I believe that native english speakers sometimes refer to it as “How’s your father?”
Second time I hear this word. I feel like I am in the 70s.
it’ll never happen and yes it’s 2021, games should focus on useless crap instead of making game better in 2021? xd
People who are trans and none binary are not insane at all please get educated and stop with petty insults .
Member when people with delusions didn’t get a platform? I member
Remember you spreading your anti lqbt+ in every thread i remember .
Where exactly? Really curious what someone like you thinks is “anti”.
Probably an opinion you can’t handle.
Pfff you again?
So according to your “views” everyone with common sense, and the hundreds and thousands of scientists/biologists who worked over for God knows how many decades are all narrowminded and filled with hate.
Facts = 2 genders, rest are fantasy.
Oh and curb your snowflakish trollish replies please, nobody likes and needs them.
Edit: As far as I can see you literally degrading every other person if they have a different opinion than yours, this proves that you are the most toxic person right here. Thank you for highlighting yourself, it’s always better to report and ignore such sad trolls like yourself.
Exactly what i said:
What Is a Delusion?
Delusions are defined as fixed, false beliefs that conflict with reality. Despite contrary evidence, a person in a delusional state can’t let go of these convictions.
I am beginning to gain an appreciation for you, you are so loud with your… views… whilst posting from a male blood elf…
I enjoy oddities
Ah the usual insults from you didnt expect anything less because you can not handle an adult debate or handle people defying you over your hate .
Unless you are posting under a new char i do not know you sorry
Take your own advice thanks and take your insults elsewhere .
Me toxic for defending LQBT+ agiasnt narrowminded bigots like you i gladly be toxic if it means people like you get educated that bieng LBQT+ IS NORMAL .
Science supports that there are 2 sexes. Not genders. Most scientists however agree that gender is more of a social construct as of right now. Emphasis on right now given advances in the brain sector can change this from today to tomorrow. Same reason why trans has received so much advancements from a legal PoV because of the scientific knowledge having changed.
And i am surprised at you for liking a person who is blatant anti LQBT+ .
A common failure in the city guard’s spoken final exam.
It really feels good to know majority of people around like you mate! thanx alot!
So…. no proof or argument? Just what i expected from you. Pathetic
I’m only one thing here, it’s called anti-troll.
Stop projecting this to some community, you are literally here to insult random people.
How a life can be that sad srsly?
no one likes bots

So…. no proof or argument? Just what i expected from you. Pathetic
You know full well linking other threads is against forum rules so i can not do it .
Keep spamming the clown faces shows how toxic you are

I’m only one thing here, it’s called anti-troll
Really could have fooled me with how you spoke about none binary .

, you are literally here to insult random people.
You are doing the same to me and others insulting none binary hypocrit much ?

How a life can be that sad srsly?
You tell me .

You already semi threatened me by saying you made a ticket. The ticket is meaningless however as they will redirect you to use the report function. Something that Shyntetlab (forum ticket support) confirmed to me not even 2 days ago.
You are using straw man to misgender me, which is why you keep using the term despite me bringing it up with you. Just like you keep misgendering me in other posts relating to me.

redirect you to use the report function.
They will not, and have not in past tickets.

Qoute me. Go on. I wait.
I will not. I already pointed those out earlier in the thread. So, how long you wait on that is up to your reading.

A game is made by humans. If the humans that make the game want to add RL inspired ideas, then it’s their choice. Your choice as a customer is to leave or stay.
Perhaps, but people that wanted to play the implementation of mechagnomes we got is probably less than those interested in non-binary features for characters.

You are still an insane minority asking for special treatments.
Should probably fix your heteronormative views, thanks.

So now I am rude for simply trying to understand why/how I am coming off as rude?
You’re rude for targetting and harassing me specifically, along with throwing it in there what I ‘feel’ when I’m typing among other things. You’re the one that set the whole thing up of it’s entirely up to whoever is responding to dictate what the person is feeling/meant in the first place. This is on you.

No you did not. You linking 1,2 articles which is just presents the general understanding of Non-binary doesn’t answer his question to you personally on what you would want to added as options in the character creation tool, under the hypothetical scenario that you were non-binary yourself, or knew someone who was/is and were granted the behalf to speak for them
Yes I did, I didn’t just link the articles I elaborated further but you instead ignored that. So again you’re bad faith posting at me and harassing me telling me to answer something I’ve already answered.

Not the last one. Nor the one before it. If you think I was. Then I will clarify to you right now that I wasn’t.
Yes they were.

Oh and curb your snowflakish trollish replies please, nobody likes
Sorry, you’re quite a few years off the science and are now quoting old psuedo science. There are more than 2 genders. More than 2 sex’s. Science has backed that up!

Stop projecting this to some community, you are literally here to insult random people.
You’re the one that does that, and you did it again.