It was annoying when I wanted to sell bags and just couldn’t see the buyers because they were on a different layer. Could we get a separate server (or 2 if too many are interested) without layers for all of us who want the real Classic experience?
Yeah and then also without the changes like dual spec, instant mail, chronoboon and all that nonsense please!
just out of curiosity, the layers issue aside, how do you benefit out of a classic server without any of those small QoL changes?
as in, how does it affect you?
He wants to play on a realm with 500 population
And then he will come to this very forums and cry : “Can we get a merge please?! Not enough players to sell bags to…”
Man it doesnt feel right so many layers for this game. Mega realms do fit for retail where the social aspect is non excistend. Vanilla is different. But to be fair to many ppl for leveling nowdays. Kinda hard to balance all this i guess
Yeah that’s kinda an unavoidable issue. It’s either big servers with layers or constant merges and realms dying. All you need to do is to look at classic. How many realms there were and yet just in TBC the merges and realm culling started. Of the Fresh Wrath Realms none really survived to Phase 2 afaik. Giantstalker tried but their numbers were still low. Now it’s down to only few realms.
My issue is that there is not enough layers and population per layer is pretty much high…