Can we get FREE migration from Draenor please

This is starting to get beyond a joke now, I rolled on this realm a while ago knowing it was a ‘high’ pop realm, as I wanted people to play with, meet, make friends, an active auction house where commodities sell.

I didn’t go on a ‘low’ pop server to be billy no mates.

When you’re limited for time as in a couple of hours here or there, paying a subscription fee on top of the cost of the game itself, and having to wait upwards of 4 hours to just log in is getting beyond a joke.

How is it a problem that has been known about for years, actual years, hasn’t been fixed or had some money thrown at it.

I wanted to enjoy the expansion after having taken a break, but low and behold I can’t even do that, so it looks like it’s either take a longer break in the hope that people flee Draenor (don’t know why they would) or wait for Blizzard to offer free migrations off.


I second that. For this to work you almost have to remotely control your pc to not auto disconnect from the game. The waiting time on draenor is now over 230 min and it’s just not fair, especially when you have all your characters on this server

So the problem was known for years and yet you decided to come on draenor. Well done, mate

Just out of curiousity: You ask for a free server transfer, would you take it urself?


Since we BOUGHT for subs years. Blizzard dont fix for full realms.

Not an answer, but yeah. I know how frustrating this can be, but honestly, this is absolutely nothing new, you are on one of the fullest realms in EU and wonder why this is happening. Gee.

If theres a problem with servers being full then it’s up to Blizzard to fix it and stop transfers.
They won’t as they make too much money.

Stop blaming players for Blizzard mess,.
White kinghts apologists are one of the reasons Blizz gets away with treating their customers like crap.

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It would be nice if they could offer FCM as it would help alleviate the realm issues.


As much as I lambast people for moaning about queues; I happily agree with suggestion to offer free transfers to selected realms for those in queues .

I myself play on draenor, but apart from this morning when I did the maw (for threads of fate) on a couple of toons, I’ve been playing alts on another realm. Foresight with hindsight is a wonderful thing. I learnt my lessons many years ago.

I’ve been on Draenor for a fair few years, and if they had free migration from here then yes I would take it.

Recently you mean

You can play cross realm

Competitive players don’t make friends with people, they use them

Controlled by bots belonging to an AH cartel who undercut 24/7

All in all, horde ruined Draenor. :wave:

Cross realm doesn’t allow me to trade materials between friends, or trade gold between each other if one of them needed some for something.

You know what’s the kicker too? When I finally got in, when I was leveling I barley saw anyone and the game felt like a ghost town.


They should open up free transfers to Bronze Dragonflight or some other vastly underpopulated realm. You know, the ones Blizzard say they would fix before Shadowlands launched.

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I can agree there with you, when I have been on I’ve barely seen anyone, must be all the sharding they’re doing.

I always thought about making a main character on those massive realms but I always seem to have latency issues even on non-expansion launch periods so I stayed on my low pop realm lol.

Unless you know people on these huge realms you shouldn’t go there.

I hold my hands up and take a little of the blame, I recommended people go onto Draenor or Silvermoon before the expansion launched.

strange - when i put myself in que around 17 after a short 2 hour break it was 100 minutes. enough time to do other stuff and enjoy wow after 19 :slight_smile:

This is the mentality that has lead realms like draenor and kazzak to be in such a state.

When we create a character on a very highly populated server, a popup appears and says:

“you have selected a full server which can result in a wait to play. you should consider selecting a server with a low population. do you really want to select this server?”

So, yes, we kinda accepted the risk of queues. If anything, free transfers might mitigate the issues, but again, I play on Silvermoon and I take full responsibility for playing in such a populated realm. It was my choice after all.

No, thats Blizzards handling of the population, they keep full servers open to make money.