Can we get a Realm Squish?

@Moodroo: Megaservers work for much newer… and frankly, much smaller games. I am not entirely sure how you could have missed the complaints about AH / bank / vendor lag during BfA launch on realms such as Silvermoon and Draenor. Even just combining Silvermoon and Draenor as they are right now would create a server that would be unplayable for more than 80% of its active population during prime time… and we are not on maximum numbers. About 30 to 50% would spend their game time in queues and many of those who get in, would suffer lag to untolerable level.

Granted, I know very little about the underlaying structures, but as far as I can tell, the absolute minimum number of EU servers would be around 67 to 74 (vs 122 that I think we have right now).

@Toostrong: Those numbers seem a little bit low. As things are now, I would say 3 RP as follows: Keep Argent Dawn as a stand alone, keep the Defias Brotherhood group as is and connect the 2-way and 3-way to a single 5-way. On the PvE side… Silvermoon, Draenor, Kazzak, Tarren Mill, Twisting Nether and Dentarg should remain as they are in terms of being singles. Probably Ragnaros, Stormscale and Magtheridon, too. That would be nine. Current Outland could probably take one or two smaller realms in without active overcrowding. The rest are rather complex mix that would take a bit more time for me to untangle, but the total number should proabably be around 25 for English support ones.

That was somewhat off the top of my head, but 10 total is not enough.

The servers have the same cap as before, they haven’t changed how many players that server can hold at max. That would just cause a whole heap of problems for the popular servers, like Draenor. The things that have changed are how many servers are high now, compared to before.

In any regards, OPs statement that 90% servers are low populated, is still false.

@Orlen: That statement is very complicated… Today’s servers have significantly higher CCU (concurrent users) caps (about 6 000) compared to those of late TBC (4 000?) / WotLK (4 500?) / end of MoP (5 000?) / pre-fix WoD (5 500?) / post-fix WoD (6 000) times. Also, that far back there were no Italian or Portuguese servers. I am not able to really quickly check when Russian servers first went online, but they changed things, too, in terms how the players split across regions.

As far as I am able to make rough comparison… A high server of today, would have classified as full or outright locked back then. I apologize for any errors in the quoted numbers, I do not have my relevant notes handily available. They should be fairly accurate, though.

Yesterday the only thing on trade chat was boost sellers. Twisting Nether used to be the one of most populated servers in EU. These days if you see more then 5 people in a zone you get happy.

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Yeah I keep telling people this.

They will never merge servers because it will prove that most of the servers have little to no players on them.

That’s why they’ve been doing all this instancing and Warmode junk. Also why they stopped announcement of subscription numbers.

It was all fine and great when they had to announce over population on servers but they don’t say a word about the ghost servers.

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Apologies I should have meant active players, because despite the EU having 3.6 million characters between 111-120 there aren’t that many players…not by a long way.

@Orlen: No apology needed. Also, in terms of activity and server caps, a level 1 will take exactly the same amount of “space” as a level 120 (1 CCU each). :slight_smile:

some servers are very ok mine for example in ORG sometimes it’s super full and keep in mind not many people even visit ORG anymore but smaller realms should definitely get merged because there’s definitely too many imo

As realm merging seems to be off the table now I don’t understand why they don’t just let people server transfer on dead realms to other specific realms. They must have their own data on how much activity these servers see and which they could allow transfers to.

Bit like the old FCM service but make it like this realm is going to close, you can move to x y or z. Leave it active for six months and those who log in after that period have to move when the log on.

Its a disgrace thats what it is.
Its killing the game for many people and we dont get a word about this problem.

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while not technically true, your sentiment is 100% correct. i made a post a month back with actual numbers:

some posting here posted there too. so we all see the issue, but the reason is either A) blizz cant be bothered or B) that action will make the game look like its dying to shareholders, media etc.
while those same shardeholders and media are too stupid to do a few seconds research and find servers with as little as 160 players on it. aka. dead server.

the 2 “reasons” to stop this are easily dealt with and should stop being used as an excuse not to merge/connect/teleport etc. and that is A) my name. this is easily dealt with as mentioned above, put the old server name as a surname. and B) server pride. like mentioned, this has gone for the most part since MoP or even cata. and im sure these people would rather be able to clear content in a larger server than kill nothing and have their “pride”

Example: on my server ghostlands (dragonblight)only 18 horde guilds have killed a boss in uldir, and about 25% of those haven’t even done heroic. and only 2 have touched a boss in mythic, one of which is my guild, and the other is now disbanding.

and Hearthstone will be soon if rumors are to be believed?


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