago. Given high while having 12 million players isn’t the same as being High with 1 million players but the same realm count.