Can we nerf DK utility against casters for once?

Or is this completely absurd joke going to continue ?

AMS providing magic immunity ON TOP of being a huge absorb sitting on a pretty low cd - can we PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD REMOVE THE MAGIC IMMUNITY COMPONENT FROM AMS?!?!?!
Ranged interrupt
Ranged snare
Blanket silence
Anti Magic Zone
Pet Stun
Heal absorb
Multiple grips

All of this combined with insane damage is simply too much.


Nerf all melee against casters, more like it.

Game is unplayable as a caster.


2 AMS’s these days.

I guess they needed it since they saw a DK drop to 90% HP one time.

Shoutout to Blizzard for making UH DK an even bigger counter than I could even imagine.


I literally can’t play my character with the amount of immunity, disruption, magic protection and everything they have. What’s the point of class design like that?
I even forgot to mention that on top of all of that they even have access to fear immunity, which they can even use REACTIVELY. Like!?

Spriest is really frustrating to play against these shenanigans. I was looking forward to play mine a bit more this xpac but I’m somewhat discouraged at the moment…


I am going to make a DK just to make casters mad :clown_face:


DK magic survivability should be gutted as well as self healing from pure DDs
Absorb should be reduced by 50% in PvP to make it similar to other shields (outside of disc)


DĂĽmbledore with the continous cry thread about dk every xpac :laughing:

its good yes but the thing is other casters and also magic dmg melees can pop it rather quickly in their burst. ontop of that its effected by dampenign which makes it way weaker in longer games. its basically not a real defensive anymore when used in deep damp.

u mean the passive AMS from riders, i guess?
that one should be gutted tbf.


Gets gripped once, fine, okay, pop mobility to get away.

Gets pulled back by abom limb, try to escape again

Gripped again

Abom limb again.

Fun game.

if the dk wants to use both of his grips on dps then ye.
atleast u tanked both grips and ur healer is safe from cc healin max range.
also good that voker has like 50sec continues hover uptime.

abom grips only once in pvp. also the range is way lower.


Oh its way more manageable with evoker, but pres evoker isnt the only spec I play, Also priest, hpal, resto dru and soon to be resto sham when I stop being lazy.

That would be me. Hi. O/

10 sec cd on the grip so it does grip more than once. Or was it 6 ? I remember seeing 10 seconds debuff.

Point is, its not fun at all especially when dks also have a stun, disorient, interrupt, another ghoul stun, unsure if just unholy or not, and the relentless winter stunning aoe.

The dk’s strong point is fighting caster, if you take that away from it, it is a class that is useless, because generally the meles devour the dk


the debuff is as long as the duration of limb, which should be 12 sec if im not mistaken.

i think u may have a misconception on how the dk toolkit is executed in arena.
as dk u wont spam all ur abilities on one target. if ur on a dps and want to use ur cc on a healer for example ud have to grip the healer most of the times because they wont just stand 20 yards from u. but u also may want to use grips on dps to keep uptime. its not that u can just perma grip people mindlessly.

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It may be so, cant really pay attention to it in combat

While this may be true in arena… it certainly is not the same for bgs.

Triple grip into the enemy group with 70% slow is super obnoxious

A Death Knight in a rated battleground is mandatory IMO (1.8CR RBG lead).

hahahaha, do not expect the absurdity to stop Mr. Dumbledore. As a wizard caster you must accept that playing against a Death Knight is always going to be a challenge. If you are evenly geared the AMS/AMZ battle is important and in order to win it you must be a little patient. Remember it is only a 5 second defensive cooldown and actually if you have enough offensive cooldowns with a team mate who has huge dmg you can go straight through that lime green beast of a spell.

And as a Spriest you always have a nice play which you should alrdy know how to counter and beat a Death Knight.

Good luck anyway ^_^.


Agreed nerf casters buff melee

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the Hero horseman Talent tree, just need´s a Nerf, especially to the slow and Ams thing.

Why do you guys always bring up that “melee devour DKs” (untrue, btw) to argue in favor of DK being absolutely broken against caster? This kind of argument makes NO SENSE. I just want to have a fair fighting chance, instea of the literal infinite amount of abilities to nullify every single thing I try to do. Can’t do damage, can’t cc.

There’s a difference between being strong against something, or being basically mechanically unbeatable. DK is mechanically built to auto-win against some casters, especially SP.

Some people above say “ThE AmS aBsOrB cAn Be BrOkEn By SoMe CaStErS” - how the hell am I supposed to break an absorb that is immune to magic, making it immune to most of my offensive toolkit?! I literally can only “damage” it with Mind Blast, which does pitiful damage to it. I can’t apply DOTs, I can’t channel by abilities into it.

I ask again: if some casters are able to “easily” break the AMS absorb, then why the hell does it have a magic immunity component nullifying others with it basically being an undispellable pala bubble sitting on low cd!? It immunes most of my toolkit, icluding damage and CC, not to mention other abilities which also immune cc - like lichborne immuning fear effects and IBF immuning stuns - both of which can be usead reactively, instead of being proactive.


This. When AMS is up → silence, redotting, psychic scream, stun, mind control, mind flay slow isn’t possible against the dk he’s free to smash you without having to fear anything. How are you supposed to “break through the barrier?” (which is massive btw) Hardcasting mind blasts while he whacks you? :woozy_face: