like i told u before. dk utility didnt get changed whole beta.
but ye lets not keep repeatin again and again.
u said this
and this was when talkin the beta example which was about lock.
it implies that lock is the exception and dk counters every other caster.
ofc. dk didnt get hardcountered by melees in DF. if dk woulve hardcountered casters easily, as u say the did, then obiously dk comps woudve seen way more play also into melee+caster.
well the question is why is it too strong.
u say DF dk was hardcountering casters so i cant agree with ur take entirely.
i agree that the gained anti-caster ulitly this expansion is too strong.
And like I told you before, it doesn’t matter if the utility changes or not if the tuning of the numbers is different. How do you not understand this?
Show me exactly where I said that it doesn’t take Warlock out of the game. I know substantiating your points with evidence isn’t your strong point, but try to do it for the first time. I believe in you.
Beta is a nonsensical metric to base your arguments on, hence why I’m talking about the present and the future.
Not when there were even stronger options into those comps overall, e.g. DH/Boomy and Rogue mage.
Too much utility, too much damage. Needs gutting ASAP
That’s because you’re a low level player that has no decent game knowledge.
I’ve denoted you’re a troll so I’m going to just stick you on ignore now. Goodbye and enjoy spending another season at Duelist.
i just did that.
like i dont need to talk about the beta example no more. the thing is tho when we did talk about it u said as a defense of why the dk lost to the lock the following
if this doesnt imply that the lock is the exception then idk. seems u dont know urself what ur thinkin.
ah ye dk hardcounters one of the opponets completely, occording to u. but not enough to see more play of the class over the whole course of DF AWC. makes total sense kappa.
ye the recently gained utility takes it over the top against wizards.
nerfs will come dont worry.
Any idea on the stats for AWC or other tournament finals and which classes have the highest %… Mage/Rog/Warrior/Demon Hunter/R Druid are my guess for top 5. Over the last four expanions.
Softcounters are good game design, hardcounters are bad game design. Games shouldn’t be decided in the loading screen.
I find it interesting with how many people are apparantly fine with hardcounters as long as it’s in their favour. I’ve literally seen people in this forum saying that casters like priest should just take the L against double meele with fistweaver and in their next post they complain about mage
Exactly. I have no issues with softcounters. It’s bound to happen. But a spec completely nullifying my every attempt, completely removing me from playing the game for most of the fight is simply senseless.