Can we have a statement about bot?

Imagine being Blizzard.

Imagine making a LUA API for macro, to join and leave battlegrounds without any click.

Imagine the brain of developpers who didn’t think it can be used for bot.

All the Classic developers team should be fired honestly.

/click BattlefieldFrameJoinButton # Open Join BG
/click StaticPopup1Button1 # Click button to join
/cast Spell # Cast spell to prevent AFK

Make a macro, bind this, and use a 3rd party software to press it every minute.

Right now, every night, there’s more than thousand of PvP bot in Alterac Mountain.

Some of them are bracket 12, and online 24/24 7/7.

Some of them are bracket 13/14, because the player play at day schedule, and then, bot 4 to 5 hours per night when he sleep, to have 24/24 7/7 uptime.

And it’s not the end, because player report them AFK in Battleground, they are kicked after some time. But but but, new players join BG. And this BG is already started, so theses guys wait 30mn (Horde queue time) … just to enter into a BG that is already started. They are fked basicly. The ranking system at the moment is about :

  • Your timeplay.
  • If you bot or not.
  • How many time you enter in BG already started, in a full week.

At least, if you don’t want to remove this API, can we have a statement that bot is authorized in Classic, so we can, legit players, use bot without the fear of a ban ?

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The biggest factor to horde ranking is getting efficient kills in wpvp ( rogues in if best at this) and getting solo kills in av. If ur playing objective in av as a ranker, u are playing it wrong. Let your team carry the game and go find some solo frags

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I would imagine what happen after a banwave.

I’m wondering why blizzard is not doing anything ?
Maybe it’s time to call some other attention sites like Reddit and such thing to make it burn.

This garbage forum ain’t helping shlt?
When do you realize that.

Oh wait I get day days ban for telling this I think.

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I mean, at least, if bot is authorized, they should say something.

I have my macro for bot ready to use, I can use it now, but i don’t use it because I fear the banhammer. Some players on my server got reported by ticket and got 6 month ban, but the ticket is random : if you have a good GM, he’ll thanks you and investigate and ban in the same hours. If you have a retardos GM, he’ll send you a copy-pasta response that say “Use the report system”.

Don’t use report system obviously, make ticket for “Scam” or “Real Life Threat” :slight_smile: .

If it’s authorized, I’ll use it like everyone and work on a smarter bot that move and do solokill in AV, so I can sleep more.

Would be nice to have something like “Yes its authorized” or “No it’s against ToS” from Blizzard :< .

I totally agree. Macros shouldn’t have been in the game. They are opening the gates to so much abuse ! But at the same time, macros are essential to make the game playable for a lot of classes and I don’t think anything can be done at this point, they can’t ban people for simply using a clicker program.

Stop the crying you fools. It’s a 15 year old game. How can you think that the issues we had then would just magically not reapear??? Bots bot on accounts that are paid. Bans = no more payday for Activision. Only fools try to rank. This PVE AV spamming 24/7 is no PvP like it was in the old days. I pity everyone who could never play on Server BGs. That was a ton of fun. Always facing the same opponents and adjusting to their tactics. With these Megaserves there would be enough BGs. But the crybabies back in the day caused x-realm pvp. The same way today’s crybabies will kill classic in the long run.

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