Can we please have non-binary gender option?

It is. But as i said i dont care.


because calling a spade a spade is forbidden now

I do not have to assume you, nor anyone else is upset in this thread when it is clearly visible, unless you wish to go into a discussion regarding what is shown does not = what it means(An example would be, someone being angry yet states they are “not”)

And no, I do not know anyone in this thread, outside nor inside of the game. They are as much a stranger to me as the next guy.

They asked you to elaborate, and most importantly they asked you what you want, in terms of options as far as the game’s character creation is concerned. Do note here that they asked you personally. It is akin to me asking a friend what they want to eat and they send me an article on foods, effectively dodging the question altogether.

I am editing this post right now to add this: Considering the article/link you, well. linked didn’t answer the question, as the user says. Saying it gives them the answer isn’t an answer. Nor is it that hard to actually give a thoughtfull personlised answer coming from you, instead of the majority whole. Ya get me? Cause if you don’t let me know and I’ll attempt to clarify better

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You would have to have quite a level of being psychic to know what someone is feeling when typing something without firsthand knowing them likely in person and their typing/talk habits, so again. False.

They did not, actually. They just stated for me to elaborate and then went on to get what is non-binary completely wrong as stated from the article unless they edited their post after I responded. Since they gave me a lazy ‘elaborate’ I gave them the lazy re-link of the article that they seemed to not have read, otherwise why ask me to elaborate?

Not really, but it’s clear you’re just here to troll me so
 Gonna make use of something real quick. Especially since you haven’t at all responded to any of the other people you already made a claim you were going to do and instead continue to target me. :wink:

It’s not a think really, I’ve seen the bias. :3

I did not, and you just used it to misgender.

No it would be bad faith, and therefore invalid advice because it wouldn’t solve the problem even in your own mind.

This has same energy of toxic friends when you come out to them and they say “It’s all in your head.”

Being any of those is not a choice, I didn’t decide to like girls as well I’m born this way, and you saying that there is no evidence is basically “I didn’t do research so there is no evidence.”

Like please do some research there are so many videos/essays and research posted on University websites, it’s really not that hard it will take you an hour max to educate yourself and this topic.

I usually like your posts about the game and you’re one of my favorite posters here, but saying “It’s just in your head” is really wrong.


So here is my question. Non-binary is something that only exists in peoples heads. It’s nothing that really exist, at least in Human nature. So why not simply make a character and think it is Non-binary? Just like in real life? Why do you need an option for that?

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You havent.

You did. And ye im just going with you harassing me now at this point by insinuating that i do.

Its still a valid point. Me being a hypocrite doesnt change the validity.

Again, trying to talk to me about what I’ve seen. I have.

I am in fact not harassing you in the first place, if anyone was doing so it would be yo uto me as I’ve only replied to your posts towards me not the other way around since it was you who inserted yourself into a conversation between two people.

It’s bad faith and therefore invalid, actually.

A: Scientific evidence on that. And dont come with sex.

B: You already posted a similar thing above and people ignored it

They need to put sliders so people can make their characters to express themselves, there is an option for Roleplaying addon to put your pronouns so people know how to approach your character.

I honestly wouldn’t mind there being more customization that way, I don’t mind if there is not. It doesn’t really affect me since this is a completely different universe than ours and there are a lot of things working differently in WoW.


Not really. The levels of aggression you displayed on your first reply is clearly indicated you are frustrated, agitated and/or angry, either one of the three. Otherwise there would be no need to actually use such an aggressive tone:

“You do not want to start with me”, Per verbatim might I add.

Just to make sure I didn’t get anything wrong, they literally did ask you exactly the question I forwarded. What you want in terms of options for the game. It is there in text, I can even go fetch the quote if you want. Unless it is as you stated, that they edited the post post-posting or even edited now. I can show you regardless, if that is wanted.

I admit the example I used was
 Far-fetched to say the least but the example is not the point, the concept IS, poor example, same concept. My apologies for that.

And, while yes. I haven’t responded to the others yet, that’s just conversational etiquette. I’m having a conversation with you, thus I’m not going to be an a-hole and just ignore you mid-convo to reply to another person. That’s just rude. Even though I can due to how the forum works and time to respond and whatnot, still would be rude. I’ll get to the others when I get there.

And for the permanent record, I am genuinely not trolling you. I am really not. Even though you may seem to think that is the case, I’ll correct it right now and again say that is honestly not the case.


You havent.

Yes you are by literally saying that i misgendered you while i very clearly have not done so because you assumed me saying strawman was aimed at misgendering you because it included the word man in the word strawman. Telling you several times that it wasnt the case and that the term was used since you used a strawman by defintion and as such pointed out. Also stating i dont know your gender in the first place, which makes intentional misgendering absolutely impossible. And i still dont know your gender since you never confirmed it and i can just make assumptions still. Yet you are still going “YOU HAVE MISGENDERED ME!” despite the facts stating the opposite. Insinuating that i had done so. So yes, this is harassment.

