Can we please have non-binary gender option?

Certainly doesn’t sound like any English I know, that’s for sure.

Then perhaps you should continue your studies?

That is true, mechagnomes are a disgusting failure atm, hoping for good customisation options akin to northrend mechagnomes

This type of threads bring the literal worst in people, it’s sad how bad WoW community is, people say that League is one of the most toxic games on the market but when Riot did pride event with rainbows and LGBTQ+ emotes no one complained and it was supported by the community.


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That was good and informative read. Thank you!

useless stuff being forced onto game forums bring out the worst in ppl yes

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But how is it forced? For example if there was a third gender you could chose you just don’t?

So how is it forced?

Edit: I’m not even saying that there should be, it should be sliders for more customization I just don’t think it’s “FORCED” at all.

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Are they not named something else in northrend not Mecha ? i forget now as i have not bee there in years .

these kind of topics returning every time makes it forced, if they didn’t want to force it, they’d have let go by now after countless failed appeals

edit: perhaps i should have said, repeated attempts at forcing conversation about implementing useless things into this game that could use many real improvements brings out the worst in ppl

You and the troll warlock clearly can’t interpret simple sentences. Yet you are using big words and don’t even know the meaning of it. :frowning: It’s like talking to a wall.
I advise everyone else just to ignore, and do not fed them further, they are fat enough.

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Could you please tell me what is being forced here? Also what is useless my friend? I was just asking if a simple addition can be made with absolutely no gameplay impact.
 I think not much needed to bring the worst out of you guys then.

The clown face is you because you point and attack with no proof and call anyone with another opinion a bigot.

Just like every delusional nutjob.



You’re mistaking Sex and Gender. You are born with a biological Sex, you are not necessarily born with a biological Gender. In many, by far most, cases the two will coincide, but not always.

That rather sounds like a ‘Them’ problem for being regressive regimes. It sucks to live in countries with such backwards thinking, for sure, but that is not the province of a computer game to remedy, rather for social change and electoral reform.

Besides, as I stated earlier, you create your character as what they identify as. Your character is genderfluid? Fine, pick a sex at character gen and play it that way. Your character is Trans and was born the other Sex? Fine, pick a sex at character gen that reflects the sex they identify as. You literally have the options that real life does not automatically give you!

If My character met a female looking character in RP and they told me they were born male I’d be like… “OK, I don’t get that personally, but fair enough, it doesn’t cause me any issues” Same as like, y’know, real life?

This is sad but true, hopefully the Biden Administration will reverse some of the damage Trump did (Dismantling death camps for kids would be a good start!) but it is a bizarre country, supposedly the land of the Free, yet with some very repressive tendencies, and far too much importance placed upon Religion, rather than actual knowledge and facts.

Good for you. It harms no one. It breaks no Laws.(In civilised countries) and anyone who has a problem with it, frankly, -IS- the problem. You mention getting employment whilst doing so? Yes, that would be a problem, because some employers can be head in the sand douchecanoes, That is a -them- problem, which they make a -you- problem. A Small amount of vicarious pleasure can be taken in thinking “Ahh, but I will outlive you…one day, you will be dribbling away, unable to curb your own bowel functions, and people will remember you as a nasty, bitter old horror and be glad when you are dead, whereas I will still be living my life and enjoying it…”

I say this…but…

The younger generation now seem to be reverting to that weird old stereotype, it is almost like we hit a ‘sweet spot’ where people are just tolerant, usually now in their 50’s-30’s and before and after that it is just a howling abyss of anger at how other people live their lives. Maybe it will swing back to being tolerant again. These things generally do.

Supposed to be though, isn’t it? I mean it is billed as an MMORPG…

Countries which in fairness are massively regressive. I don’t think we should be bending over to make the weak feel stronger.

I mean by definition, that is what those societally weak countries are doing? I DGAF what Sky Daddy says, and it should have no impact on gaming.

I think we know why that is, let us be brutally honest. Horny teen boys. Lesbians=Hawt, two Gay blokes = Urrrgh! Get it off my screen! It’s an Agenda!

I’d love to say that this is a gross misrepresentation of the act of carnal intercourse within British Slang, but it is absolutely 100% on the nose. “A Bit of ‘How’s your Father’” “Hanky Panky” “A Bit of Nookie” “Bumping Uglies” “Knocking Boots” and much much more…

I mean for goodness sake, there was a whole film studio that released ‘Carry On’ films based around all that kind of innuendo. (“Innuendo? In -Your-endo!”) Don’t even get me started on ‘Carry on up the Khyber’.

Unless we are talking to some Antediluvian creature that predates recorded history, no you don’t. You don’t remember that. People with Delusions have had a platform for quite a long time now, thousands of years. Even to the extent where they got to tell people that some forms of love were naughty according to Sky Daddy…


Failuregnome or junkgnome, iirc :thinking:

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Calling is trolls because we do not bow down to your anti trans and none binary comments ? wow some piece of work you are . Keeping spreading your hate its people like you with your anti LQBT+ hate who are the trolls not us .

Telling others to ignore someone else, yet another forum CoC…

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that’s what useless means, game is full of flaws, this is not the topic and you’re a troll


Let’s say the platform has become allot bigger in recent years, with no chill from one side of the spectrum.

Stop replying me, you are repeating the same hateful thing over and over. Nothing new or thoughtful.


supposed to be, labeled as, doesn’t make it one.