Can we please buff horde racials?

Its whine topic about horde op racials topics, but maybe …

So many people have a hook in their mouth right now.

Not sure what’s funnier, the OP or the serious replies :’)


wow wow wow wow hey that’s just plain wrong, i get permastunned wherever i go. clearly hardiness just doesn’t work as intended. maybe your druid buddy is playing his class wrong if he can’t stun orcs? the fact this racial was nerfed in later expansions is a travesty to justice, especially considering the racial is already bad as it is.


This man speaks truth.


Are you playing classic ? => Debateable

Top guilds aren’t reprensative of factions
I don’t count PVE servers because they dont have problem here
Alliance are moving, horde can stay during days, isn’t it obvious ?
There are more servers like flamelash, all servers are horde dominated, except 1 or 2
Only few alliance players, 1:10 ratio

Yes, horde is winning BG, you don’t play classic
You don’t play classic at all, horde stun resists and forsaken racial > all
“It’s alliance fault” isn’t an answer, so i guess u know i’m right
Same thing here, not an answer.

I guess you are not playing classic, goat in slutmog

Based on the sheer idiocy of your post and response, I’d say I play Classic more than you.

They actually are. If Horde was simply the superior faction, the top guilds would be Horde. That’s how min maxing works.

You don’t count PVE servers because that doesn’t fit your idiotic narrative.

Isn’t what obvious? The Alliance moved around because it was more effective than sitting at a flight path.

You’re literally just pulling numbers out of your butt. Then again, that’s the same place you got your “facts” so I’m not surprised in the slightest.

Most servers are around 40-45 / 60-55. The only 10/90 server was Flamelash.

Horde might be beating you, but that doesn’t mean they have a high win rate. AV is almost completely dominated by Alliance premades, and WSG is around 50/50.

Orc stun resist is completely RNG. Orcs have increased chance to resist stuns, not 100%. Every race has 5% base chance to resist stuns, my intercept has been resisted by more humans than I’ve resisted hammer of justices.

I doubt you even know the difference between right and left. What you are, is an idiot. A top tier idiot at that.

The irony is, you’re a worgen death knight. I don’t recall seeing any of those on Classic either.

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lol imagine thinking hardiness and wotf is OP :rofl: :ok_hand:

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An orc complaining they need their racials buffed.


Stoneform, Escape artist and Shadowmeld is still there after 15 years so apparently they are not op

I have no idea why WotF is still in the game because it’s so unbalanced vs priests and warlocks. Just imagen yourself being a priest that have to deal with both Berserker rage and WotF.

Actually shadowmeld got tweaked to be a 2min cd :slight_smile:
Aren’t priests kings of PvP tho? :slight_smile:
Horde racials dont need a buff tho . They are fine .

WotF got tweaked as well, fair and square I would say

That won’t be enough.
Let horde win as soon as they enter a BG with the maximum honor they can get. Then they don’t need wait for alliance, so queue would be instant.

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Where did the bad alliance premade touched you? :frowning:

This thread, and the forums in general, clearly show who the snowflakes in classic are. Did Horde get too many participation trophies when growing up? This is the first part of Classic where you can’t brainlessly overpower alliance due to your larger numbers. In fact, your larger numbers are exactly what caused this.

You brought this on yourselves. Quit playing and be part of the solution. Reroll Alliance and be part of the solution. Stay Horde and continue getting stomped by premades. AB will be the same scenario. Putting Horde back in their bg queues as fast as possible is my favourite thing to do!

This doesn’t make sense, racial is fine, it’s Premading in Alterac Valley that has to be removed.

if it wasn’t for you OP ally racials horde would pwn you.
hence why our racials need a buff!

Imajine playing Horde in the only version of the game where Alliance are far superior.

Man, did people get easier to bait? o:

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nice ironic meme

nice ironic meme

i know right? frekkin alliance sitting here acting like their OP racials suck, while telling us all that horde racials (which actually DOES suck) are far superior.