It wont change the validity of what was being said. Someone drinking alcohol could tell you why alcohol is bad with all the scientific facts while still going to drink (and i dont mean an alcoholic). He would be an hypocrite yes, but it wont change the validity of what he was telling you.

Yes really, because you’re quite off the mark. Or else I could try to imply from your own posting habits you’re thinking about self harm and harming others. Would that be correct?

You already got plenty wrong, sorry. Plus, I am not the OP nor am I Non-binary so that’s not particularly a relevant question now is it?

It’s not while online, which shows that you really have no clue what you’re talking about in regards to text based mediums and what other people are ‘feeling’ while typing if you think someone is ‘being rude’ for talking to others more than one at a time among other things.

I have. But feel free to keep digging yourself into that hole - gonna suck to lose it all when it happens.

Yes you have, you never even asked what it is and went on with whatever notions of gender you decided on for me. As I already stated previously in this thread, gender neutral until you do. Which you did not do.

Stop posting at me, stop harassing me.

It does actually, because it was made in bad faith of something you wouldn’t do yourself.

I completely agree with @Vulpicer. You aren’t capable of presenting your arguments properly, and I am a guy who has 2 MA’s and was teaching sociology at a university as a PhD student so the topic we speak about isn’t foreign to me. Also, please do not lie about what I did or did not. I asked you to elaborate, copy pasting a fragment of the article exactly how it is which was proving my logic.

There you go " Non-binary (also spelled nonbinary ) or genderqueer is an umbrella term for [gender identities] that are neither [male] nor [female]—‌identities that are outside the [gender binary]. Non-binary identities fall under the [transgender] umbrella, since non-binary people typically identify with a [gender] that is different from their assigned sex,[[2]]though some non-binary individuals do not consider themselves transgender.[[3]] Another term for non-binary is enby (from the abbreviation ‘NB’).[[4]]"

You provided absolutely nothing proving your logic besides linking the article again, but this is how you discuss things. The article clearly states identity and it also states that your gender identity is different than assigned sex. How is that different than what we have in world of warcraft right now? You have your assigned sex and your character can have any identity it wants to have because you, the player, are the identity.

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You still havent im afraid.

I havent gendered you once in this thread. Saying strawman is not gendering. And i most certainly did not intentionally misgender you as im still unaware of what your gender is in the first place as you never confirmed it. Making it impossible to do so. I have however gendered Ishayo and others.

And for online conversations even a “he” or “him” cant be used as “I was misgendered on purpose” as the intent isnt clear and they are the most common terms used when referring to a person.

I can post at you. I cant however harass you. And that im not doing. You are however still putting words into my mouth or stating “this must be your intention” while having no source for it. You cant flip the tables here im afraid.

It doesnt. The scientific facts wouldn’t change whatsoever.

According to your logic if someone states something that you completely agree with but hes doing the opposite of what he says this would now in return make it invalid even for you given him being a hypocrite would automatically turn everything “x = false”.

It’s about something you like, something you enjoy. There is nothing objective about other than what goes on in your mind. Nobody can look at you and easily see that you’re lesbian, or whatever the case might be.

But why should that mean it’s a delusion?

I elaborated a little further down. I’m not dismissing people who feel this way, merely pointing out that it’s a feeling.

The reason why I’m saying it is that, when creating a World of Warcraft character, it is an entirely virtually physical construct. It supplies the body, you supply the mind. So anything that takes place in your mind is something you do not need the game to offer you at character creation. You just do it.

Of course there is a physical aspect to sexuality
 that being the sex. But WoW doesn’t go there at all for anybody, and honestly I’m glad it doesn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

The council of Goldshire is not amused.


Not quite sure how you got self-harm from something say, me reporting two bugs on the forums or saying a pet is cute. If you got that from the conversation we are having, then I do wish to inform you that you aren’t correct. Especially so since I haven’t displayed such behavior.

Me saying your “Just read my mind” behavior offends me(cause it does. I cannot read minds. Understanding that is not that hard) does not exactly equate to me being unhappy in life to the point I wish to self-harm.

No, not really. One’s wording has an impact on how the readers view the typer. If you really are not frustrated, agitated or so. For the sake of argument, lets assume you’re pretty cheerful at the moment. Why would you then deliberately mislead the reader. Again, I take things at face value.

If you are not upset, don’t write as if you are. Which you did. Even though in subtext(from what I gather) that isn’t the case.

Doesn’t matter if you think I got plenty wrong on other areas cause we’re talking about this one specifically. Which is correct cause again, I went back to read what was written and that question was literally proposed to you, not to OP, not to me, but you. That user asked you.

Perhaps, but how I act online is how I act offline. Also, I want to make it more clearer than I did before. I think it’s rude of me to talk to other people before a conversation with the first person is finished. Does that make more sense? If it doesn’t, let me know and(again) I’ll attempt better clarification.

Oh dear.

I should’ve seen that coming.

But really, even that
 it’s just people using the bodies that WoW supplies. That’s all. Their sexuality as WoW characters is all in their minds. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve never been there

Maybe I should go. Just to behold the horror x’D

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