Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Aha. Care to elaborate. I havent broken the rules by what i posted. And neither was i hostile towards you.

Which is why I established how much of your behavior(and places you visit) are alt-right related, which is a lot.

Because of your views on something that doesn’t effect you, and by not doing your due diligence in regards to science.

Good one :joy:

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I am trans. As stated earlier in this thread (and other threads). Soooo come again?

Aha. And on what do you base that on? The same, proven false, source that made you believe it doesnt affect me?

Okay, I’ve just about had enough of being called a fascist by someone who literally does not know what it means.

It’s actually rather insulting. One might call it trolling.
We’ll see who gets banned first. Might be both.

Godwin’s law never fail.

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Trans isn’t non-binary which is what this thread is about.


I didn’t call you a fascist, you called me one. Multiple times in fact. <3

Alt-right means fascist. They completely took over the term.

So yes, you did. A lot.

It does not, just like antifa doesn’t mean socialist and whatever else you probably associate with it (Judging by your subreddit history)

So my point towards you that was aimed at being misgendered doesnt affect trans because trans people never get misgendered? Aha. Please tell me more. It does affect me. On a daily basis. So come again.

I dont care that you dont like me, as i dont like you, but this is getting hilarious.

Did Ishayo misgender you more than once? Because they did me even after being corrected going back to what was it - March. I sure didn’t involve you, you tried to involve yourself and I told you to buck off because you tried to come to their defense and try to push in how I should feel if someone misgenders me. Just like Nigom and some others.

But you do remind me of all of those conservatives that go “I too am part of X group and therefore whatever views I hold are valid on this subject” which is false.

Actually, biologically, there are (at least) six different human sexes. Intersex people are statistically uncommon but they do exist.

let it go jack

actually biologically there is only 1 human sex, yup yup

Yes. As do most. The ONLY person on this entire forum that doesnt do so is Daestra.

Then ignore him if he doesnt learn in this regard as its clearly going nowhere.

I am not defending them. My stance is neutral and this is more than clear in what i posted. And in fact im supporting ignoring people that dont use the correct pronouns after being told so because they clearly do not learn in that regard and are not worth the breath for that particular topic.

And this is the end still a forum where everyone can post so you have to deal with others joining the conversations. Otherwise whisper yourselves ingame or send ingame mails.

Adorable insult. You said it doesnt affect me. I proved you wrong. And you still try to somehow get the last blow. You were wrong in this regard because youre biased towards me since you cant stand me. Simply accept for once that you were wrong. Your comparison is quite literally a strawman.

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It’s very easy, just replace word gender with body type, word male with masculine and female with feminine. And then add textbox for gender where you can put whatever made up gender you want.

No thank you - I’d rather keep going until they solve the problem or Blizzard solves it for me. :3

Wasn’t neutral when posted. The fact that you tell people to just ignore problems instead of solving them as well doesn’t bode well.

Nope, I disproved you at every turn but just like conservatives you put your fingers in your ears and go ‘nuh uh I HAVE TO TALK ON THIS SUBJECT EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE NOT TALKING TO ME’

By this logic you’re wrong in this regard because you’re biased towards me since you can’t stand me - as you admitted.

I by the way, can stand you just fine but hey you and Ish LOVE trying to put into your posts what other people are feeling.

You could even take your own advice and use ignore - even though you won’t.

Honestly, I had completely forgotten.

What I do on the forums is look at the avatar and gender based on that. I simply can’t remember everyone and their sexual identities when hiding behind a character on a video game forum.

In this case I was doubly wrong because the Vulpera is female, but I honestly can’t tell. They look extremely androgynous.

Honestly… I just kindda don’t care at this point. It turns out people will use whatever pronouns they think you look like no matter how much they, and I, would like to remember. I’d apologise to her now, but now she’s deliberately misgendering me, so yeah. More than likely she doesn’t even know, and I’m fine with that.

There was this thread about “guess the real life sex of the person above you” and I think I got female 3 times and male 2 times. =)


I don’t understand why it’s a big deal anyway. I’ve been misgendered a lot of times, we ladies tend to get called “he” by default because it’s a male majoritary game.

Is it a shame to be either gender? Not like it’s an insult or anything. I think being a male is totally fine and somebody assuming I’m one is definitely not something that would trigger me.


Your decision. Its unlikely for Blizzard to do something however unless he makes it quite literally his only point of the discussion with the sole intent to harass you.

Yes it was.

You tried to solve them. Didnt work. Not worth the breath if they clearly show no signs of any intention to accept it.

You very clearly didnt xD

This is a forum where everyone can post. Deal. With. It.

I am biased towards you. It however doesnt affect what im posting you. Otherwise i would be entirely negative towards you. There are many people i dont like but theres only one where bias affects what i type and that person as a result doesnt get replies from you as i dont like bias affecting what i type. So no, this doesnt fly im afraid.

And you, again, totally have a credible source for that so you can apply this to my 4.5k (given Kretias-Ravencrest) posts in this forum and the 11k in the old forum.

Nope i wont. Im fully aware of being a hypocrite in this regard. It wont change that the statement remains true.

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I assume any other player is male unless they tell me otherwise. It’s usually not a problem seeing as I’m willing to adjust my speech accordingly.