Can we please have non-binary gender option?

And it’s totally fine. People are just sensitive about the most trivial stuff these days.


I also dont give a rats about it. I will be called a he 99% of the time online for pretty much the rest of eternity. And my rude and aggressive nature just adds to that.

I think thats intended. There isnt much difference based on looks for the race. I think the female version have better fur colours tho.


“everybody knows there are no girls playing games”


They have proven to be in that mindset, so likely I guess. :3

No, it was biased does Ish since you know them more than me. As much as you wish you were not biased - you are.

So you only try things once, huh? Not a very good outlook on things.

Yes, I did. rawr xD

Sort of? Only people that are subscribed, and only people that Blizzard allows. Which means me, and my opinions I said to you which you dislike. Deal. With. It.

Yes, it does. You’ve been very negative towards me. Note your ‘deal with it’ stuff and if you go back to your posts towards me towards march there’s quite a negative trend actually.

Indeed I do.

Then it means you’re making the statement in bad faith. Which wouldn’t be a good idea.

Which is totally fine.
It’s nothing wrong with forgetting details about someone you meet.
Some even have trouble remembering the names of people they interact with regularly.
Don’t feel bad for it, people forget and almost no one mind if you do.
If someone want’s to have a problem with it, it’s on them.

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Would “that obnoxious Zandalari” be preferable? :smile:


I am biased. I havent denied it. I dont let it affect what i type however. If it does i wont post. A reason why i dont reply to Skadefryden anymore as my post would not be free of bias and pretty easily result in an instant suspension (a valid one honestly)

Baseless assumptions and already contradicted in what you qouted.

Im afraid not

I am dealing with you posting here. Never claimed otherwise. Also a strawman? Again?

If you would go through my posts you would very fast realize that i bark at everyone. Including people i quite like. Punyelf is probably a prime example of people that i like but bark at very often to a point where we nearly call ourself names. Even Daestra gets barked at. Daestra however doesnt bark back as shes biased towards me as in liking me.

No you dont.

It doesnt change it that the statement ultimately holds true. Me being a hypocrite doesn’t change that.

Whatever you want mate.

I once used to describe me as a very bad word. I got banned for that. Apparently according to support insulting someone isnt allowed. Even if that someone is yourself. Which i found quite hilarious. I mean them saying using a swear was the thing i would have just accepted it but that “reasoning” just caused me to laugh. Ah well, in the end the thing was wiped off the record anyway.


No. Just like in nature there are 2 genders. Male and Female. Why add a Gender that only exists in peoples heads?

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That’s been disproven in the way you type to me, sorry. :3

Incorrect, substantiated by what I posted.

I’m afraid so.

Not a strawman, but hey you keep posting things you don’t know the meaning of(and of course in this case more sly attempts to misgender me since a strawman wasn’t relevant here in the first place.)

Clearly not in the same way.

Yes I do.

It does, however make it bad faith. Which I already stated. Which isn’t a good idea.

Guess you’re gonna end up having to make posts only in your own head after huh.

While you, PIckpawkit, have not talked to me specifically. Your method of discussion honestly offends me. You, person A not being able to tell person B what you want in your own words, instead opting to shy away from the discussion in a half-hearted manner expecting others to understand Exactly what you mean.

For someone who takes words at face value, I;E: If you tell me to do something and I do exactly as you say yet you get upset cause i didn’t do it the way “you wanted it”. That’s the conceptual idea you’re playing with here.

And is as much hate towards people like me(Who can’t read between the lines) as hate speech is towards anyone of the LGBTQ, for example.

So please, don’t do that. And that doesn’t just apply to you specifically. It applies to EVERYONE in the thread, and the forum as a whole.

Because the word isn’t something that’s defined by what I think. It’s defined by what a larger community and the science behind it thinks, Vulpicer. So again, maybe you should pick someone else to @ next time since you really don’t want to start with me.

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Nope. Its completely in line with how i speak with others.

Also nope.

Strawman isnt misgendering <.<

Oh yes. My way of posting hasnt changed in well over 10 years.

/sigh. It still doesnt change the validity of it even if that was the case. Which was the point.

Not up to you to decide on that, sorry. You don’t get to investigate yourself and go ‘nope no bias here.’ :3

Also yep.

Considering it wasn’t relevant to what we were talking about and there was none to be had, it was a sly way for you to misgender me yes.

Again, not up to you to decide whether it has/hasn’t.

Bad faith = invalid.

That is not exactly true god or nature if you do not believe in god creation made some animal able to switch gender and some able to do both role or auto procreate, therefore if god/nature allowed it in it’s creation it is that it got it’s place and a role otherwise if would not exist or would have vanished.

I am for if it can make people happy and make them feel more in touch with their characters i suppose there is no harm to others.

I dont have to decide on that. I have 4.5k posts to show for it.

No it wasnt. Baseless assumptions once more. Strawman is a term. You brought up a strawman argument.

The 4.5k posts that are accessible wont support you. And the non accesible 11k posts before were done way before your time and as such you cant comment on them anyhow.

Not how it works.

What you are saying on surface-level, looks completely irrelevant to the point I was making. In in layman’s terms: People cannot read minds, ergo do not be vague. Which you clearly were. And not just you* I have seen at least 3 other people behave the same way.
Yours was just the first out of those, listing them from as far up in the thread they appear and going downwards.

Also yes, I really do want to start with you, considering again. Yours was the first to appear so blatantly.
On a sidenote, you don’t get to be upset by the way, at least not with me. All things considered.

In which, I was able to see bias yes. :3

I did not, you used it as a sly way to misgender me to try to skirt rules.

Actually they did.

Yes, it is. If you make a suggestion you yourself wouldn’t be using in that situation you would deem it as unhelpful advice and therefore you’re doing it just to be bad faith.

They asked what non-binary is, I linked a scientific based article that explained what it is.

Another person assuming how I feel, I’m going to assume at this point you 3 know each other and are directing this hate at me from an outside source.

No worries, I’m perfectly willing to use “she” (assuming that’s correct? not really been following your slapfight with Pick) if that’s the correct one.

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They do. Are you new here? Those exact people you are quoting sit together on a discord group and link each other posts and posters to hate on. I have had several of them follow me into various threads to keep spamming the same message at me over and over again. They also organise report spam to get you banned and check every single post you make to look for even tiny things that they can report you for. One time I had 4 posts flagged in the span of a minute or two. This forum literally does not get sufficient traffic for that to happen. If you don’t want to deal with sad pathetic people like that this forum isn’t the place to be or just put them on the ignore list.


I dont really care if you think there is bias. It all boils down to you seeing bias because i post in a rude and aggressive manner. However that applies to everyone.

You brought up a strawman. I called it out. There was no misgendering. I dont even know your gender. I assume its female given what Ishayo responded to me earlier and i assume its aimed at you. So i cant intentionally misgender you in the first place without knowing it in the first place. Im afraid you can try to flip and turn this around as much as you want but it still wont be misgendering. It however starts to turn into harassment towards me since you insinuate that i do.

No i would not deem it unhelpful advice since the validity of it remains intact. The person saying it would be a hypocrite yes, but that person would still remain correct with what he said.