Can we get offical news for when the hunter goes live that d be the least amount of human decency

can we get offical news for when the hunter goes live that d be the least amount of human decency

There are no human devs on EU and US is currently asleep, so you won’t get any news

my quick idea is that some GM copy -pasted more than intented and the changes was for next week, but on the same time there is a separate post about hunter buffs.

2nd more logical idea is that they patched some test server they have and it broke the game. since wow is like million lines of code , also alitle bit spaggeti code as popular a youtuber said. so i guess/hope they are just working on a fix.

Also what muep said is true, the is like no EU employ anymore. need to wait for afternoon.

Changes are already live on US servers so I don’t think that is the case

Usually hotfixes go live at the same time, they simply forgot EU.


Ahh ye kinda forgot about that.

still my 2nd idea still stands. maybe its not something gamebreaking but it might be some wrong interaction exploit that we are not aware so the changes didnt happen on EU.

i have bew 3rd idea, maybe they figured that you can go lock and load > trap > double aimshot > multi > chimera and i bet nobody can survive that so they are pushing back on changes. on the same time i dont see how you can just use half the patch for EU.

4th idea. they have more changes planned for today so they are waiting to push them out all together.

What happend is indeed very strange and i cant recall in my 20 years of playing this ever happenning so im very scared of idea no3.

I would like to add again that what muep said is true, there is like no EU employee anymore. need to wait for afternoon.

I realy realy hope what spadqin says is true and hunter changes is like a secondary minor patch and they simply forgot it.

So many hours passed and still no news. Best part is we pay 15$ per month lol, while on the other side im on the best/largest ISP in my country i pay 20$ and when i call them for whatever reason they answer in 5min.

Whoever is responcible should be fired intsantly and publicly shamed. Same goes for the community managers or whatever their title is.

We dont even get a official post saying, “We are aware of the issue and we are working on it.” even if it might be a lie.

Changes are Live

Mby US hunter players are bad and they need the buff more than EU who knows

I feel like we are sub humans for them if play eu. Sadge

Notice how they made no announcement about it? cowards