Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Can be, and it can be contested.

I’m not inventing anything, you’re the one trying to do that by waving your old pseudo science of ‘only 2 sex’s’ which if you scroll up and read the article I linked on that you’d see you’re wrong.

Good, it’s English, so you have no problem anyways. I’m not forcing you to do anything, either.

Yes you have.

Not a strawman, but you continue to use it even after the fact so there you are again trying to so the sly misgender stuff…

Keep threatening me, it’s cute. I told you to stop already.

You’re the one that initiated the conversation and continue to post about me even when not responding to a post about me.

You did.

Not impossible, you did it.

Sure did, yes.

No, it’s not.

Probably they would be, but wow customization levels are very low in general. Frankly, I don’t care about what you suggest, i don’t mind it but I doubt you would achieve an inclusive result, more likely you would get a bunch of taurens in tutus treating it as a joke which I would consider more harm than good to the inclusiveness.

Wouldnt matter. If you use the terms just provide the sources and if you get flagged the flag will be removed and they will be punished for false flagging. Which is typically like a 7day bann based on severity

You already semi threatened me by saying you made a ticket. The ticket is meaningless however as they will redirect you to use the report function. Something that Shyntetlab (forum ticket support) confirmed to me not even 2 days ago.

Qoute me. Go on. I wait.

[quote=“Kretías-tarren-mill, post:246, topic:294326”]
Wouldnt matter. If you use the terms just provide the sources and if you get flagged the flag will be removed and they will be punished for false flagging. Which is typically like a

I got flagged and banned for a day for saying blls a day ago.

Ye and i can see why. You used a naughty word. Or tried to bypass the filter (dont know if its actually censored. Cba to try). And if it was used as a naughty word depending on context then yes you get banned for it. 1day banns are just slaps on the wrists for some minor offenses. I stopped counting the 1day banns. I also dont appeal them as its useless.

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This would be a dream world, as a non-binary person i do not harm anyone, or my intentions and/or personal opinions do not cause threat to other people lives. But just for a second imagine i do the thing he said above. I have a male body, and wearing cute dresses and eye-liner going for a walk. Maybe you will all say yeah you can go ahead, but you know thats impossible for the world we live in. Im not even going to talk about getting jobs or hey yet even be able to walk around without people looking at me like they are irritated.

I was away just came back home, alot of replies thanx everyone for their opinions. I will read them all and hope we can keep this thread civilized. Have fun all!

I guess it depends on the country. While it most certainly isnt the norm i think most people would ignore it. At least in germany. Ye sure thinking and talking to whomever they are with at that moment but ultimately they wont care and just let you do as you please since its your life.

Completely different scenario in certain cities or areas or countries obviously. Especially during drinking hours.

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not even then, this game isn’t like second life or something where, it’s hardly an RPG, this has no place

A game is made by humans. If the humans that make the game want to add RL inspired ideas, then it’s their choice. Your choice as a customer is to leave or stay.

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You are still an insane minority asking for special treatments. Adding the options you are asking for would potentially result in WoW getting banned in some countries which would result in thousands of people not being allowed to play the game anymore just so you have the customization option you want.
Is this a price you are willing to pay? Are you selfish enough to say you don’t care as long as you get what you want?


Some naughty word, but you know, sex is also a naughty word. Idk why you care about him acting like you misgendered him, as if that’s relevant what gender he is, especially since he doesn’t disclose it. Misgendering somebody isn’t a crime or an offence punishable by law if it doesn’t go under harassment in any country of the world I know of.

Sex is not a naughty word. It’s as naughty as ‘‘race’’ , ‘‘height’’, ‘‘eye colour’’ etc

it has no place and the humans in charge of this game will never put it in and talking bout it won’t make them put it in. You as consumer can talk about it all day, they’ll never put it in

Someone is triggered over a hypothetical scenario, calm down, it’s 2021.

Sex means two things, male, female, etc, or Fornication.

Ye that happened with the Male (supposedly based on voice actors) night warrior couple in Ardenweald. Its amazing what people are capable off making a fuss about. Naturally nobody complained about the lesbian couple in legion.

It is. Based on context. Also its mainly about trying to circumvent their mature language filter. The filter is absolutely horrible however given i cant even say the correct term of what i am because its filtered xD

Because its entertaining. I get entertained by the most strangest things. Also it beats waiting for rares.

Ye imma just qoute what i told Isha here.

So now I am rude for simply trying to understand why/how I am coming off as rude? And you are refusing to elaborate why? That’s rude of you. And no, I’m not trying to redirect it. Since you think I am rude, and I say you are rude. That makes us both rude. Which makes us even. And don’t get the wrong idea here:

Attempting to understand is not the same as trying to justify. You say I am rude, I ask you to explain so I know how I come off as rude so as to not repeat it. You saying I’m just generally so gives me absolutely nothing to work with here. You gotta be more specific.

No you did not. You linking 1,2 articles which is just presents the general understanding of Non-binary doesn’t answer his question to you personally on what you would want to added as options in the character creation tool, under the hypothetical scenario that you were non-binary yourself, or knew someone who was/is and were granted the behalf to speak for them.

Let me now be VERY clear with you. I did just now NOT call you non-binary.

Now if you actually can’t answer the question, again. For the 3rd time total: There is nothing wrong with that. In any way, shape or form. And admitting it doesn’t make you less or more of a person. It’s completely o.k :+1:

Not the last one. Nor the one before it. If you think I was. Then I will clarify to you right now that I wasn’t.

I am sorry but this makes no sense at all my friend. For example in China undead characters do not show bones , its all skin covered and some face features are censored, If its gonna be a huge thing in some countries that what i ask, they can simply remove it, its really really sad, but i cant change it as i cant help the girls getting married at 15 years old or 10 years old kids working at mines , but Im willing to change what i can and spread awareness as much as i can , you cannot ignore us by calling us an insane minority. Shame on you miss.

What is that second meaning you speak of? Nonsense and doesn’t belong in a game forum ;))

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