Can we get some Rogue tuning (mainly Assassination)? I'm sick of them being so toxic

Assassination is next level overpowered right now and needs serious hot fixing

Outlaw is A+ Tier and Sub isn’t far behind but Assassination is absolutely S++

Kingspan damage needs lowering 25% , Sudden Demise needs lowering by 50% and Garrote silence now that they have access too more stealth active abilities with Shadow Dance is unacceptable having multiple Silences so Garrote silence effect needs to be removed.



Assa is killable at least


I just want them to finally get a decent nerf, and not one that does nothing to their awful state.

i want to be completly free of kideny shot.tyty

can someone Summon Shadenox?


I’d like a deva evo nerf aswell, it’s flying under the radar rn

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Again we are at nerf N11
One less silence

Kingsbane maybe is good but it should be in there Talent tree a choice node between Kingsbane and Deathmark so the can only have one

Sudden demise is a executer you have time bevor you hit 35% too react

This should fix Assa + NERF DH j4f

How about no

For being Banana broken and every player reroll for it like the Ret or DH meta 3 thinks need too check out

-almost unkillable way too many defensive
-damage is way higher then average and you got burst on top of that
-you can controll the game with a ton of cc

We dont see a swarm of Assa because its not checking all 3

It is even 10% in PvP combat.


assa rogues destroying everything in rbg. Their aoe/cleave damage is insane, the whole groups are just melting in few seconds…and yeah this should be fixed

is asass rog that good?

as a Hunter, DK, evoker, shammy player … i dont notice them as much

i notice Demon hunter, Arms Warrior, Mage and Warlock more Overpowered

depends what you play. If you playing random and/or rated bgs assa rogue is gonna make your life painful 10x more than any other class. On maps where people are stacking at least a bit they gonna melt all your team in few seconds doing 70+ million damage while others won’t reach even 40 million damage

balance druid does that and more
starfall, moonfire, sunfire and then procs star on each hit

and lets not forget the aoe silence on a 1min cd

Stop stacking

I remeber the one time feral got his new aoe build that work and people report that Feral damage is crazy and post details where he was hitting and cleaving pets and his actual damage on player was quit midioker

This must be the only game where rogues have it all. Weaknesses must be squishy, but nah rogues just facetank it all.

Got a better idea. How about we gather some cash, so that Mr. Shadenox could stream and upload 4k 60FPS VoDs


Lets start a fund!

Ah, sub must not be so prominent at lower ratings/rival for people to be crying about sin rogue.

I don’t get whats hard to understand about what you should be responding too, but then again ive seen “glad” / “duelist” players randomly trinketing cheap shot and throwing dbts/karma out to just shadowdance vs assa rogue.

Think people need a education on rogue more than rogue needs a nerf, just my 2 cents. Or if people find sin that hard to play vs go a pala, dwarf or surv hunter


it worked!

i dont see a problem in assa, it´s really squischy, feels killable, What I can’t say about outlaw