Can we have a "boost" tab chat channel please

please can we have this… I cant deal with this chat anymore… all I see is WTS boost, boost this, boost that…

we can’t even block the discussions because there is no filter like in BDO to do so… I do not want to have to download an addon just to ignore these people…

Blizzards sort it out.


try /leave trade

also, people got what people asked for.
in legion i used to see muuuuuch less advertisements in trade due to advertising being allowed in LFG, people complained because they had to scroll 1 extra time with the mouse and here we are now :joy:


i dont want to have to leave a chat, i want to see legitimate trades.


Boosting is a legitimate trade. you pay gold - you get service.
just like you know, with other services :joy:
you pay gold - you get mage portal
you pay gold - you get items, pets, mounts etc
you pay gold - you get help with this or that

etc. :joy:


If you ask me there is no difference to pay for a boost instead of buying a mythic BoE from the AH or the tradechat.
Boosting is a legitimate trade till you do it for golds and not for real currency :slight_smile:

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It would be nice if the booster got there own channel but if they can get more by using trade channel they will use trade channel.
It wont fix anything.

Problem’s like this are fixed by looking what causes a demand for suchs service’s.
If you know why people are willing to fork over gold you know what you need to fix to make boost seem worthless.


Finaly some one adressed this issue. it so annyoing, nto to mention our ignore list will be filled in no time. Booster sellers shouldnt even allowed to use the general or trade chat they should be able to only use the Boost chanel for their thing.

yeah true, except when its 90% is for real money. I have fact cheked basicly almost allofthem on arathor, and whne i whisp on them i recieve an auto message with a discord link or a third party website i even went that faar to chek those out, discord chanels were filled with weblinks and they only use discord as a discussion chanel while the website are demands real life currencies for the boost. same goes for the whispered website links. Not to mention they even offers discounts what a abrgin right? Disgusting. oh on top of that they offer a nice service with auto piloting while you dont even have to play with your character at all, cos some one else will do and you can see it thourgh private stream . or if thats not the way you want you can even jump in the game as a self piloted one and you will be carried for the whole ride :D. It is a shame that this game is this state. And it will kills it in time Blizz is not comming up with somethign againts this.

Oh ald i want to add one more thing on that matter.
A guy opened a thread on the forum about people are selling M Jaina mounts for real money as well, the guy even confirmed it to a GM that he even withnesed in a palce where thsoe palyers were hoplesly undergeared with no Hc gear and nor even a piece of M or M+ gear they had teh mount and ofc the achievment whiled in copared achievments they didnt even had the Heroic kill he even went that far to chek those palyers armory to see thier progression, none of them even completed the raid even in lfr. so thats a sirius issue too. The only posible solution for this is to make eevrything bound, and gutting out completly the trade system, wich would ultimatly ending the game. Or this still goes on and people will getting enough of this sheet and decieds to leav the game, and when the numbers drops more Blizz will (god forbidds) they shut down the game. And it can happen lets face the reality of this problem. Blizz realy have to think how to solve this once and for all.

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Dude you know mounts are account wide yh? Also even if they did get a boost, it doesn’t mean they didn’t pay gold.

you missed one of my point when i said fact. they only had teh ahcievment on M, and the guy armroy cheked them as well. so it was a real money currency trade between players. or you can imagane to some oen pays 10m gold for that mount? Becasue the avarage price in gold (at least on US) goes for that price.
While thrid party websites offers teh mount for simply 500 bux? hm? ltes do teh count wich one is cheaper okay? getting 10 mill gold from blizz by buying tokens? or use third party sites?

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Got any real evidence for it? And no assumptions do not count.

I have screenshots from teh guy who already made contact with a GM and both of them are fact cheked it and it is in investigation already. thats all know.

Your “english” is really hard to understand. And what kind of screenshots, where they asked for real money?

Sorry my natiev language is not english. Yes the guy who reported the issue he hase provided the screenshots to the GM i saw them too.

You missed my point. If the guy was on an alt he could jump on said mount and his armory wouldn’t show his mains progress.

English is my third language, so don’t use that excuse. And you did not awnser my question.

Yes. They did. And also when i made contact with them to find out whats going on on discord they sent a third party website link and they told me i have to pay for real money. Gold was not an option at all.

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i personaly havent cheked that but i believe in that guy word. i know him for a while and he didnt made it up the whole thing.

If he sells boosts for real currency u did the proper thing by providing screenshots to the GM. However i doubt the majority asks for real currency.

Anyway if he did pay cash for then ye hope they do get banned


its been in game since day one. boosts will never be worthless, unless game becomes typical “everyone gets everything mailed in the mailbox”.
heck, even blizzard sells official level boosts.

second thing is - different people buy boosts, like different social groups.
you have a) people who are extremely bad b) people who dont have time to grind c) people who are too lazy to gear their alts and want it fast. but at the end of the day it all comes down to “i want it and i want it now” mentality people have.
boosting doesnt need a fix, people do :joy:

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