Can we have a "boost" tab chat channel please

You got one anti boost supporter here and might I say don’t even try to reason with people about boosting and spamming the trade channel with useless boost spam many people reported the lfg tool a hundred times but it didn’t fix the spam anyway.When someone boosts a person it’s giving him 0 effort gear and he still is bad at the game just with end game gear :grin: and surely to get kicked from pugs cause of his lack of knowledge only if people used those service to teach people how to play so both sides are happy instead of giving them gear.

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They do tent to get a little spammy with their long messages in short intervalls.
I’d say why not? If people want to buy a boost they can check that channel and everyone else don’t have to see it, what would be the problem with that?

Or are the people saying no trying to protect their own interest because less people would see them? :wink:

it’s beside the point whether they are selling a service or not, they will always go where the audience is…
and again, don’t blame the sellers, blame the buyers…this is the bed you’ve made…so lie in it…:stuck_out_tongue:

I have to admit I have trade/general hidden most of the time because it’s just non stop spam of guilds and keys sellers and raid sellers with the odd bit of banter in between. Every time a new film comes out someone repeatedly posts spoilers. So I just keep them hidden away until I actually need one of them myself. It does mean, however, that I no longer answer random questions about where stuff is etc but that strictly speaking doesn’t belong in there either.

I can’t actually ever recall seeing much trade in the trade channel over the years before I did remove it. But that’s besides the point.

Edit the problem with a sting is that they have no rights to get third party sites shut down offering the services. Granted they could ban the accounts advertising but as with gold sellers in the old days, they just keep coming back.

No i havent done that. i would rather kill my self then doing such a sacrilage against this game, against Blizzard, and against my account. i just only did my research when my friend told me what he have encountered, we joined forces and did our search on this matter, then we made contact with a game master and told him/her what we found in game and we also provided infos about discords, and shared website links, and we also told him or her that even google is flooded with that shady busineses. There is a reason you know why my Name is Medivh you know. And not to cousing trouble to this game, i want to protect it from this. Like any of you who loves it like i do reguardless of its downs.

That is kinda my point but an other way of looking at it:
Content need to be fun and not all about end game raiding.
If people enjoy playing they woudnt need a boost to rush to the fun parts.

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Yeah fair point, but its sad thats not how it works nowdays.

content is exactly the same for both end game raider and biggest noob.
there’re 4 different raiding difficulties for a reason, there’s raid for everyone, and LFR requires you to just run around and boss will die.

game really isnt designed in a way that requires you to buy a boost so you can get good/best loots, its just people want THE BEST loot just to wave it like a flag. that’s the issue

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The mistake you make is the assumsion everyone wants to raid.
Every time i hear of a new raid i am asking myself: Why didnt they put those resource’s into accauly fun content like questing, A night elf garrision, pvp, bg, pet battle, really anything that isnt go into instance and kill mobs/bosses until you die of boredom.
I mean my favorite thing to do in wow is flying in birdform and that they lock away behind a crappy achievement that require’s rep grind.
Instead of making other content better and more fun we get raid+ 10000.
Waste of freaking resourses.

They put rep grinds behind time gate’s, Make rep grinds mandetory for fun stuff like flying or story, they slow down leveling and unbalanced low level content.
Buying a boos isnt needed but it sure allows you to skip alot of aweful stuff just to get to the fun parts.
After all people wont buy those story boosts if leveling was accauly fun.

I mean, everyone wants to do something, and thats why we get different sorts of content.
my point being - there’s content for everyone, and if someone feels left out they just, if there was no raid, M+, and all we had was warfronts, I’d quit too. hence why there’s content for different people.
and one way or another, no one really needs M+ boost, except small amount of people who need that gear fast to achieve their in game goals. but if you’re on that level, you only require boosts on alts to quickly gear up. rest of the people just want a shiny pieces of gear.

i mean back to the original point, if you dont raid, and you require M+ boost, what exactly do you need the gear for?

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You are taking about 110 lvl boost for cash and Bukachu is telling you about mythic+ dungeon carry by four decent players for gold.

Bragging rights?
Peer pressure?
Rio score and achievements to get into raids without needing to do the same dungeon 5000 times to get there.
I agree with people will be buying boosts because they can and lack the selfrespect to earn it.
But blizzard does encourge this behavior by putting way to much effort into endgame raiding(Your avarage counter arguement of: there is nothing to do is that they havent raided mythic+ yet and that somehow invailid’s there opinon)
And gear(these days gear>skill). instead of making content fun to play.
I was exicted for warfronts until i learned it wasnt a bg.
It looked like it could be a fun bg.
Build your base, defend your gathers and lead your forces to victory while enemy players do the same.
Instead we got afkfront and welfair epic’s.
How blizzard ruined a great idea into this i got no clue.

I am using that as example how blizzard makes the game a slug in order to sell stuff.
And some people prefer to buy a boost for ingame gold rather then pay a full games price at blizzard greed store.

Pvp comes to mind (Ikr) People that wishes to be competitive in pvpv need to play that pve cache lotto, and many will prefer to pay for some grunt work and be done with it

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