Can we PLEASE get RDF NOW!?

Why running gold farming bots, if not for profit? If something is more profitable and is more consistent, like uncontested solo dungeon grind, why should a botter instead use a method that barely generates gold and has risks attached to it? Your statement shows that you either have a wrong idea about why botters try to be efficient and about making money in general, or you are a troll.

Or the increasingly more obvious choice that the forums aren’t happy when we say out loud.

There are many bots that farm items that, to a player, would be considered extremely cheap and not worth it, just because they can. You’d see them if you went out of Dalaran sometimes. Also, it’s laughable that you accuse others of trolling while posting on a low level alt created specifically for that purpose.

I’m currently level 46 on Pyrewood Village with played: 3 days, 12 hours and 31 minutes. I’ve never done any dungeons. If you want, I’ll screen you every hour of the LFG Bulletin Board and it proves with facts that it’s not feasible to play while having fun. You see in the list a number of 5-6 DPS alone waiting for nothing. Yes I’m a new player just starting now and the experience is just a forward and reverse with an occasional 20 second party just because we have the same quest and “gg, have fun” dialogue. The social interaction speech makes me understand how it really doesn’t make any sense not to have RDF, and how anti-RDF people still think they are living in 2008. changed. The internet has changed. Most people I see in the world just don’t care and time and time again or seen party rejected and having to wait whole minutes for the mob to respawn. Welcome to 2023, maybe some QoL would help instead of “ruin”.


You are in the wrong expansion. Wait till Blizzard release monstrosity called LFG in late Cata. And of course someone like you would call for it to be released right from the start of expansion despite it being added in 29.11.2011 in Patch 4.3.0. called Hour of Twilight that brought Dragon Soul raid in this new bottom tier difficulty.

It started chain reaction of mini hype waves when most casual audience just hooped in and out of the game for about 3-4 weeks, making 2-3 month breaks. They had no interest to progress, to improve event up to normal modes where most significant encounter abilities were. All bosses were reduced to dummies for dummies and that was Blizzards worst mistake.

  • They undermined reqruiting pool for most casual, yet learning guilds
  • Created hyper casual facerolling audience that killed bosses only after reaching maximal stacks of buff after many suicide wipes.
  • All this along with extremely toxic environment of someone who bashed out on newbies on his 6th alt.

Nobody knew what were they doing in LFR nor did they cared and this was the face of the game new player were facing if they desided to start playing in 2011.

As much as I love MoP for it’s raids and dungeon challenge mode I wish LFR part of it never existed. It was the reason people gave up on game very fast. Flex raids were huge improvement over this system and better alternative for easier start for casual guilds.

How ? By asking for removing feature from the original 3.3.5 and whereas you are not playing it wtf ?

Stay on your Classic ERA toxic guy.


The very bare minimum. And as a dps, you’d still struggle even for getting a daily heroic done, with how many other dps there are.

I’d play my arcane mage but she’d take ages to find a group even though most pugs on my server and faction are forgiving towards lowbies. It’s a heavy shortage of tanks and healers mainly.

I had to heal as an enh shammy on two occasions… :sweat_smile: (wasn’t too hard with maelstrom though)

Tanks are again, scarce even though you could do it with DK’s, and Prot Warriors leave either warrior dps spec in the dust due to how well their abilities scale.

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Not exactly. Bots do it because unlike real players they don’t take the efficiency into account. Since they can be online 24/7 those who set them don’t have to take “gold per hour” metrics to the same degree as we do. Yes for us low level fishes or drops from mobs are useless because they’re so cheap so even 100 or so we get in an hour or so ain’t really worth it. Bots however don’t care. They’ll get bot 100 but Thousand and beyond because they don’t get bored, they’re there for hours, days and weeks and will turn that into profit.

These guys who are saying “go back to retail” are in every single GDKP run, I have seen most of them personally.

In this point RDF doesn’t make community any better, back in the days RDF came with ICC patch. Now it’s not coming, if Blizzard doesn’t change the course.

RDF was fun and useful feature for alt leveling, and has nothing to do with social interactions at all.

Feature in a game won’t affect our social skills or interactions, if it affects then real reason is somewhere else.


So basically you’re referring to an automated grouping tool as a disease literally killing hundreds of thousands of people each year? Reducing those human beings to a shade of their former self… Very classy of you mate…

You pass opinion off as fact. Using cancer to describe anything is, in my opinion, a horrible thing to do. This makes you, in my opinion, a horrible person.


I’ll just leave this here.


Maybe I just phrased it wrong, but that’s pretty much what I was getting at.

If so then I apologize but that’s simplicity is also the reason why RDF won’t suddenly result in bots running dungeons in groups for money. Again doing so would make it easier for players to report them (and as you pointed out it’s still at least 2 real players) while whatever bots can do is really bit sophisticated enough. You can literally immobilize the bot by simply MC-ing it and leading to location that’s not on it’s preprogrammed path and it will get stuck. For all it’s worth they probably wouldn’t even be able to discern which player to follow and first death would block then and they would die sooner or later.

If you just move it away from its path then it will move back to it in a straight line. You can only immobilize it that way if there is something obstructing the bot’s path that it is not programmed to avoid.
But yeah, programming it to recognize which player joined the group as tank is probably the most difficult here.

rdf is part of wotlk and it should’ve been there since launch but you won’t be able to explain it to these guys here, they’ll just suffer for hours until they find a group and enjoy every second of that wasted time lol

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The argument is that RDF is not part of wotlk classic and should not be. Wotlk classic has less wotlk features and more retail features, so if you want to experience wotlk again, you should play retail instead. Doesnt make sense, but people using this argument are not able to understand.

They are. I remember wanting to get the shield from SM Cath on my hooman warrior as it’s ungodly strong at level, and easily lasts you till 50+ unless you find another good rare quality shield.

Were it not for a fren who literally only reinstalled Wrath to carry me, I’d not have it. Nobody wanted to run the place and my toon was part of the extremely rare breed called “leveling tank”.

And with boosting killed… the only thing it’s good for if you need your quests done or need the gear that drops (which is superior to most items you can find/buy/craft).

That also helped kill low level dungeons as very few classes have their tanking or healing spec being superior to DPS specs (Prot Warrior and Disc Priest come to mind, they beat the respective DPS specs till 50).

That too. I really hate going to the dungeons in the vanilla era as their entrances are often hidden in long mazes (Deadmines and BFD are notorious examples, whereas RFC or ZF are easy to access and aren’t even out of the way for the matter). Add the fact at least 2 people have to do the legwork for summons - wish we could summon on our own if it really has to be a manual ordeal :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Join comfortable retail?

Trust me, you lazy players sitting in lfg expecting everyone to carry you is what i dont want in the game anyway. They should never have added the lfg tool at all.

What excactly is bad about the LFG tool? If you are looking for a more advanced LFG tool with calendar invites, you can use the ingame calendar for that. Can you explain the “incentives for toxicity and gatekeeping”? If you want someone to do the work for you for creating raids, feel free to join a guild

Imagine the wipefest you would have in Ulduar 25 man if there was an automated system for LFG matching.